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CAS 2019


Bob Loudon (25)
Well that is it then for the moment. Dont supposed Beuden can post something controversial after seeing the CAS/GPS contest that we can all have a whinge about....


John Hipwell (52)
Ok, this may open a can of worms but I wanted to raise this issue.

As someone who has coached played and rugby for 30 years I know the frustration coaches feel when the players on the field make dumb decisions and you wish you could just let the captain or play maker know, "do this for f%&k sake". There have been allegations made recently here on this thread that one school uses radio earpieces to communicate with a player during the game. Photos have been produced and anecdotal evidence has been presented.

Last week, Barker coaches were again filmed with suspicious cables coming pockets and one had a radio handset still clipped to his collar. See below. (Coach on the left has a handset on collar anc bulky radio in pocket)


I recall watching documentary in the UK many years ago called The Rugby Club. In this they interviewed Larham and Eddie Jones and they both confirmed that ear-pieces were used, however when the Wallabies lost in World Cup final in 2003 vs England, Larkham had to change his head gear preventing any communication with Eddie in the stands. I thought this was illegal to coach in the stand telling the player what play to do, kick, run, pass.

Can anyone here comment on the use of this and would it be happening in schoolboy rugby.


Bob Loudon (25)
Joker this is not what people think. If Rod wants to comment or expand on the story he can. Otherwise mate forget it - no kid on the field or anywhere was receiving any coach instruction.


Bob McCowan (2)
Joker, can only comment on what I have heard - which is not a lot more than gossip..
The story I’ve been lead to believe is that there was the allegation of Barkers coaching staff being wired up around the ground, and trainers/assistants were going on the field to relay information. I haven’t heard anything about players being in on it - but from what I know, cranbrook made a complaint to cas.
I would have to read the by laws - but I would assume this is illegal.
If found guilty, you would have to think that barker would be stripped of the points - and if they’ve done it again against trinity... well, it could be ugly.

It’s also entirely possible that this is just schoolboy rumour. Will keep an eye on it.


John Hipwell (52)
Joker this is not what people think. If Rod wants to comment or expand on the story he can. Otherwise mate forget it - no kid on the field or anywhere was receiving any coach instruction.

No dramas mate. Just following the "smell of smoke" on this one. Or as my dearly departed dad would say, "if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck...."


Bob Loudon (25)
Heck yeah if I were in your shoes and saw the same thing I would probably take the shot too particularly during non game/boring time. If there is anything ultimately found against the rules then I suspect the price will be paid. But on what I have heard there is not much there.


Ken Catchpole (46)
I'm sure that physios and doctors of schoolboy rugby have long been miked to the head coach. It's just a simple expediency to allow the coach to get a quicker assessment of an injury situation so a replacement can be chosen, warmed up, and given some last minute instructions.

No different to baseball-like signalling from the on-field medico: arms outstretched = we need a stretcher; crossed arms = he's fu#$%d; head pat = HIA; hand on heart = he's pulled a heartlidge muscle; hand on knee = we'll pretend it's a dodgy ACL while the team catches its breath.

Well, that's how it started anyway.


Ward Prentice (10)
Its a load of shit, yes the coaches were miked up to each other which is legal under the CAS rules, but not under GPS rules. Its a smart move as the coaches can position themselves around the grounds to get a different perspective of the game. The Cranbrook coach being ex GPS didn't realise. There was no miking up to the players as this would be illegal and no coach is that stupid

Anyway you can't understand Manny at the best of times and you would be in danger of bursting and eardrum when he got excited


Nev Cottrell (35)
Its a load of shit, yes the coaches were miked up to each other which is legal under the CAS rules, but not under GPS rules. Its a smart move as the coaches can position themselves around the grounds to get a different perspective of the game. The Cranbrook coach being ex GPS didn't realise. There was no miking up to the players as this would be illegal and no coach is that stupid

But also - FFS - what would be the point? Does anyone actually think a player would do better with a coach in his ear saying "kick now" or "don't miss that tackle"? Asking a team to play according to instructions through an earpiece would be a disaster, even if (which I don't believe) you could do it technically. This is a heap of fuss about nothing.


Arch Winning (36)
Yes it would interfere with the player trying to concentrate on the game and I know if I every miked up my son he would have told me to f..k off with any instruction.

My son the same ,Has!
Have been told almost this just watching replays!

Think this miking talk is a load of...

However, true to form the joker has played a wild card, gotta laugh at that!


Bob McCowan (2)
Wow, Aloys look very strong this year and it was an absolute shame to have missed this match after watching that. A brilliant team effort. Waverley were entirely disrespected at Death Valley, a mighty feat and one I’m sure the Aloys boys will remember for the rest of their lives. Their next match is a home game against Barker and I really hope the Aloys boys can turn up with the same attitude in front of hopefully a big crowd to really cause a stir to the competition.


Frank Row (1)
Wow, Aloys look very strong this year and it was an absolute shame to have missed this match after watching that. A brilliant team effort. Waverley were entirely disrespected at Death Valley, a mighty feat and one I’m sure the Aloys boys will remember for the rest of their lives. Their next match is a home game against Barker and I really hope the Aloys boys can turn up with the same attitude in front of hopefully a big crowd to really cause a stir to the competition.

Wow, its going to be tough for my boys when we come back next term. This Aloys team looks good.


Stan Wickham (3)

A dominant Aloys win.

Angus Partington and Angus Allen leading the way in the forwards- belting the Waverley forwards, in particular, the Waverleys highly overrated second row. Spencer, Weber and Loughnan dominating in the backs. It will go down in Aloys folklore as one for the good guys and used as a chance to take this CAS season by the horns in term 3.

Waverley were outplayed, out coached, out enthused all on their beloved home ground. No doubt, a humiliating loss.

Good luck to all the Aloys boys playing today- there have been a few extra boys called up, rightfully so, into the CAS teams for today’s games as well.