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CAS Rugby 2014

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Ward Prentice (10)
Scots 14's did reasonably well last year and have come off a draw with Joeys (who always field a strong team) two weeks ago. 15a's might be closer than you think because half the age group of Scots boys are normally away at Glengarry. However, with the Battle of the Hill being held in between semesters, Scots might put together a full strength team for the game, though they will have had little practice together. I suppose for the 1st XV and 16a's it will depend on whether each side puts on a full strength team. Many of the boys will have been involved in CAS and GPS trials over the holiday period and may be rested or recovering from niggling injuries so may not play so as to not jeopardise their run for their respective premierships.

Ted S

Sydney Middleton (9)
waverly- When you have such a young team in a firsts competion you cant expect too much. I take my hats off to them for rallying back to beat alloys at the college oval, well done boys. Moreover, i strongly believe that they are heading in they right direction for the future. They have lots of young talent and will be an exciting team moving forward! my prediciton is they will finish last with a record of 1-9, simply dude to lack of experience at a firsts level.

Thats all,


Waverley are not that young. They have some great talent coming though I agree in the U16s age group, but the majority of this team are yr 12 and turning 18. They have some decent footballers and while not all of them have a played alot of firsts until this year, they are more than capable. The sole issue with the lack of sucess for this side sits purely and simply with extremely poor coaching. The coach is a great fellow, but is very much out of his depth


Quite often it is not the team that you expect you could potentially 'slip up' on that causes the upset. You're certainly right about the Barker vs Knox fixtures - especially now with the 2 round calendar. I think that out of the 4 years it's been implemented we have had an even split of victories between both schools (not including this year). In 2011 Knox beat Barker in round 1 37-12 I think (something along those lines). Barker went on to produce a rather mediocre season and then finished with a surprise win over Knox. The following year the exact opposite happened. Truly anything can happen in those games - and that is something that Cranbrook can take some comfort in as the gap between Barker and Knox (in terms of confidence and ability) seems to be thinning throughout this season.

Will this weekend be a good game? Perhaps, but you'd be banking on cranbrook to win. Kirkby and Smerdon are back for barker this time and the forward pack for barker has matured and settled a bit since their last encounter with cranbrook but I don't think it will be quite enough. If anything will win it for Barker it will be the fact that they will play with as much zeal as they did against trinity a man down - knowing that their season is on the line.

If I were their coach I would be constantly reminding the boys of that in training now. Focus on your game, work to your game, and play extremely physical. You come out hard in the first 15 and rattle the Cranbrook boys, put some points on early and all of a sudden they're reminded that they've got something to lose and you don't. Easier said than done but if the Barker forwards can knuckle down like they did in those last 15-20 minutes against Trinity then they certainly could win, but they'd need to maintain it for a whole game. Jono Green needs to step up again and be vocal, because it's something these boys have been lacking this year.

The no8 for barker is warming to the season. I understand that he is good ball runner and demon defender. But he needs to be more involved.

Barker showed great grit against trinity , maybe they can give it to brook


Waverley are not that young. They have some great talent coming though I agree in the U16s age group, but the majority of this team are yr 12 and turning 18. They have some decent footballers and while not all of them have a played alot of firsts until this year, they are more than capable. The sole issue with the lack of sucess for this side sits purely and simply with extremely poor coaching. The coach is a great fellow, but is very much out of his depth

For Waverley 1sts, 5 or 6 players are in Year 11 and there are 2 or 3 Under 16s players in the team depending on the selections from week to week. That's about half of the team, not the majority. The 16s are going pretty well so far this season, the 15s are undefeated, 14s pretty strong and 13s age group very strong.

Lee Grant

John Eales (66)
I need some reports on:

Barker v Cranbrook
Waverley v Knox

for the CAS blog

So if any budding writers are going to these games please do a match report kind of post and I may lift it, or part of it, for the blog.

It doesn't have to be as thorough as the reports are in the blog normally; but a few paragraphs would be better than nothing.

And if some kind soul could put the scoring details of the three matches in a post, from the Sunday papers, please do so.




Nev Cottrell (35)
And if some kind soul could put the scoring details of the three matches in a post, from the Sunday papers, please do so.



Full scores don't always appear to make it into the papers. There were, for example, no details of Cranbrook's 81-8 win over Trinity, although it's always possible that people just lost count. Apparently Tom Hill, the prop, scored three tries although the papers (and CAS website) are silent on this.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Wouldn't the red card stand down have applied to the next game whatsoever, not the next competition game? If so he would have missed the CHS game. That being said, I think the stand down period following a player receiving a red card is entirely at the discretion of the School Head of Sport.

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
So trinity were beaten by 80,and Waverley were also well beaten,against what appears to be a mediocre St Augustines side.
It is hard to justify maintaining the status quo,
Any 80 point game makes duty of care hard to argue,in the event of a significant injury.


Ward Prentice (10)
Wouldn't the red card stand down have applied to the next game whatsoever, not the next competition game? If so he would have missed the CHS game. That being said, I think the stand down period following a player receiving a red card is entirely at the discretion of the School Head of Sport.
I thought the stand down applied to the next CAS game (he played in the rep game) but agree it is up to the school's policy on red cards - so all will be revealed!


Stan Wickham (3)
Just watched the 15as Waverley vs Knox which had a crucial turning point at the end where Waverley scored to win but the referee called a double movement ? I was under the impression there was no double movement in rugby union as the player is never held.

Can somebody shead some light on the double movement rule?

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