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CAS Rugby 2012

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Nev Cottrell (35)
I have no inside information on Clark, but was told today that he has a minor shoulder injury.

Certainly Vevers did not look like a CAS 1sts fly-half today. He took on the line quite a bit, but rarely looked like making a clean break. That said, I assume he was chosen on the basis of his performance against CHS last week, which I didn't see.

It's a little harsh on Clark, I think, as he seems to be the only CAS 1sts player to be relegated to the 2nds. If the rest of the backs played well enough to hold their places, it's hard to see how bad Clark could have been. Still, he has a couple more games to make his case.

It does seem a little odd that Trinity, Cranbrook and St Aloysius each has two players in the CAS 1sts, given that Trinity has beaten St Aloysius twice, Cranbrook once, and never really looked like losing any of those games. That said, taking potshots at selectors is much easier to do than choosing teams.

Footnote: Whicker had a strong game for Trinity today. I've been critical of his passing, but he's made for a game like today, scrapping around in the mud. Williams was the best for St Aloysius, but that's situation normal.


Larry Dwyer (12)
I have no inside information on Clark, but was told today that he has a minor shoulder injury.

It does seem a little odd that Trinity, Cranbrook and St Aloysius each has two players in the CAS 1sts, given that Trinity has beaten St Aloysius twice, Cranbrook once, and never really looked like losing any of those games. That said, taking potshots at selectors is much easier to do than choosing teams.

this is hardly relevant... A team that beats the 2 lowest teams (aloys and Cranbrook) with ease pretty much tells you that across all 15 positions, there is indeed a higher standard in the Trinity line-up. However, there are players from other schools who may be even better, and therefore the fact that they have "equal representation" is hardly an injustice. The only case where i would agree with this is if the team was undefeated in the comp, or a distinguished second, which trinity is neither. I think it's important to note that a player who manages to impress (compared to his opposition) when he is in a team with a low level of talent should be held in high regard.

Clark is good, vevers is better in my opinion. 'In my opinion' being the key phrase of that sentence


Herbert Moran (7)
I also didn't think much of Vevers after hearing all of the great things that have been said about him. Granted though that the conditions were pretty lousy - what is the story with the cricket pitch mud bath at Trinity?!

He played okay, not spectacular, and I don't know if that is enough to get him the CAS firsts starting spot, although if Clark is injured...?

I though Finn did okay at 10, supported well, and obviously the game plan was to use the forwards more given the conditions. I think it was he who scored a fantastic try down the sideline, evading a tackle, after Clunies-Ross chipped, regathered and then passed in the same movement.

Clunies-Ross had a solid game except when kicking for touch - missed 2 or 3 of those - but always was able to beat the first tackler and sometimes 2 tacklers. Surprised though that Orr did not retain the captaincy?

I was also quick impressed with Malaki. Lots of bullocking runs down the middle.

Aloys had a strong line-out and their scrum matched it for long periods. Trinity had no line out. Their hooker needs a little more practice.


Frank Nicholson (4)
very harsh on clark who is certainly a more rounded and dangerous player than vevers;
clarke getting a rough deal at the moment, ben odonel from waverly was picked ahead of him in the sydney fly position aswell

Man on the hill

Alex Ross (28)
very harsh on clark who is certainly a more rounded and dangerous player than vevers;
clarke getting a rough deal at the moment, ben odonel from waverly was picked ahead of him in the sydney fly position aswell

My snouts thought Vevers was outplayed by clarke's replacement yesterday. No doubt he's got something to offer, but somehow their has to better consistency from selectors - but then again - if they held a press conference to announce squads like this (and the variuous metro SJRU squads and others) and explain their thinking, the room would be packed out with all the sad arses from this forum like Newbie & me. hahahaha ;)


Charlie Fox (21)

Representative Teams

Dates / Results / Selections for 2012 Representative season
CAS 1st XV - H Pederson ( B ), T Wilson ( B ), F Satui ( T ), W Marais ( B ), C Mee ( C ), H Williams ( A ), J Johnson ( W ), T Fay ( C ), H Jenkins ( B ), L Vevers ( A ), H Wileman ( W ), L Creeley ( K ), B Flaherty ( B ), H Clunies-Ross ( T ), W Paterson ( W )
CAS 2nd XV - C Orr ( T ), S Kitchen ( K ), T Heggarty ( K ), M Tiumalu Afele ( T ), E Stuntz ( A ), T Naude ( B ), M Wood ( A ), O Moala ( T ), J Whitacker ( W ), J Clark ( T ), J Pack ( T ), G Farley ( W ), J Roberts ( T ), S Townsend ( A ), T Davis ( B ), Res – A Seton ( K ), N Koutsoukis ( W ), J McLean ( T ), B Pearson ( B ), O Nutbeen ( K ), B Whicker ( T ), B O’Donnell ( W ), P Richards ( K )


Trinity was without Clark (shoulder) and Morsello, who could be out for the year. Finn moved to fly half and his solid game worked well in the slushy conditions. Both teams did well to persist with attacking play despite terrible conditions. Mud and poor visibility makes it hard to single out individuals but the Trinity power forwards - Orr, Moala, Tiumalu-Afele, McLean- made a big difference and Clunies-Ross scored a brilliant individual try.

One concerning thing about the day was Trinity managed to rack up 5 yellow cards between their two top XVs. They won both. However giving twenty minutes to thirty minutes a game away and playing down is a no brainer - even for school boys!

My info on Clark is that he was carrying his shoulder injury on the long weekend. He was registered to play for Wests (said to have been dropped form Parra - as did attendance training may have been an issue - he did consider about the Sunday and was on ground at St Luke's - he must off decided on the best side of caution. A number of known NSW and ARU selectors where also on ground - which was good to see.

The CAS selectors perhaps done the prudent thing if he may be a no show. Can't say Clark hasn't got the talent or the skill. Timing and injury perhaps, is working against him. Don't rule him out - he has an impressive resume.

Used to be a saying "that's Baseball" - no thats Rugby - applies to all sports!!


Bill McLean (32)
... ... ... ben odonel from waverly was picked ahead of him in the sydney fly position aswell

This was more to do with the fact that he did not compete at the State Champs. He was not the only DNP who did not retain a position in the SJRU team!


Bill McLean (32)
My snouts thought Vevers was outplayed by clarke's replacement yesterday. No doubt he's got something to offer, but somehow their has to better consistency from selectors - but then again - if they held a press conference to announce squads like this (and the variuous metro SJRU squads and others) and explain their thinking, the room would be packed out with all the sad arses from this forum like Newbie & me. hahahaha ;)

Speak for yourself ya b@rstard! LMAO!


Bill McLean (32)
I somewhat dismayed at the dropping of Clark to the seconds, however all the Vevers supporters who have put this lad on a pedestal, well your wish has come true and his moment has arrived!

I just hope you all haven't jinxed him! Hey MOTH lend me your head I need to 'knock on wood'! lmao!!


Nev Cottrell (35)
One concerning thing about the day was Trinity managed to rack up 5 yellow cards between their two top XVs. They won both. However giving twenty minutes to thirty minutes a game away and playing down is a no brainer - even for school boys!

Having seen quite a bit of Trinity in the last two years, I have to say this has been a recurring problem - their discipline is very poor. They would have beaten Newington last year but for a spell in which Newington ran in two tries while Trinity was down to 13 players. It must drive the coaches nuts - skills are easier to coach than temperament.


Frank Nicholson (4)
very harsh on clark who is certainly a more rounded and dangerous player than vevers;
clarke getting a rough deal at the moment, ben odonel from waverly was picked ahead of him in the sydney fly position aswell

Not too harsh at all. Clark missed numerous tackles and dropped 2 or 3 balls cold against CHS. Whilst there is no doubt he is brilliant at times, he would have be too much of a liability against a much strong GPS team. We will see next Tues

It is what it is

John Solomon (38)
I don't know Clark but if there is substance to the rumours of personal issues and injury concerns as expressed on this thread then somebody within his circle of trust and care needs to step in and help the young guy.

Done that

Ron Walden (29)
This is a public forum , & people are entitled to their opinions.
So ...
I watched the CAS v CHS game & for what it's worth & to provide a little balance , don't share the criticism of some others re Clark's performance.
I'm not taking into account any of the other factors which have been mentioned above , simply his performance on the day.
His game wasn't great ,bearing in mind his undeniable ability ,but relative to the others on the ground ,he doesn't warrant such criticism.
Clearly there are people on this forum who are waiting to pounce on his every mistake , as evidenced by the relative lack of comment on all the
other CAS (30 odd) players who performed that day , almost all of whom didn't rate a single mention.
I draw my own conclusions , you're welcome to yours.


Larry Dwyer (12)
This is a public forum , & people are entitled to their opinions...
I watched the CAS v CHS game & for what it's worth & to provide a little balance , don't share the criticism of some others re Clark's performance.

I respect this point, and don't have the intention of putting down any player. My view is that Vevers is a better player, but it is based on what I saw from Barker v Trinity, and Barker v Aloysius. I think that Clark is such a central point of discussion mainly because of his reputation as an extraordinary player which, I don't think you can dispute, has not been evidenced through his performance. Now if this has something to do with his personal issues, I am in no place to scrutinise or criticise, but I can say that regardless of this, he needs to perform well in order to be placed on rep sides. People may well be right in saying that he is still performing the best at no.10 in CAS, but I think Vevers may prove otherwise against GPS.


I also didn't think much of Vevers after hearing all of the great things that have been said about him. Granted though that the conditions were pretty lousy - what is the story with the cricket pitch mud bath at Trinity?!

He played okay, not spectacular, and I don't know if that is enough to get him the CAS firsts starting spot, although if Clark is injured.?

I though Finn did okay at 10, supported well, and obviously the game plan was to use the forwards more given the conditions. I think it was he who scored a fantastic try down the sideline, evading a tackle, after Clunies-Ross chipped, regathered and then passed in the same movement.

Clunies-Ross had a solid game except when kicking for touch - missed 2 or 3 of those - but always was able to beat the first tackler and sometimes 2 tacklers. Surprised though that Orr did not retain the captaincy?

I was also quick impressed with Malaki. Lots of bullocking runs down the middle.

Aloys had a strong line-out and their scrum matched it for long periods. Trinity had no line out. Their hooker needs a little more practice.

Aloys were very unlucky not to have snatched this one. Two runaway tries from Trinity was the difference IMHO. Clunies-Ross was outstanding. Note also, that Aloys was without Dylan Goodearl, who has been a stand out all year. But, you've got to hand it to the highly under-rated Aloys pack. They have certainly surprised a few teams this year. As for Vevers...a lot of talent. He has been on or around the 1st XV since Year 10. Had injuries not intervened, I'm sure he would have made an even bigger impression this year. Watch out for his brother, Rory. Also in Year 10 and playing First XV this year. He's special.

Done that

Ron Walden (29)
With backline players I only look at what each individual brings to his own performance and how that then adds to the team performance. In the backs, rarely does the opposition player impact with his opposition pysically, but in skills areas they do. In other words, how McIntyre performed had very little to do with how Clarke played and why I don't think either of them played well in the game yesterday. I don't remember them physicalling engaging with each other in the match once and it also enables a judgement on how Vevers performed. It is also disrespectful to ascertain that those in the II's are of an inferior standard as it is only the opinion of one set of selectors that has determined that, and like bumholes everybody's got one. You only have to contribute on this forum to know that.
Watched the CHS I's & 2's again yesterday at Warringah .
At the risk of being "disrespectul", the gulf between the two teams was even more evident yesterday than it was when they played CAS.
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