Hugh Jarse
Rocky Elsom (76)
2015 ASRU Championships Results Summary:
MONDAY, 29 JUNE 2015 MATCH DAY 1 Division I Pool Matches
1000 Game 1: Div 1 VIC 17 def by NSW I 50
1130 Game 2: Div 1 CS 0 def by QLD I 43
1300 Game 3: Div 1 QLD II 30 def WA 13
1430 Game 4: Div 1 NSW II 27 def ACT 19
TUESDAY, 30 JUNE 2015 MATCH DAY 2 Division II Round Robin Matches
1130 Game 5: Div 2 NT 25 def Lloyd McDermott XV 21
1300 Game 6: Div 2 SA 77 def TAS 0
WEDNESDAY, 1 JULY 2015 MATCH DAY 3 Division I Pool Matches
1000 Game 7: Div1 WA 0 def by NSW I 76
1130 Game 8: Div 1 QLD I 55 def ACT 0
1300 Game 9: Div 1 QLD II 34 def VIC 18
1430 Game 10: Div 1 NSW II 45 def CS 17
Division II Round Robin Matches
1000 Game 11: Div 2 NT 12 def by SA 43
1130 Game 13: Div 2 TAS 0 def by Lloyd McDermott XV 106
Division I Pool Matches
1000 Game 12: Div 1 ACT 19 def CS 14
1130 Game 14: Div 1 VIC 36 def WA 24
1300 Game 15: Div 1 NSW II 0 def by QLD I 20
1430 Game 16: Div 1 NSW I 31 def QLD II 11
FRIDAY, 3 JULY 2015 MATCH DAY 5 Division II Round Robin Matches
1000 Game 17: Div 2 TAS 5 def by NT 62
1130 Game 18: Div 2 SA 32 def Lloyd McDermott XV 19
0900 Game 19: Division I: WA 28 def by Combined States 31 (7th/8th)
1015 Game 20: Division I: VIC 32 def ACT 15 (5th/6th)
1130 Game 21: Division I: QLD II 22 def NSW II 12 (3rd/4th)
1245 Game 22: Division I: NSW I 22 def QLD I 20 (1st/2nd)
Division II Champions South Australia win the Charles Blunt Trophy. Runners Up Northern Territory with the Merv Allen Plate.
Division I Champions NSW I win the BH 'Jika' Sir Edward Travers Shield.
Runners up QLD I win the Sir Edward 'Weary' Dunlop Shield.
NSW I Captain, Jack McGREGOR was awarded the RUPA award for player of the match in the final.
Pic credit and full story here:
MONDAY, 29 JUNE 2015 MATCH DAY 1 Division I Pool Matches
1000 Game 1: Div 1 VIC 17 def by NSW I 50
1130 Game 2: Div 1 CS 0 def by QLD I 43
1300 Game 3: Div 1 QLD II 30 def WA 13
1430 Game 4: Div 1 NSW II 27 def ACT 19
TUESDAY, 30 JUNE 2015 MATCH DAY 2 Division II Round Robin Matches
1130 Game 5: Div 2 NT 25 def Lloyd McDermott XV 21
1300 Game 6: Div 2 SA 77 def TAS 0
WEDNESDAY, 1 JULY 2015 MATCH DAY 3 Division I Pool Matches
1000 Game 7: Div1 WA 0 def by NSW I 76
1130 Game 8: Div 1 QLD I 55 def ACT 0
1300 Game 9: Div 1 QLD II 34 def VIC 18
1430 Game 10: Div 1 NSW II 45 def CS 17
Division II Round Robin Matches
1000 Game 11: Div 2 NT 12 def by SA 43
1130 Game 13: Div 2 TAS 0 def by Lloyd McDermott XV 106
Division I Pool Matches
1000 Game 12: Div 1 ACT 19 def CS 14
1130 Game 14: Div 1 VIC 36 def WA 24
1300 Game 15: Div 1 NSW II 0 def by QLD I 20
1430 Game 16: Div 1 NSW I 31 def QLD II 11
FRIDAY, 3 JULY 2015 MATCH DAY 5 Division II Round Robin Matches
1000 Game 17: Div 2 TAS 5 def by NT 62
1130 Game 18: Div 2 SA 32 def Lloyd McDermott XV 19
0900 Game 19: Division I: WA 28 def by Combined States 31 (7th/8th)
1015 Game 20: Division I: VIC 32 def ACT 15 (5th/6th)
1130 Game 21: Division I: QLD II 22 def NSW II 12 (3rd/4th)
1245 Game 22: Division I: NSW I 22 def QLD I 20 (1st/2nd)
Division II Champions South Australia win the Charles Blunt Trophy. Runners Up Northern Territory with the Merv Allen Plate.
Division I Champions NSW I win the BH 'Jika' Sir Edward Travers Shield.
Runners up QLD I win the Sir Edward 'Weary' Dunlop Shield.
NSW I Captain, Jack McGREGOR was awarded the RUPA award for player of the match in the final.

Pic credit and full story here: