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CAS Rugby 2013

Who will be the 2013 Premiers

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Frank Nicholson (4)
If only waverley had kicked the ball out against barkerthey would be cas premiers. It's a shame they don't have grand finals.. They could have it in a split location with all the students from each school attending and splitting the crowd in half. It would be a great way to finish a fine rugby competition

If only Barker hadn't thrown 2 interceptions Barker would be undefeated; if only Barker didn't get the red card in the 1st half they'd be undefeated....great word "if" only two letters but you can do a lot with it..


Nev Cottrell (35)
If only waverley had kicked the ball out against barkerthey would be cas premiers. It's a shame they don't have grand finals.. They could have it in a split location with all the students from each school attending and splitting the crowd in half. It would be a great way to finish a fine rugby competition

No sympathy, I'm afraid. "We would have won if only we knew the rules"? The point is, the premiers will usually be the team that doesn't make basic mistakes.

That said: all credit to Waverley for what they have achieved this year.


Larry Dwyer (12)
Apparently the lad who threw the ball out did it is a league player, and just did what he did instinctively.

He must have been devastated.
Im very doubtful as to whether it was instinctive. I had a very good view of it and as he threw it out with one hand (kind of like a basketball throw) he started celebrating only to see a very melancholy bench. A clear indication that he actually wasn't aware of the rule.

Regardless. What Waverley supporters are seeming to forget here is that the game had not been lost at this moment. Barker had possession, yes, but on their own 22. Moreover they were 4 points down so they needed to score a try to walk away with any points. Waverley could therefore afford to give away penalties and go into the breakdown with aggression. However, they defended the most poorly they had all game at this point and let harry jones get the ball with plenty of open space in front of him. The rest is history and Waverley can not deny that barker walked away deserving winners from that match. Much like barker can not deny Waverley were deserving winners in the most recent game


Bob McCowan (2)
The Barker vs Knox game is really shaping up to be a big event this Saturday!
According the the Barker College Facebook page, the wallabies will be at the Rugby on Saturday. On top of this, I hear they're expecting big crowds down in Hornsby. Should be a really big game, I certainly will try to get down there!


Sydney Middleton (9)
Drove past both barker and knoxs training grounds today.
Barker seemed to have bare ovals with only a few groundsmen in sight. Whilst knoxs training ground was full of action with the firsts training hard for Saturdays game.
possibly a wet weather issue for barker?
regardless I think Knox will be rocking up to put up a big game. I still think Knox will be up at half time but barker will take the win JUST towards the end.


Peter Burge (5)
Drove past both barker and knoxs training grounds today.
Barker seemed to have bare ovals with only a few groundsmen in sight. Whilst knoxs training ground was full of action with the firsts training hard for Saturdays game.
possibly a wet weather issue for barker?
regardless I think Knox will be rocking up to put up a big game. I still think Knox will be up at half time but barker will take the win JUST towards the end.

Interesting prediction. I predict Barker to be up at halftime, and Knox to eventually clinch victory. The last two year's last round games between these schools have been bloody bonzas and I'd say this year won't differ. Don't forget that Knox's line up has changed dramatically from the thrashing in round 1. Knox by 2.


Stan Wickham (3)
predictions for the weekend
St. Aloysius v Cranbrook, Aloysius at home will come out of last week's game with a lot of confidence this will be a close game at the same time Cranbrook have been unfortunate throughout the season a much better side then the results portray I will say Cranbrook should win the game 28 to 21
Barker v Knox,this game should lean towards Barker they have dominated all there games apart from Waverley taking into account that Knox has made changes this game will be closer than the last one but Barker should confirm Sol premiership title holders by a no 34 to 18 win
Trinity v Waverley,unfortunately for Waverley I think Trinity will take this game, Waverley has lost some key players which will affect their defence even though Trinity lost last week they have the talent and capability of producing the necessary outcome for their last home game final score 24 to 18 in Trinity's favour


Alex Ross (28)
Looking into the tea leaves, my thoughts:

Though the season is finishing quite early, the last round has range of interesting fixtures that should make for some good viewing for the punters.

Aloys vs Cranbrrok.

I think it is fair to say that whilst both these teams haven't had the results they were wishing for, they have participated in some good entertaining games and so this one should be similar. I probably favour the Cranbrook forwards and the Aloys backs. The Cranbrook backs will need to show some flair and confidence than what I have seen from them. But I think that will be possible. Aloys will snipe, surprise, harry and annoy the opposition. They will eagerly take what is available and try to make as much available. Cranbrook would have the depth and structure, Aloys will play at pace and be disruptive. Both sides will give it a go and it should be an entertaining game. Hard to say who will win.

Trinity vs Waverley.

Probably the game of the round. Both sides have powerful and hard working forwards and will try to get ascendency there. I am not sure how affected Waverley will be with their injuries, but they do seem to have more depth than Trinity this year. Waverley has a good mixture of attack and defence. They seem to be quite adept at long distance tries. Trinity will need to use their backs to better effect, especially their 15 who looks to be one for the future. I suppose Trinity has got the home side advantage, but they are backing up after Barker and Waverley has shown some class this year. Not sure who will win.

Barker vs Knox.

Barker at home should be a certainty. But stranger things have happened, and Knox have steadily, but rather erratically improved throughout the season. Their defence is probably much improved since the first meeting. Barker is a well drilled side who can dominate through a cohesive back line and fitness, especially in the end. Once they get a roll on they can be hard to beat. Knox will need to be at their best and be disruptive with-out being too ill disciplined. There are some young players in this Knox side, so it may not be their season yet. And whilst they are much improved, I think the gulf in class to Barker may be a bit too much this time. Barker to get away with it at home.


Peter Burge (5)
Rumours wildly circulating that Nick Kennan (B) will make his much anticipated entry into the 1st XV arena. One can only imagine how a long off season has added to his already dense frame. A very scary prospect indeed.

Robert Lowell

Bob McCowan (2)
questions questions questions fellow bloggers. Barker? Knox?

How will HSC trials affect player performance? I know Stoltz B12 came off second best in an economics exam. Knox don't have trials however until week 6.

Barker playing up a new winger? My son (he's in Year 11 at Barker) tells me that Patt Mickles may be replacing Ellwood Hall at 14. Although only rumours, my boy is an honest one.

Who has more at stake? Although Barker is playing for an outright CAS victory, Knox is looking to save face from earlier in the season and actually achieve something of worth.

only time will tell folks. Looking forward to the game tomorrow. Wallabies expected to be there.

In all seriousness games like these are why I love schoolboy rugby. The raw juvenile passion means that anything can happen! And of course the footy is that much more entertaining.


Sydney Middleton (9)
questions questions questions fellow bloggers. Barker? Knox?

How will HSC trials affect player performance? I know Stoltz B12 came off second best in an economics exam. Knox don't have trials however until week 6.

Barker playing up a new winger? My son (he's in Year 11 at Barker) tells me that Patt Mickles may be replacing Ellwood Hall at 14. Although only rumours, my boy is an honest one.

Who has more at stake? Although Barker is playing for an outright CAS victory, Knox is looking to save face from earlier in the season and actually achieve something of worth.

only time will tell folks. Looking forward to the game tomorrow. Wallabies expected to be there.

In all seriousness games like these are why I love schoolboy rugby. The raw juvenile passion means that anything can happen! And of course the footy is that much more entertaining.

mmm good point. Trials.

however I think if anything Knox will suffer more from trials than barker. Barker finished their trials yesterday. therefor all they'll be thinking about is... FOOTY.
Lets face it I can't stop thinking about footy either.


Larry Dwyer (12)
mmm good point. Trials.

however I think if anything Knox will suffer more from trials than barker. Barker finished their trials yesterday. therefor all they'll be thinking about is. FOOTY.
Lets face it I can't stop thinking about footy either.
I think most people on this forum can't stop thinking about footy


Frank Row (1)
Barker 44 beat Knox 22. Thoroughly entertaining game of schoolboy rugby in front of a big crowd. The game was closer than the score line suggests (5 tries to 4). Knox missed two kickable conversions and a penalty goal quite early, while H Jones missed nothing. Very impressed with the effort of the Knox forwards, but the Barker backline were again too good. Congratulations to both teams and roll on 2014.

Test Icicles

Frank Row (1)
Thought it appropriate to give my rap up of the season of teams that I follow closely, Knox and Barker (apologies to aloys, Waverly, trinity and brook supporters)
Barker – Congrats to the red boys, lived up to the hype this year and only suffered one defeat. Thought their backline was the focal point for season and it was spectacular. The combination of their back three was simply superb and was able to demolish less physically gifted backlines. Their forwards, while not towering young men were able to win the ball and most importantly get it out to the backs! Also thought they were the best conditioned side in the tournament and were able to just simply keep attacking in those last few minutes when the hands on hips and heads down syndrome started to plague teams. Jones was clearly the player of the tournament in my eyes, with a step that could fool anybody and a boot that could quite literally kick a building down he was a great addition to Barker. Overall a successful season and with quite a few year 11 boys returning next year the silverware could be safe for another year.
Knox – Quite possibly the most disappointing team of the tournament. Really thought the boys in blue and black would bear some resemblance to their former 2009 winning team with all of the talent on their squad. I believe their biggest weakness was exposed right from the get go in round one where the barker backs simply just outran them. Nobody (apart from that speedy winger whose name escapes me?) was able to look really threatening with ball in hand and keep up without losing energy with a much better conditioned barker team. This beggar’s belief as to how as they have a multi-million dollar sports facility, probably dozens of strength and conditioning coaches and a former professional rugby coach?! But oh well there is always next year. Much like the barker team, they have many year 11’s returning from this year’s squad to the 2014 season.
There is my 2 cents worth, see you all next season!!!

Done that

Ron Walden (29)
Trinity 30 def Waverley 22.
4 tries to 3.
Penalties Waverley 11 Trinity 3
In contrast to all the criticism of referees recently , todays official ,S.Hardy had a very good game.
Interesting to observe that he stopped the game in the second half to walk over to the sideline & speak to the Waverley coach.

Old schooled

Frank Nicholson (4)
Trinity 30 def Waverley 22.
4 tries to 3.
Penalties Waverley 11 Trinity 3
In contrast to all the criticism of referees recently , todays official ,S.Hardy had a very good game.
Interesting to observe that he stopped the game in the second half to walk over to the sideline & speak to the Waverley coach.

Obviously a Trinity supporter. Trinity got away with murder at the breakdown.
Congratulations to Trinity they were stronger than Waverley today, to little too late! What went on for the rest of their season?

golden oldie

Bob McCowan (2)
Thought it appropriate to give my rap up of the season of teams that I follow closely, Knox and Barker (apologies to aloys, Waverly, trinity and brook supporters)
Barker – Congrats to the red boys, lived up to the hype this year and only suffered one defeat. Thought their backline was the focal point for season and it was spectacular. The combination of their back three was simply superb and was able to demolish less physically gifted backlines. Their forwards, while not towering young men were able to win the ball and most importantly get it out to the backs! Also thought they were the best conditioned side in the tournament and were able to just simply keep attacking in those last few minutes when the hands on hips and heads down syndrome started to plague teams. Jones was clearly the player of the tournament in my eyes, with a step that could fool anybody and a boot that could quite literally kick a building down he was a great addition to Barker. Overall a successful season and with quite a few year 11 boys returning next year the silverware could be safe for another year.
Knox – Quite possibly the most disappointing team of the tournament. Really thought the boys in blue and black would bear some resemblance to their former 2009 winning team with all of the talent on their squad. I believe their biggest weakness was exposed right from the get go in round one where the barker backs simply just outran them. Nobody (apart from that speedy winger whose name escapes me?) was able to look really threatening with ball in hand and keep up without losing energy with a much better conditioned barker team. This beggar’s belief as to how as they have a multi-million dollar sports facility, probably dozens of strength and conditioning coaches and a former professional rugby coach?! But oh well there is always next year. Much like the barker team, they have many year 11’s returning from this year’s squad to the 2014 season.
There is my 2 cents worth, see you all next season!!!

Happy to agree with your comments on Barker's dominance in 2013. Knox's program was never going to turn around in one year and acknowledge fitness needs to be better. Knox fielded 5 x Y11's and 1 x Y10 today together with 3 x Y11s injured who were all regulars at beginning of season. That's nine starters in 2014 with experience. Are you able to confirm Barker's returning numbers? I know of 4,6,9 and 10.
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