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CAS 2018

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1. McGuiggan (W)
2. Pollard (B)
3. Unsure...
4. Whiteman (W) (NSW - 2017)
5. Dring (B)
6. May (C) probably one of Cranbrook best since kemmeny- only didn’t make anything because injured last year.
7. Reimer (B) (NSW 2017)
8. Moretti (W) (Aus Schoolboys - 2017)
9. Chambers/Tejcek (T/B) NSW-2017)
10. Pollack (A) (NSW u16’s)
11. Leigh (K)
12. Hutchinson-Walters (W)
13. Ilias (T) (NSW -2017)
14. Galloway (B)
15. Cameron (K)

A very strong back 4-8, mobile, big, powerful and lots of different skill sets. Also means all of them can jump?

Pollack over Edmed because he has a left foot kick. I prefer Chambers over Tejcek because Tejcek has still not fixed his right to left pass.. but know they will pick him anyway.

The two centres are league players, but they will be the X factors.

Then we have speed to burn in our back 3.

Can all of them play NSW? 5 already have - the other 10 are close! (Except for 3!)



1. Ginis (T)
2. Spalding (A)
3. ??
4. ??
5. Flaherty (B)
6. Murphy (W)
7. Molloy (W)
8. Rahme (A)
9. Chambers/Tejcek (T/B)
10. Edmed (T)
11. Baldwin (W)
12. Glassie (K)
13. Branagan (A)
14. Rechner (K) (wasted on the wing?)
15. Westbury (A)


This is not a rebuilding year for Kings. My guess is that at the end of the year all of us will look back on this Barker v Kings game as a battle of the two top school sides for both CAS and GPS.. Time will tell.

Having now watched the game, I strongly disagree. You may have been caught up in the excitment of the close game.

That Kings team is young, made lots of mistakes and didn’t have the strength of the 2017 kings that came second. Doesn’t mean Barker won’t come first (they should unless they choke), but Kings won’t beat many in GPS, especially not Scots.


Probably not next time, if you know what I mean.


Do you have a couple glasses of red before you post sometimes? I can’t always understand what you are saying?


Arch Winning (36)

Do you have a couple glasses of red before you post sometimes? I can’t always understand what you are saying?

Ha, no it was meant to be cryptic for you to work out.

Not sure if you know but you have solved it in your no. 12 for the CAS 1st team, so no point running at him.

Also I am pretty sure no. Waves (Murphy) will make CAS 1s, a machine like Moretti.


Bill Watson (15)
1. McGuiggan (W)
2. Pollard (B)
3. Unsure.
4. Whiteman (W) (NSW - 2017)
5. Dring (B)
6. May (C) probably one of Cranbrook best since kemmeny- only didn’t make anything because injured last year.
7. Reimer (B) (NSW 2017)
8. Moretti (W) (Aus Schoolboys - 2017)
9. Chambers/Tejcek (T/B) NSW-2017)
10. Pollack (A) (NSW u16’s)
11. Leigh (K)
12. Hutchinson-Walters (W)
13. Ilias (T) (NSW -2017)
14. Galloway (B)
15. Cameron (K)

A very strong back 4-8, mobile, big, powerful and lots of different skill sets. Also means all of them can jump?

Pollack over Edmed because he has a left foot kick. I prefer Chambers over Tejcek because Tejcek has still not fixed his right to left pass.. but know they will pick him anyway.

The two centres are league players, but they will be the X factors.

Then we have speed to burn in our back 3.

Can all of them play NSW? 5 already have - the other 10 are close! (Except for 3!)

Pan at 3 for Knox was a standout last saturday if your looking for a no.3


Bill Watson (15)
plenty of no.3's if your not wearing blinkers

Not wearing blinkers at all. I just threw his name in the mix after i saw him play for the 1st time on saturday and i thought he did well, and i've havent seen any of the other 3's as yet....... as the post i replied to said 3. unsure........so pull your head in!!
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I love Knox

Stan Wickham (3)
not wearing blinkers at all.just threw his name in the mix and i saw him play for the 1st time on saturday and i thought he did well, and i've havent seen any of the other 3's as yet... as the post i replied to said 3. unsure....so pull your head in

Well said mate,

Ienco could definitely make a case for the spot this year. Always a good problem for selectors to have.

Any predictions of how CAS will fair against GPS this year in their representative game?

rod skellet

Bob Davidson (42)
A quick shout out to any adult (non schoolboy) Knox, Trinity, Aloys or Cranbrook supporters who are will to put some time and effort into writing game reports this season.

We are in need of your assistance.

send me a message here if you are interested. you only need to report on your home games, during the season proper, but you can get some practise by doing some trial game reports.


Stan Wickham (3)
  • CAS OPENS 2018
    1. McGuiggan (W)
    2. Pollard (B)
    3. Unsure.
    4. Flahtery (B)
    5. Yates (K)
    6. May (C) .
    7. Reimer (B)
    8. Moretti (W)
    9. Tejcek (B)
    10. Pollack (A)
    11. Leigh (K)
    12. Hutchinson-Walters (W
    13. Ilias (T)
    14. Galloway (B)
    15. Cameron (K)

    Dring (B) played most of season last year at breakaway.
    CAS need 2 big second rowers Flaherty from Barker is 6ft4 100kg and Yates from Knox is 6ft8 at 112kg. The 2 of the would provide a huge weight/height factor against GPS given we has speed in our 3 loose forwards,
    Tejcek is currently playing good rugby.
    Number 3 position I will let you now later as I have a few in mind.


Herbert Moran (7)
Trinity struggled to convert against pats. They were the better team in every aspect however Pats certainly had more grit and courage defending for long periods of time without the ball down to 14/13 players. Certainly a common thread for trinity over the years. If the boys from summer hill realise that they need to show some mongrel and do the hards they might have a solid season however I didn't see any of that at st pats against a much smaller and less skillful team. Cant see trinity doing an damage against the stronger teams.
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Stan Wickham (3)
Thank you all for clarifying that, well done. That's funny you said that Whiteman was the best for Waverley against Riverview last week as Nick Hartman article in green and Gold mention that the best were No 3 Aholelei, 6 Murphy and 7 Molley.
Just because a player didn't play reps last year for CAS or NSW the selectors should overlook these boys. I know of at least 4 boys that have never played reps for school but have played reps for Gordon, NSW Country and Randwick. You also have other players that never had the ability as other boys but have now become a better player than those that play reps last year. I also now of 2 boys that were injured and were unavailable last year.
Selectors need to be picking the best players at the time of selections not going on who played what reps last year.


Stan Wickham (3)
I never watched Ben last weekend as I was watching my son at Barker. Ben is a friend of my son. U assume he played for Gordon, Randwick or country reps. Wrong. I'm just giving credit were it was due at the time of that post my son and I watch Ben play Stannies. Yes your correct it is the big league. I'm just saying that the selectors should select the best players at the time of selection.


Stan Wickham (3)
As I mention in previous comment I'm a Barker supporter. I never said you were a Waverley supporter. I have mentioned Ben before because I was there at the game watching him and believed he played well and deserved comment.
Yesterdays post I also mentioned that Flahtery from Barker deserves a shot. I don't favor any one player or which school he goes to when it comes to reps. I'm just a big supporter of selecting the correct players on performance at time of selection.
I agree with redblack boys again should be pick on form not from promotion on green and gold.
BTW I dont know redblack and I'm not sure who he supports but agree with his comments


Stan Wickham (3)
Don't be sorry, everyone is entitled to their comments. I wasn't trying to be difficult I just wanted to speak out for those boys that haven't been able to play reps for one reason or another. I remember I mention John Connelly as GPS 5/8 as I believe that's his best position. Someone disagreed and said someone else. I respected his comments like I respect yours.
I enjoy reading your posts just because I disagree doesn't make my disagreement right either. Its my opinion and my opinion only.
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