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Australian Schoolboys & National Championships 2015

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Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
@Theman123, I think that Cam Murray (perhaps influenced/encouraged by other parties) made himself unavailable for selection into Australian (or any Representative) Schoolboy rugby, choosing to concentrate on a tilt for Representation in the Dark Code, which he was ultimately successful in.

Depending which way you look at it, either the Dark Code or HeavensGame deliberately schedule their trial competitions and tests so that boys can't play in both codes. Plenty think this to be the case. Perhaps there is nothing nefarious about the timings (we all like to play the victim card, and get the tin foil hats and pitchforks out far too often), and it is just a reflection of the limited amount of time available to the players and coaches (they are schoolteachers and most have a "normal" job to do) for their extracurricular activities, in a very crowded academic year.

Apparently some kids are at school to learn stuff, even some of the talented athletes.

The "Test Match" schedule was kindly provided by @Monty Python on page 1 of this thread.
Click on this link to find them:

All games are in Brisbane. The "Season" is from 21 September to 2 October.

Uncle Joe

Herbert Moran (7)
Tom Wright may be injured but he has signed a three year deal with Manly rugby league. Another talent lost to the dark side.

Lee Grant

John Eales (66)
Can confirm he signed with Manly.

He had an ACL operation on Tuesday and wouldn't have been playing for Oz Schools or the Youth 7s anyway.


Ken Catchpole (46)
Jeeze Louise - opting for League over becoming an Olympian!
Must have caused a lot of heartache coming to that decision.

Lee Grant

John Eales (66)
Really happy to see Nicholas JOOSTE from Hale School (WA) getting the call up for the Barbarians.

He has also been named in the 2015 Perth Spirit NRC squad, while still at school.

A very good player and mature beyond his years as a flyhalf.

Unusually for a Aussie Schools flyhalf he is an adroit game manager, but there is a bit of size about him and he is not afraid to take the ball to the tackle line either.

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
That was not my point.
TheMan's nominees (a) did not include LL and (b) all came from GPS.
Picking only boys from GPS would indeed be short sighted.

I note that Luke Lough played some game time for Augustines in the Waratah Shield final.
If fit he would not be out of place in any of these teams.


Alfred Walker (16)
For those interested I contacted the Australian Schools Rugby Union to see if the matches were to be televised and was advised.

Matches will be live streamed - most likely via the Reds or ARU websites. This will be announced on the ASRU website.

When I pointed out the disappointing feeds from the National championship I received the following reply:

Riverview is a well-known “black hole” for any sort of mobile communications – which caused the failure of the live streaming for the championships.

I have been told by the production company they have tested the various venues in Brisbane for transmission strength and all should be fine…

Hopefully the technology gods will be kinder this time around!

Happy to Chat

Nev Cottrell (35)
Anybody have thoughts on who will be in the starting line up for Aus?
1 Harry Johnson-Holmes NSW
2 Tom Horton NSW
3 Harrison Chapman NSW
4 Lachlan Anderson NSW
5 Ryan Mccauley NSW
6 Max Girdler NSW
7 Nate Gittoes Qld
8 Reec Hewat Qld
9 Harrison Goddard NSW
10 Jack McGregor NSW
11 Sepesa Loga Tarogi NSW
12 Daniel England NSW
13 Simon Kennewell NSW
14 Dylan Riley Qld
15 Jayden Ngamanu Qld
1 Harry Hoopert – Q1
2 Efi Ma’afu – Q1
3 Gavin Luka – Q1
4 Darcy Swain – Q1
5 Lachlan Swinton – N2
6 Kalala Meni – Q1
7 Charlie Smith – N1
8 Sam Wallis – Q2
9 Theo Strang – N2
10 Hamish Stewart – Q1
11 Kris Verevis – Q1
12 Nick Jooste - WA
13 Len Ikitau – Q1
14 Villiam Latu – N1
15 ????
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