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CAS 2018

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Arch Winning (36)
Photo of the Waverley team this morning.


Joker, you sure that's not the Scots hyperbolic chambers!


Nev Cottrell (35)
last year after the Barker v Waverley game, I thought Barker was going to be a force in 2018

after yesterday's Waverley v Brook game ... I think Cranbrook are likely to be a force in 2019

to me Tagg and Alex Oreilly outplayed Waverley's backrow ... which is not to say that Murphy or Marco Moretti had bad games

Cranbrook should of taken the 3 points on offer late in the 2nd half ... as they definitely were looking a chance to pull an upset

things did not go well for Waverley ... with Connor Molloy leaving the field early, and then Felix Valentine having been elevated for his good work rate, copped what looked like a bad knee injury

I didn't think the ref had a bad game ... a lot of the Waverley supporters are one-eyed... and while I love the passion, the close result had nothing to do with the ref

Cranbrook were definitely up for the game ... and to me Hutchinson-Walters and Milford were the difference

and must say I think Baldwin (11) should count himself unlucky not to have made CAS ... he plays so far above his weight ... and almost always beats several defenders

in any event, if the big Moretti is back ... I think next week is shaping up as titanic

Barker are definitely firm favourites, but if Waverley play to the strengths, which I see as greater agility in their backs, you never know, Waverley could pull an upset

just need to somehow shut down Barkers 3 big guns ... Pollard (2), Reimer (8) and Tecjek (9) .... although I do believe they have 4 Aussie schools players ... so must of left out one :rolleyes:


Nev Cottrell (35)
waverley v barker is shaping up as a battle royale ...

IMHO the teams have strengths in very different areas

In my estimation, Barker key strength is their huge pack ... and one of the best half-backs running off the back of a work-man like pack

in contrast Waverley is far less structured, and features a number of cross coders (leaguies in sheeps clothing) in Moretti, Milford and Hutchinson-Walters

reason why Waverley can win it ... home ground advantage, Aussie schools dual coder Luca Moretti, the aforementioned leaguies, Tiger Murphy who has the heart of a champion, a good captain in Dan Andrews, pocket rocket Baldwin (11), and unsung heroes in Rice/Whiteman/Aholelei

just hope we get someone like Andrew Coorey to officiate ... and let the players determine the result


It'll be a tough game for the Double V even with the Death Valley home ground advantage and the huge crowd in attendance, which is worth 10 points to them.
It will be even tougher with players out injured and sick but they wont mind running out with the underdog tag.
The working class boys from Waverley will relish being the underdogs for this game with the roar of the parochial crowd ringing in their ears spurring them on.

Tactics employed by the respective Coaches will no doubt influence the result and as usual discipline and ball security will be crucial to both teams.

Waverley will need to be at their very best to pull an upset in this the biggest game of the CAS season, while Barker deserve to be short priced favourites; but having said that, everyone loves an underdog.


Herbert Moran (7)
last year after the Barker v Waverley game, I thought Barker was going to be a force in 2018

after yesterday's Waverley v Brook game . I think Cranbrook are likely to be a force in 2019

to me Tagg and Alex Oreilly outplayed Waverley's backrow . which is not to say that Murphy or Marco Moretti had bad games

Cranbrook should of taken the 3 points on offer late in the 2nd half . as they definitely were looking a chance to pull an upset

things did not go well for Waverley . with Connor Molloy leaving the field early, and then Felix Valentine having been elevated for his good work rate, copped what looked like a bad knee injury

I didn't think the ref had a bad game . a lot of the Waverley supporters are one-eyed. and while I love the passion, the close result had nothing to do with the ref

Cranbrook were definitely up for the game . and to me Hutchinson-Walters and Milford were the difference

and must say I think Baldwin (11) should count himself unlucky not to have made CAS . he plays so far above his weight . and almost always beats several defenders

in any event, if the big Moretti is back . I think next week is shaping up as titanic

Barker are definitely firm favourites, but if Waverley play to the strengths, which I see as greater agility in their backs, you never know, Waverley could pull an upset

just need to somehow shut down Barkers 3 big guns . Pollard (2), Reimer (8) and Tecjek (9) .. although I do believe they have 4 Aussie schools players . so must of left out one :rolleyes:

Waverley need to be careful just targeting the forward pack and the Aus schoolboys. Aloys went in and it was clear they tried to just target the forwards but barkers backs carved them up, all are very agile with a lot of pace to burn.

Definitely agree about Cranbrook next year though they showed they were already up for it at Knox and if they can get over Trinity this weekend and Aloys the week after they could really set themselves up with a great platform for 2019.


Bob Loudon (25)
The first 20 minutes in the Barker v Alos game there was not that much in it. The second half saw plenty of open play by the backs with some great running Rugby and the ball going through plenty of hands before tries were scored. Tecjek had a scorcher and was on fire, scoring two great tries. He has really developed this season. Next week will be interesting - no Barker lad relishes the idea of W at QP - The combo of W's natural aggression and pre loaded Dads standing on the oval is always intimidating. .....and it always seem to be so bloody windy every time I go there....


Arch Winning (36)
waverley v barker is shaping up as a battle royale .

IMHO the teams have strengths in very different areas

In my estimation, Barker key strength is their huge pack . and one of the best half-backs running off the back of a work-man like pack

in contrast Waverley is far less structured, and features a number of cross coders (leaguies in sheeps clothing) in Moretti, Milford and Hutchinson-Walters

reason why Waverley can win it . home ground advantage, Aussie schools dual coder Luca Moretti, the aforementioned leaguies, Tiger Murphy who has the heart of a champion, a good captain in Dan Andrews, pocket rocket Baldwin (11), and unsung heroes in Rice/Whiteman/Aholelei

just hope we get someone like Andrew Coorey to officiate . and let the players determine the result

SDW, Your wish has come true, Andrew Coorey is officiating, hope your other wish also comes true.


Nev Cottrell (35)
WLF, good stuff ... he seems to often get the top of the table matches ... and in my estimation does a good job of letting a game breath.

I gather he went to Joeys so he is probably well schooled in the joys of running rugby

anyways weather looking good, and don't think there will be anything negative interfering with what should be a great game

no doubt there will be a good crowd, and bound to be a lot more entertaining than the last Wallabies match ... with no interference from the TMO or whatever they call it, and limited penalty goals


Arch Winning (36)
WLF, good stuff . he seems to often get the top of the table matches . and in my estimation does a good job of letting a game breath.

I gather he went to Joeys so he is probably well schooled in the joys of running rugby

anyways weather looking good, and don't think there will be anything negative interfering with what should be a great game

no doubt there will be a good crowd, and bound to be a lot more entertaining than the last Wallabies match . with no interference from the TMO or whatever they call it, and limited penalty goals

Yes SDW, it is good news and probably no coincidence that he gets the top gigs.


Nev Cottrell (35)
I am curious who people rate as the best school boy 1st XV refs?

On the rare occasion that Angus Gardner has done a schools fixture ... I have rated him

How do they decide who gets these gigs ... Rugby Central? I gather 1sts and 2nds are done separately from rest of games .... that is the extent of my knowledge

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
I am curious who people rate as the best school boy 1st XV refs?

On the rare occasion that Angus Gardner has done a schools fixture . I have rated him

How do they decide who gets these gigs . Rugby Central? I gather 1sts and 2nds are done separately from rest of games .. that is the extent of my knowledge

1sts and 2nds are NSWRRA appointments. Mostly filled by people who nominate to do schools in preference to lower grades or subbies. If there is a really big game, there is often a senior first grade or even national panel referee appointed. There have even been times when NH refs here for a test match have been given a GPS firsts game the week before - IIRC a Newington game about 3 years ago at Stanmore was reffed by the guy here to do a test the next week. Can't recall who it was - possibly Wayne Barnes?

EDIT: I always thought that James Scholtens was one of the best when he did 1st XV games.


John Hipwell (52)
Not CAS but an oustanding idea. Hope to see our CAS brothers supporting this.

Well done Joeys and Kings. Hope people here can "buy a bale"
Put me down for two!



1st XV - 3.15pm
2nd XV - 2.00pm

Joeys and King’s have a long tradition of schoolboy sport and membership of the AAGPS. They are two of Australia's largest and longest serving boarding schools, with their roots embedded in regional NSW.

On Saturday, Joeys and King's unite to not only enjoy spirited competition between our great schools, but to raise much needed funds for Rural Aid Australia. In the lead up to game day, students, Old Boys, and parents of both schools are asked to come together and donate for those in drought stricken areas.

Your Donation
The joint Joeys and King’s initiative will see 100% of all donations going to Rural Aid Australia. These funds will provide urgent aid for drought affected farmers. To make your donation, click the button below and select Rural Aid Australia - Buy a Bale from the link below.




Arch Winning (36)
Not CAS but an oustanding idea. Hope to see our CAS brothers supporting this.

Well done Joeys and Kings. Hope people here can "buy a bale"
Put me down for two!



1st XV - 3.15pm
2nd XV - 2.00pm

Joeys and King’s have a long tradition of schoolboy sport and membership of the AAGPS. They are two of Australia's largest and longest serving boarding schools, with their roots embedded in regional NSW.

On Saturday, Joeys and King's unite to not only enjoy spirited competition between our great schools, but to raise much needed funds for Rural Aid Australia. In the lead up to game day, students, Old Boys, and parents of both schools are asked to come together and donate for those in drought stricken areas.

Your Donation
The joint Joeys and King’s initiative will see 100% of all donations going to Rural Aid Australia. These funds will provide urgent aid for drought affected farmers. To make your donation, click the button below and select Rural Aid Australia - Buy a Bale from the link below.


Nice work Joker.


Ron Walden (29)
With only 2 days to go 'til the biggest game of the CAS season, I can't believe how quiet this thread has gone, especially considering that much of the recent activity has been GPS blokes.

So what are all your thoughts re BC v WC at DV and other matches this weekend?
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