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CAS 2019


Nev Cottrell (35)
My Revised cas team

1. Wilson - Barker or Hayman - cranbrook
2. Pollard - Barker
3 kablau - Knox
4 Alex rice - Waverley
5 tasker - cranbrook
6 moretti- waves
7. Gratwich - Knox
8 oreilly - brook
9 smith - cranbrook
10 volkman - waves
11 Evans - Knox
12 Hutchison Walters - waves
13 Jacob Taylor- cranbrook
14 Galloway- barker
15 spalding- aloys

Ps - if gratwich unavailable - Barker’s Cameron would be my final pic


Herbert Moran (7)
Cranbrook with a harder game under their belt, stood up tonight. Great win.

Knox forwards possibly over hyped? They definitely weren't dominant.

3 Brook forwards tries tells me that Brook won the loose, however Knox definitely stronger in the scrum.

Makes for a great CAS comp


Arch Winning (36)
Barker & Cranbrook? Or Barker and Knox?

Ha! Nice sucker punch WTF, I know what I think, but let's see what plays out!
Ok my guess is B &W, unless B lose 2 games, because I don't think W will lose another.

I must say I am extremely happy that Brook are in the hunt, makes it sooo much more interesting, and their fans expectations are understandably now very high, which should bring the crowds, and adds some real excitement.

Tomorrows games may not add any more excitement, could be wrong, but after the school hols, WOW, it's on for the last 3 games!


Arch Winning (36)
Cranbrook with a harder game under their belt, stood up tonight. Great win.

Knox forwards possibly over hyped? They definitely weren't dominant.

3 Brook forwards tries tells me that Brook won the loose, however Knox definitely stronger in the scrum.

Makes for a great CAS comp

Yep Bolivia, I am not surprised, I was hoping for a brook win, I was coming until 6.30 then it rained and a few other things, extremely happy for CB, and not just because it evens the comp out, BUT you are well and truly in the mix.
Till we meet in a few weeks! The excitement now is FULL ON!


John Hipwell (52)
Yep Bolivia, I am not surprised, I was hoping for a brook win, I was coming until 6.30 then it rained and a few other things, extremely happy for CB, and not just because it evens the comp out, BUT you are well and truly in the mix.
Till we meet in a few weeks! The excitement now is FULL ON!



Nev Cottrell (35)
Interesting this week some fancied players are in their school 2nds

Cranners ... 15 lamens
Waverley... 13 Milford & 1 aholelei
Knox - constable & Addis

So competitive teams ... when quality players in 2nds

Albeit sometimes injury related


Sydney Middleton (9)
What a great win for Brook.

I have to admit to thinking that moving the Hordern (H) fixture to Woollahra on a Friday night was a silly idea - but I take that back!

Now hoping for a win at DV against Waves. What’s ya thinking SDW??


Stan Wickham (3)
Well that makes things interesting.
Could get even more interesting- Anyone know anything about Barker possibly being stripped of their points from Round 1? Was some chatter down at Woollahra Oval tonight at the Knox V Brook fixture.


Sydney Middleton (9)
Interesting this week some fancied players are in their school 2nds

Cranners . 15 lamens
Waverley. 13 Milford & 1 aholelei
Knox - constable & Addis

So competitive teams . when quality players in 2nds

Albeit sometimes injury related

Agreed. All the chat about Lamens (Brook 15) and now in the 2nds!


Nev Cottrell (35)
Only one team CAN be undefeated this year then. I reckon more than likely it will be a three or two way tie for 1st though. Would like to think BC can win all matches but K & W will be tough matches.

Well, there are actually two unbeaten teams left. Mathematically, Trinity CAN be unbeaten too. I'm not saying it will happen, mind.

Still: Cranbrook just got up over St Aloysius in the last trial, and Trinity beat St Aloysius by about the same in Round 1. By that yardstick, Trinity and Cranbrook would be in about the same place. Of course, we all know it doesn't quite work like that.

There were three big winners tonight: Cranbrook, of course, but also Barker (who must now be favourites to at least share a premiership) and Waverley (who benefit from Knox being hauled back to the pack).

Question, though: when was the last time there were only two unbeaten teams left after only four games had been played? And how messy would a draw make things?!


Ward Prentice (10)
Could get even more interesting- Anyone know anything about Barker possibly being stripped of their points from Round 1? Was some chatter down at Woollahra Oval tonight at the Knox V Brook fixture.

I heard some cranners boys talking about it but it might just be speculation

P. Parker

Allen Oxlade (6)
Cranbrook Vs Knox @ Woolahra Oval

At the start of the year, there was the expectation that Hordern would be dug up for renovations, so Cranbrook approached Knox and suggested a Friday night game at Woolahra Oval instead.

The powers that be agreed, but as the time drew nearer, it became apparent that Hordern would be available all year.

“Move the game back to Hordern on Saturday” suggested Knox.

“Not on your Nelly” said Cranbrook, already having played a Friday night game at Woolahra earlier in the season.

And what a smart move that was by Cranbrook.

So, at 7PM on a cold, wet night at Woolahra Oval, the Cranbrook side ran on.

Their student supporters numbered in the hundreds, and filled the northern hill.

At the southern end, the entire Waverley 1st’s, and most of the Waverley 2nd’s, were cheering on the Cranbrook lads, along with a Cranbrook mum who could be heard all the way down at Watson’s Bay.

Knox had started and finished school 15 minutes early for the day, in order to put on busses for any boy interested in supporting their mates. About 100 took up the offer, and filled the south western side of the field.

Cranbrook was not to be outdone, and had put on a function in the upstairs area of the clubhouse. Meanwhile, there was standing room only on the entire western side of the field, with burgers and beers doing the job of lubricating the vocal cords of a very demonstrative crowd. Knox, Waverley and Cranbrook parents stood shoulder to shoulder, heaving in anticipation.

The weather gods smiled slyly, and the rain stopped, as Fitzgerald (10) took the kick-off for Knox. Down with the flu, and not able to train, he had spent the day in bed. But this was footy, so up he got and put on his boots for the night.

His usual excellent kicking was off, and the ball didn’t go 10 metres. Back for a scrum, and Brook were high-fiving and grunting with delight.

Working their way upfield Brook were full of chatter, full of enthusiasm. Knox were flat. And within 3 minutes, Brook were 3-0 up thanks to an easy penalty goal.

From the restart, Knox pinned Cranbrook near their line. But an error at the line out saw the ball go upfield, as Brook kept up the enthusiasm, while Knox kept making mistakes. Five minutes later, and Brook were deep on attack. Knox were doing ok at keeping them at bay, until from within the ruck, a Brook hand reached back and picked up the ball, and ran 10 metres untouched to score under the posts. Nine minutes in, and it was Cranbrook 10-0 up.

This spurred Knox into action, and for the next five minutes pressured the Brook line. Scrums, line outs, penalties. Cranbrook were stinging in their defence. Eventually a ball to Grobler (2) out wide, and he took two Cranbrook backs with him as he went over. 15 minutes in and it was 10-5 to Cranbrook.

The next ten minutes saw end to end rugby, with Cranbrook kicking, and Knox making errors. Another try to Brook and 15-5 with 10 minutes left in the half.

Knox again tried to mount an attack, but slow play and errors cost them, and they went into the break down 15-5.

The second half saw Knox come out with a bit more intent. Griffiths (15) was making metres every time he touched the ball, but still Brook held out the Knox attack. #9 for Brook was huge in defence, often making last gasp tackles, as Knox kept pounding the line. Eventually, the side to side rugby paid off, and Knox were in eight minutes into the half. 15-12 to Cranbrook, but the half was all Knox.

Again, Knox worked the ball upfield. Attacking the Brook line, another Knox error. Winning the ball back, Brook belted the ball back towards halfway. Evans (11) fielded it, stepped inside 14, ran, shimmied, stepped, and scored under the posts with hardly a hand touching him. 18 minutes in to the second half, and it was Knox 19-15.

From the kick-off deep into Knox territory, a Knox knock-on. Now it was Cranbrook’s turn to attack the line. And with strong forward play, they were over. 22-19 Cranbrook, with 5 minutes left on the clock.

The next five minutes was helter skelter, with Cranbrook heaving the ball downfield, and Knox brining it back, only to make an error, and the ball to be belted downfield again. The crowd were going berserk, and with the clock showing time up, they were screaming for Cranbrook to kick the ball out. Kick it they did. But instead of going out, it went 40 metres downfield - towards their own goal line! There was a race to the ball - would it be Knox to score in the corner, or Brook to kick it over the line.

Brook it was. Game over. 22-19. And the Cranbrook team erupted like they had just won the premiership.

Cranbrook have always been the bogey team for this Knox group of boys. And so it was again tonight. Brook out-enthused them in the first half, and Knox were too slow and error prone for their own good.

So, off to the bar I went. Looking for a smiling SDW waving a Waverley cap. But he wasn’t to be found. Maybe I’ll see him at Queens Park tomorrow, as the Waverley juggxrnaught grinds Aloys into the dust. Unless there is mud, in which case the council may close the oval. And wouldn’t that make the season that much more interesting?


Stan Wickham (3)
There is not much to say really

2XV. Was a terrific game. Real free flowing with some great rugby. I believe the final score was 13-18 cranbrook win

Notable performances: Cranbrook Lamens (15) - controlled the game really well with great kicks. 1st XV player, playing in the 2s as I see it. Knox Constable (9) - brilliant delivery from Tom today really helped the Knox 2XV out returning from injury. I think he needs to his box kick a bit more instead of the 15

1XV. But for the main game - was an excellent day of rugby. From the kick off both teams were up and what an atmosphere it was. Special credit to the referee I really thought it was a completely fair game. Although I think Knox really could of held out the win, credit to the cranbrook boys for making it probably the best game of CAS school boy footy I have seen since I left school

Notable performances: Cranbrook Tas Smith (9) - Not much to say really about cranbrook 9 except CAS 1s. He is a true halfback and knows how to control the game exceptionally well and has a killer box kick to help him
Knox Enrique Grobler (2) - Enrique played extremely well scoring a try in the first half, if Billy Pollard wasn’t around he would be the number 1 contender for CAS 1s Hooker

Great day of rugby at east main oval - what a cracker of a season it’s going to be


John Hipwell (52)
Allegedly a Barker player had an ear piece under his headgear for instructions from off the field.

That would be interesting. Must have been a back as I cannot think a front rower would put up with this.
From the highlights video I counted two Barker players with head gear. on as they ran out (no. 6 and No. 9)
The two second rowers had their ears/heads taped.
I think there may have been more.

WHAT IS INTERESTING was this still I took from the highlights video. It was only quick
NOTE the radio handset clipped to the coaches jumper.

This would make sense if the coach was away from the sideline but later in the video he is seen 1 m away from the field. This is by no way conclusive evidence of underhanded skullduggery. It is though an odd look to see a coach, on the sideline with a radio mic hanging from his collar. Who would he be speaking to?

Can anyone here elaborate on this?
