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CAS Rugby 2017

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Syd Malcolm (24)
Frost, coghill and Moretti all played NSW schoolboys this year (Moretti 16's, Coghill Shadow)

Reimer was selected to higher honours this year for club rugby representative teams.

Wright, if he can be fit, would play the role of Helu in higher honours.

I think another player with potential for higher honours is Cutrone(K, Prop/Hooker) without the injury he sustained this year he would have been CAS 1sts and possibly a shadow NSW selection.

Cornish is another potential, back next year and considered one of the better players in that age group two years ago.

I also think Ilias has a lot of potential, and could impact the potential 10's being selected for CAS 1sts.

Blazing Saddles

Sydney Middleton (9)
Agree with Cutrone, will be interesting to see how he comes back after such a terrible injury last year. Played all of 2015 1st XV in front row as a year 10 .

Will be interesting to see how both Dawson and Wright go next year, both very strong young lads and they will both be pressing for higher honours.

Another clash will be Donaldson vs Woodcock vs Stenmark for the 10,12 positions ?

Not sure re Frost and what position he suits , a quality athlete think he plays more like a back rower than a tight 5 player..his lineout skills are excellent, will need some further work on scrummaging and defence techniques for him to achieve as a lock

Both Stead and Dissett??? from trinity (If returning this year) will be in the mix.

A smoky may well be the cranbrook hooker (who i thought played very well in a beaten pack throughout the year) Coghill is definately the front runner for the 2 jumper

Will certainly be an interesting year next week and looking forward to seeing how the Alos under 16's perform in opens (could be some real surprise packets there)


Ron Walden (29)
Frost (2nd Row)
Coghill (Hooker)
Reimer (Back Row)
Moretti (2nd/Back Row)
Wright (Hooker)

Coghill will need to work on his throw. Rahme from Aloys is also a talented front rower who can play both hooker and prop.

I'm not trying to talk down the above players' prospects. I wish them all the best. But as far as higher honours go, there is some serious competition for spots lurking in the other associations as well.

For example, within GPS, some incumbents that would have to be in contention for NSW selection in 2017 include:

1. LUKE EDWARDS (SHORE) - made Combined States in Nationals this year.
3. DARCY BREEN (SCOTS) - made NSW 2nds in Nationals this year.
6. CHARLIE RORKE (RIVERVIEW) - made Australian Baa Baas this year.

White line fever

Fred Wood (13)

These players for sure, and some more talent will unearth itself in the year.

I think there may be even more young talent across the board than this year, particularly as some of the special year 10 boys, this year, take to the field next year!


I'm not familiar with any of these players. I'm a GPS supporter. There you go. Allegiance declared. I'm not trying to talk down the above players' prospects. I wish them all the best. But as far as higher honours go, there is some serious competition for spots lurking in the other associations.

For example, within GPS, some incumbents that would have to be in contention for NSW selection in 2017 include:

1. LUKE EDWARDS (SHORE) - made Combined States in Nationals this year.
3. DARCY BREEN (SCOTS) - made NSW 2nds in Nationals this year.
6. CHARLIE RORKE (RIVERVIEW) - made Australian Baa Baas this year.

I didnt realise these players were backing up again. It's a big achievement for Year 11 players to make State teams so they will be front runners for higher honours again.

Nothing to do with CAS or GPS but a couple more incumbents for next year from the Baa Baas team besides Rorke are Will Harrison (NSW 2) and Jordan Petaia (CS).

The Honey Badger

Jim Lenehan (48)
I'm not familiar with any of these players. I'm a GPS supporter. There you go. Allegiance declared. I'm not trying to talk down the above players' prospects. I wish them all the best. But as far as higher honours go, there is some serious competition for spots lurking in the other associations.

For example, within GPS, some incumbents that would have to be in contention for NSW selection in 2017 include:

1. LUKE EDWARDS (SHORE) - made Combined States in Nationals this year.
3. DARCY BREEN (SCOTS) - made NSW 2nds in Nationals this year.
6. CHARLIE RORKE (RIVERVIEW) - made Australian Baa Baas this year.
Pretty sure Frost and Wilson (Qld) will be front runners for Lock positions Aus Schools 2017


What 2016 CAS Opens players will be playing again next season?

It looks like from Knox there will be Frost, Dawson and Woodcock

Barker - Coghill

Trinity - Stead and Hollingworth-Dessent

Waverley - Wright and Donaldson

If Finn Wright continues on with his form from this season he will push for higher honours.


Ron Walden (29)

These players for sure, and some more talent will unearth itself in the year.

I think there may be even more young talent across the board than this year, particularly as some of the special year 10 boys, this year, take to the field next year!

I totally agree. Incumbents from 2016 nationals not guaranteed a thing. Some current year 10s will definitely play at nationals next year. Some of those year 10s will have made NSW 16s this year. Others won't have.

Armchair Selector

Johnnie Wallace (23)
1. LUKE EDWARDS (SHORE) - made Combined States in Nationals this year.
3. DARCY BREEN (SCOTS) - made NSW 2nds in Nationals this year.
6. CHARLIE RORKE (RIVERVIEW) - made Australian Baa Baas this year.

You can probably add Tristan Reilly (Joeys) to that list who missed the GPS trials and Schools Championships this year due to injury. Voted 2016 G & G Rising Star.

Incumbents not guaranteed a thing. Some current year 10s will definitely play at nationals next year. Some of those year 10s will have made NSW 16s this year. Others won't have.

A lot can change in the off season and over a 2 year period. In 2014 Blaise Barnes who has just signed with the Eels was selected in GPS Presidents B team and Yirribi Jaffer-Williams (2016 Aussie Schoolboys) didn't even make the GPS Presidents squads.

An important lesson to all young players is hang in there work hard and talent will be eventually noticed.

A lesson that the ARU could learn in trying to keep players in the game (which they seem awfully bad at doing) until they mature....... Stop losing the talent to 5 kick :mad:

White line fever

Fred Wood (13)
AS and others,

5 kick gets lots of mentions but clearly they are doing something better than us. Anyone willing to articulate why so it can be countered?


Jim Clark (26)
You can probably add Tristan Reilly (Joeys) to that list who missed the GPS trials and Schools Championships this year due to injury. Voted 2016 G & G Rising Star.

A lot can change in the off season and over a 2 year period. In 2014 Blaise Barnes who has just signed with the Eels was selected in GPS Presidents B team and Yirribi Jaffer-Williams (2016 Aussie Schoolboys) didn't even make the GPS Presidents squads.

An important lesson to all young players is hang in there work hard and talent will be eventually noticed.

A lesson that the ARU could learn in trying to keep players in the game (which they seem awfully bad at doing) until they mature... Stop losing the talent to 5 kick :mad:

Barnes was injured also, tore his ACL in a trial match. Given he played NSW 1s in 2015 good chance (although not certain) he would have played in 2016. Tristan will be an interesting one. He is signed to the bunnies and he played the week after Australian Champs at the Oz league champs. I think another one who will ultimately be lost. Is it worth selecting him at the expense of a boy who will continue in rugby long term?


Ron Walden (29)
Is it worth selecting him at the expense of a boy who will continue in rugby long term?

That's a tough question and one that's likely to solicit a broad range of responses. Personally, I think that if a player has signed a contract to play league they should not be considered for selection at Nationals or Schoolboys. Just saying

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
ASRU selectors will disagree. They select who they believe are the best at the time, noting that historically less than 50% of Schoolboys players go on to a professional career in sport.

@Lee Grant has spoken to the selectors on several occasions and confirmed that they do not see that their role is to "penalise" those who will be playing Fivekick they year after graduation.


Trevor Allan (34)
@Lee Grant has spoken to the selectors on several occasions and confirmed that they do not see that their role is to "penalise" those who will be playing Fivekick they year after graduation.

So once again mungo eats our lunch while we sit back passively focusing on short term selections with no eye to the future.


So once again mungo eats our lunch while we sit back passively focusing on short term selections with no eye to the future.

This year at least quite a few players hadn't committed to either code by the time the Australian Schoolboy Championships were played. Some had a finger in each pie and then made their decision later.
Some, as mentioned, chose league but how many other promising players were offered an opportunity in league and chose rugby?

I know of a couple without mentioning names.

I think it cuts both ways and its just the way the cookie crumbles.

What would you suggest as a solution to the problem of players taking the money and choosing league?


Trevor Allan (34)
This year at least quite a few players hadn't committed to either code by the time the Australian Schoolboy Championships were played. Some had a finger in each pie and then made their decision later.
Some, as mentioned, chose league but how many other promising players were offered an opportunity in league and chose rugby?

I know of a couple without mentioning names.

I think it cuts both ways and its just the way the cookie crumbles.

What would you suggest as a solution to the problem of players taking the money and choosing league?

It's an excellent question SLV and don't think there is a simple answer or silver bullet, but as been proffered before many times in these pages, proper funding for grassroots and the sub NRC competitions would certainly help.

The reality is that Mungo is hard on the hunt and they attempt to lock in talent (and loyalty) to their code as early (or earlier) than U15, where lads get their first taste of the NRL when they get selected for Harold Matts.

Loig are quite clever in that Matt's effectively acts a s a junior NRL comp and has a lot of support with within the cashed up NRL. From personal experience when a dual code player makes both Matts and Rugby Rep teams at 15 the pressure comes on from the loig to commit to league and forget Rugby.

Their entire focus gives the impression of long term nurturing and pipe-lining of talent to support their game and with talented teenagers pulling contracts of 60K plus is it any wonder that the prospect of a wheelbarrow full of the filthy lucre sways them to the dark side.

So I'd suggest Union lose the hearts and minds of these guys by the time they are 16/17 and while they may also be excellent Union players they will never be part of Union's future. Offering such lads the the pinnacle of development opportunities as a member of senior School Boy Rep teams ahead of other similarly talented lads who are focused on pursuing the elite Rugby pathway is IMO detrimental to game's future. Why do it when they've already confirmed their allegiance to the devil by signing away their souls?

Getting back to your question we have a host of structural, financial, organisational issues in Union which are also stopping us competing with league at the critical U18-20 stage.

The example of the Shute Shield being effectively abandoned by the ARU and forced into being an amateur league courtesy of the withdrawal of funding is difficult to understand. The crumbs the Shute Shield Clubs do receive would be lucky to fund the purchase of a cardboard corner post.

Another sickening example would be to compare the money that flows into the Holden Cup against the money that flows into the Sydney and Brisbane Colts Competitions....not even close.

Faced with a choice between a diet of bread and water and Wagyu fillet with all the trimmings it's natural that Wagyu gets the nod....and yes while money doesn't buy you happiness it does buy you a better form of unhappiness.

As They say in Thailand....No Money no honey mista!!!!

The Honey Badger

Jim Lenehan (48)
I think CAS and GPS should have a rule that prohibits boys from playing both codes. And no boys should be allowed to have written or verbal agreements with any professional organisation while they are at school.

If the private schools stopped encouraging League and stopped acting as a nursery. Perhaps that would be of greater benefit to rugby at all levels.


I think CAS and GPS should have a rule that prohibits boys from playing both codes. And no boys should be allowed to have written or verbal agreements with any professional organisation while they are at school.

If the private schools stopped encouraging League and stopped acting as a nursery. Perhaps that would be of greater benefit to rugby at all levels.

The schools cant put restrictions like that onto individuals.
All they can do is insist they prioritise school rugby over any league commitments.
In fact I think its part of the agreement to attend some (all?) private schools that the students commit to playing school sport.
Exemptions can be granted under certain circumstances but thats the general rule.

White line fever

Fred Wood (13)
Guys, Azzuri and I have bumped heads in the past BUT I am sure it's is all directly around what is best for the game.
I note the many suggestions, which may all be solid, but at the end of the day ITS A BUSINESS, so if mine (rugby) is better than yours (league) then I win.

Big corporation/association etc problems start at the top, it is the ARU's poor leadership team that is the issue.

Sideline is spot on, you can't insist boys don't play league, what you need to do is make Union more attractive with the incentives that resonate the strongest.
It's a structural and marketing issue, in other words a really SOLID short and longer term business plan, then the roles will be reversed.

The issue of how to execute this strategy,given the current ARU incumbents, is the starting point!

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