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Beale to Tahs, where?

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Will Genia (78)
Staff member
If Beale comes to the Tahs, the abundance of quality players in the backline is a good problem to have.

I think Cheika is a very fair coach who rewards strong training and matchday performance. I think there is zero chance that Foley will be dumped to the bench just because Beale has a better pedigree. Beale will have to really earn the jersey if he wants to start at 10.

Likewise, I think Jono Lance will get opportunity at the Tahs. He's a good rugby player and if he works really hard, Cheika will present him with opportunities.


John Thornett (49)
Agreed, BH. I don't think Cheika will drop Foley either, but a few posters have called for that to happen.

Depth is increasingly important in Super Rugby and we now have that in the backs, to an enviable extent. But for the first time in a while, our forward stocks are looking a bit thin.


Mark Ella (57)
Would pressure be brought to bear on Michael Cheika to select KB (Kurtley Beale) ahead of Bernard Foley, seeing as KB (Kurtley Beale) is more in the public eye?

Or will Michael Cheika say "Fuck that" and select who he likes?


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
Would pressure be brought to bear on Michael Cheika to select KB (Kurtley Beale) ahead of Bernard Foley, seeing as KB (Kurtley Beale) is more in the public eye?

Or will Michael Cheika say "Fuck that" and select who he likes?

I'd be really surprised if that was the case.

Particularly as Foley is now part of the current 30 man Wallaby squad and played really well at 10 all season, I think he has built up plenty of public support.

If anything, the pressure should be not to dislodge Foley because he is fairly universally liked by Tahs fans and deservedly so.


Dick Tooth (41)
Would pressure be brought to bear on Michael Cheika to select KB (Kurtley Beale) ahead of Bernard Foley, seeing as KB (Kurtley Beale) is more in the public eye?

Or will Michael Cheika say "Fuck that" and select who he likes?

He resisted this kind of pressure when he was Leinster coach, so he'd have no problems doing it again. Also in his tenure with the Tahs he has been about rewarding good performances on the training paddock and in club rugby, Foley will get first shot at nailing down the 10 jersey and rightly so. If Beale works hard and his form warrants a shot he will get one but right now Foley is first choice.


Steve Williams (59)
Personally would have thought:

9. Phipps
10. Foley
11. Crawford
12. Horne
13. AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper)
14. Folau
15. Beale

21. Lucas/McKibbon
22. Lance
23. Betham

With those 8 non-scrummies playing most of the matches, along with Volavola and any other backs being rotated through for injuries & suspensions etc.

Lee Grant

John Eales (66)
I think Cheika is a very fair coach who rewards strong training and matchday performance.

I don't think he gives a rat's arse about what a player's name is or how big their scrapbook is.

He will pick on form and attitude.

As far as Beale is concerned: he is just the kind of coach that Beale needs.

I liked his use of the squad this year and he didn't hesitate to replace a player, nor to replace the replacement, if he didn't do the job — nor to give a second chance.

No doubt others had a few qualms here or there but they would have been marginal compared to some selections they saw in recent years.

I will be interested to see how Cheika finalises his squad, including the EPS, and somehow get schoolboy stars Kellaway and Jones to stay in Sydney when they will probably be offered EPS spots elsewhere.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
The mail has to be Kellaway to the Wicks and Jones to the Rats, and both to Tahs Academy and EPS or a Horwitz like invitation to train with the Main Squad.

Find a place for Jim Stewart as well who has been performing creditably for Uni in Colts and a couple of Grade cameos.


Chris McKivat (8)
The mail has to be Kellaway to the Wicks and Jones to the Rats, and both to Tahs Academy and EPS or a Horwitz like invitation to train with the Main Squad.

Find a place for Jim Stewart as well who has been performing creditably for Uni in Colts and a couple of Grade cameos.

HJ you hit the nail on the head identifying Horwitz & Stewrat as potential Tahs players. The bigger reason to sign these two is the distinct lack of centres in the squad. At this stage Horne and AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) appear to be it, and i would count on any of the otuside backs shifting in, id rather develop someone with potential who is actually a centre.

That said, i would almost like to see Beale at 12 for a game or two, see if his acceleration makes a difference or creates a headache for the defense?

On the 2 current school boys mentioned previously, those two in particular are head and shoulders above the rest in terms of skill, and if the Tahs don't lock them in, someone else will definately have the time and money to do so.

Interesting times ahead for both of those boys and the tahs. I am still waiting to see the depth and cover in the centres, i am starting to become concerned it is an issue!


Tony Shaw (54)
Find a place for Jim Stewart as well who has been performing creditably for Uni in Colts and a couple of Grade cameos.

With the Uni colts winning by heaps every week even I, at 63, could look good in that team. He needs to be tested in the hottest fire we've got first, sadly enough that's only Shute first grade. If he's not regularly playing first or second grade he should not even be considered for an EPS spot. EPS players have to be able to step up and play Super rugby when injuries hit. That is too big a jump for someone playing colts.

By all means let him train with the wider squad and carry the water maybe if you think he's got potential. But in a 20 game season you cannot have passengers with potential even in the EPS.


Ron Walden (29)
Beale off to the NRL. If he was/is on a drinking ban, the ARU had no option but to kick him out of the game.


John Hipwell (52)
I'd be more than happy for the Reds to take Turner. Hard to believe he is only 26. His experience would be great in the Reds back 3 somewhere.
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