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Bledisloe #1 New Zealand vs Australia, August 7 2021

Cancelled Account

Desmond Connor (43)
Take stats as you will but some interesting ones.


BPA - 16 (missed 1)
Hooper -15 (2)
Wilson -14 (2)
Slipper - 13

Loloesio missed 4 tackles.
On Stan pre-game lead up, the section with Noah and Tate, and Noah said he likes playing flyhalf because you don’t need to tackle as much. Or something of the like. That comment raised alarm bells for an international flyhalf to have that perception of his flyhalf duties. He needs to shake that mindset and improve his tackling abilities to keep in the race.

Cancelled Account

Desmond Connor (43)
Overall I thinks WBs are looking decent, if not spectacular. Most of the young players are showing flashes of being test players and are making some errors that can be chalked up to inexperience. The depth at forwards right now is better than I can remember in recent memory. No more Timani or Simmons starting or being the first subs, no offense to them. There's very little drop off when subs come in.

As a former winger sometimes the ball just doesn't come your way and I don't think you can hate Petaia for not being more involved. The Kellaway try was obviously not on Petaia's side of the field and the kick through was more to Banks in the middle than outside where Petaia was hanging out. He needs some work, but what player in their early twenties doesn't? Same goes for Lolesio, Paisami.

Not sold on Banks at 15, he's a fine stop gap but ultimately I think you want a lot more from your 15 at international rugby. He's objectively worse than the AB's first 5-10 options and wouldn't get a look in at most international sides (Eng., France, SA, IRE, Scotland, Wales etc.). He reminds me a lot of Jessie Mogg in that respect. I think Hodge would have performed about as well today and would have done a better job kicking for touch. He's also a stop gap kind of player.
Banks. I have mixed emotions with him being hot and cold in every game. He seems to be in the right places in attack and I question whether Hodge and possibly Petaia would also offer that. A tough one. His kicking is not bad but it ain’t great. How’s the falcon.


Tim Horan (67)
well I’m already loading up on the ABs on Betfair then. Why weren’t there overseas officials already in the country for tonight’s game? I doubt they planned to use only Aus/NZ ones, in which case there are already some in quarantine.

Have no idea, they are appointed by WR (World Rugby). I suspect they may of quarantined in Aus? Until Gladys decided to give Covid a free rub in NSW, they were being able to travel over here with no quarantine. As the Pumas and Boks are going to do. You may find there are overseas ones already in Aus.


Tim Horan (67)
We outscored them 4 tries to 3. Poor kicking in the wind, a few questionable1st half penalties, and an intercept.
Why make changes just in the name of experience?
Pick the team based on form and performance - not caps.

4 tries to 3?? You miss a couple of math's classes at school?:p


Tim Horan (67)
I must admit, I gave myself a bit of a growling this morning, I was a bit disappointed with ABs last night, and that's unfair to Wallabies. ABs won test by 8 points, to a Wallaby team that is not as bad as some make out. Think DP hit nail on prverbial head with how game went, but in reality ABs never really looked like losing to a fairly ok Wallaby team. Of course I can be disappointed we keep taking foot off gas when test tied up, and I don't think we used wind in first half, but it was a test win.

Cancelled Account

Desmond Connor (43)
I must admit, I gave myself a bit of a growling this morning, I was a bit disappointed with ABs last night, and that's unfair to Wallabies. ABs won test by 8 points, to a Wallaby team that is not as bad as some make out. Think DP hit nail on prverbial head with how game went, but in reality ABs never really looked like losing to a fairly ok Wallaby team. Of course I can be disappointed we keep taking foot off gas when test tied up, and I don't think we used wind in first half, but it was a test win.
It’s probably one of the worst games I have seen from AB. Not because of the small mistakes like dropping a ball but their game plan was in disarray. When the bench come on the players didn’t know what they were doing. It was a awkward transition which is usually seamless for the AB. The game could have gone the Wallabies way at the 60min mark.

Kenny Powers

Ron Walden (29)
As I have said repeatedly, we need three genuine targets.

That would require selecting a Ned Hanigan or Dean Mumm type player as was done in the past. That will bring out the haters or maybe they have just watched too much league to appreciate the difference to rugby. Hitting the line and big tackling can get you rated as a league player. You need to bring more to Union. We a need a 6 or 8 that can bring more with lineout capability. Swinton, Valenti and Wilson are all cut from a similar cloth.


Tim Horan (67)
It’s probably one of the worst games I have seen from AB. Not because of the small mistakes like dropping a ball but their game plan was in disarray. When the bench come on the players didn’t know what they were doing. It was a awkward transition which is usually seamless for the AB. The game could have gone the Wallabies way at the 60min mark.

I thought Wallabies were well on top the last 15 minutes, and agree when bench came on it looked messy, I not sure how much was ABs taking foot off as game was basically won, or Wallabies stepped up more (good chance too) or whatever, but don't think ABs were ever going to lose once they opened up the score.

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
well I’m already loading up on the ABs on Betfair then. Why weren’t there overseas officials already in the country for tonight’s game? I doubt they planned to use only Aus/NZ ones, in which case there are already some in quarantine.

Sorry to disappoint you but there's not going to be neutral referees flown in while the current quarantine situation exists in Aust and NZ

Having neutral officials for sporting matches would be a long way down the list of priorities for any government at this point.

New Zealand v Australia
Eden Park, Auckland
Saturday, 7 August, 2021
Referee: Paul Williams (NZR)
Assistant Referee 1: Mike Fraser (NZR)
Assistant Referee 2: Brendon Pickerill (NZR)
TMO: Glenn Newman (NZR)
New Zealand v Australia
Eden Park, Auckland
Saturday, 14 August, 2021
Referee: Brendon Pickerill (NZR)
Assistant Referee 1: Paul Williams (NZR)
Assistant Referee 2: Mike Fraser (NZR)
TMO: Glenn Newman (NZR)



Ken Catchpole (46)
All blacks didn't extend when they could have. The started to move into 4th gear early in the second half and then dropped back to 1st for some reason.

Wallabies just lack a lot of skills in execution. The challenging conditions weren't the problem. The control group handled the conditions fine.


Phil Kearns (64)
That would require selecting a Ned Hanigan or Dean Mumm type player as was done in the past. That will bring out the haters or maybe they have just watched too much league to appreciate the difference to rugby. Hitting the line and big tackling can get you rated as a league player. You need to bring more to Union. We a need a 6 or 8 that can bring more with lineout capability. Swinton, Valenti and Wilson are all cut from a similar cloth.

Another glaringly obvious choice would be LSL (Lukhan Salakaia-Loto) at 6.

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
That would require selecting a Ned Hanigan or Dean Mumm type player as was done in the past. That will bring out the haters or maybe they have just watched too much league to appreciate the difference to rugby. Hitting the line and big tackling can get you rated as a league player. You need to bring more to Union. We a need a 6 or 8 that can bring more with lineout capability. Swinton, Valenti and Wilson are all cut from a similar cloth.

I think Swinton is more than passable at lineout but maintain FLW (Fergus Lee-Warner) might just be the best all round No 6. Pity he can't seem to catch Rennie's eye.

Slim 293

Stirling Mortlock (74)
I wouldn’t mind seeing 6. Swinton 8. Valetini for the next round, with Naisarani on the bench………..

Harsh on Wilson, but those 3 might just provide a bit more impact against the AB’s.


Ken Catchpole (46)
The other waste of effort move that needs to be shelved is the scrum looking to win a penalty on our own feed. I reckon more often than not it ends with a penalty the other way. Just leave the domineering antics for scrums the opposition feed ffs.
Yep, another "lost opportunity" (as the Stan commentary team harped on on on about) when we had the ball won easily, trapped it at the back, and gave away a penalty.
Just give the backs clean quick ball.


John Eales (66)
I wouldn’t mind seeing 6. Swinton 8. Valetini for the next round, with Naisarani on the bench………..

Harsh on Wilson, but those 3 might just provide a bit more impact against the AB’s.
Valetini didn’t offer a lot of impact, I don’t mind your thinking but I’d be swapping him and Naisarani around, I reckon Valetini is the perfect bench player.


Dave Cowper (27)
Is Naisarani not a genuine 3rd lineout option? I havent seen him jump so i have no ideq, but at 195cm hes not a short backrower