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Evolution at Green and Gold Rugby - PLEASE READ

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Dismal Pillock

David Codey (61)
re: locked thread. www.greenandgoldrugby.com/community/threads/rwc-2015-final-australia-v-new-zealand-twickenham-sunday-1-november-3-00-aedt.16200/page-88#post-809522

sure, you dont want us foreign freaks rolling all over their green and gold sand and having a gaye old time dryhumping the maypole into a judder bar for the next 4 years, after the locals lost, but ffswft. They lost! What do you expect after the preceding 82 pages of Grin & Goad Rugby? The thing to wither on the vine after 87 pages of circled-wagon fluffybunnydom?

The more I dwell on this trifling inconsequential matter the more sooky I get. All good and well to have 62 pages of angry mob gloat and goad but then once it turns to shit its oh lets try to talk about the cricket no ok lock the thread then. Maybe it's the Aussie way? Move on. Quickly. Never happened.

If you want more than the 5 foreign pricks you currently have here, it's hardly an alluring manoeuvre to get foreign rugby bastads to sign up. Especially for an increasingly abandoned format like internet message boards. And with rugby struggling in Aus to compete with soccer/afl/loig.

It comes across as you just don't want any non-aussies celebrating after the 87 pages of wind-up came very much unwound. Understandable given its an aussie rugby site. Me personally, I may not even post in the thread again but who knows, some boofhead might want to discuss the biggest rugby game of the last 4 years here on - hold the phones what the fuck is this - a rugby forum.

Kangaroo Sausage

Peter Burge (5)
Meh, to be fair we were only going to crap on like dickheads for the next few weeks. Whilst I do like to read this forum from time to time, in terms of my posting habits it will appear that I am one of the kiwis who only come out of the woodwork to rub it in and no one wants to see that. Even though cyclo closed the thread he is a decent bloke and I can always wind him and Nick up on twitter so I'm cool with them taking their ball and going home.

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George Smith (75)
Staff member
re: locked thread. www.greenandgoldrugby.com/community/threads/rwc-2015-final-australia-v-new-zealand-twickenham-sunday-1-november-3-00-aedt.16200/page-88#post-809522

sure, you dont want us foreign freaks rolling all over their green and gold sand and having a gaye old time dryhumping the maypole into a judder bar for the next 4 years, after the locals lost, but ffswft. They lost! What do you expect after the preceding 82 pages of Grin & Goad Rugby? The thing to wither on the vine after 87 pages of circled-wagon fluffybunnydom?

The more I dwell on this trifling inconsequential matter the more sooky I get. All good and well to have 62 pages of angry mob gloat and goad but then once it turns to shit its oh lets try to talk about the cricket no ok lock the thread then. Maybe it's the Aussie way? Move on. Quickly. Never happened.

If you want more than the 5 foreign pricks you currently have here, it's hardly an alluring manoeuvre to get foreign rugby bastads to sign up. Especially for an increasingly abandoned format like internet message boards. And with rugby struggling in Aus to compete with soccer/afl/loig.

It comes across as you just don't want any non-aussies celebrating after the 87 pages of wind-up came very much unwound. Understandable given its an aussie rugby site. Me personally, I may not even post in the thread again but who knows, some boofhead might want to discuss the biggest rugby game of the last 4 years here on - hold the phones what the fuck is this - a rugby forum.
Who are you, and what did you do with Dismal Pillock? :D

ACT Crusader

Jim Lenehan (48)
Shame the game thread was locked, Im sure I had one more post about Wallabies being the favourites, Pocock gonna get us, our scrum not up to it and how we failed in Sydney...... :)


George Smith (75)
Staff member
re: locked thread. www.greenandgoldrugby.com/community/threads/rwc-2015-final-australia-v-new-zealand-twickenham-sunday-1-november-3-00-aedt.16200/page-88#post-809522

sure, you dont want us foreign freaks rolling all over their green and gold sand and having a gaye old time dryhumping the maypole into a judder bar for the next 4 years, after the locals lost, but ffswft. They lost! What do you expect after the preceding 82 pages of Grin & Goad Rugby? The thing to wither on the vine after 87 pages of circled-wagon fluffybunnydom?

The more I dwell on this trifling inconsequential matter the more sooky I get. All good and well to have 62 pages of angry mob gloat and goad but then once it turns to shit its oh lets try to talk about the cricket no ok lock the thread then. Maybe it's the Aussie way? Move on. Quickly. Never happened.

If you want more than the 5 foreign pricks you currently have here, it's hardly an alluring manoeuvre to get foreign rugby bastads to sign up. Especially for an increasingly abandoned format like internet message boards. And with rugby struggling in Aus to compete with soccer/afl/loig.

It comes across as you just don't want any non-aussies celebrating after the 87 pages of wind-up came very much unwound. Understandable given its an aussie rugby site. Me personally, I may not even post in the thread again but who knows, some boofhead might want to discuss the biggest rugby game of the last 4 years here on - hold the phones what the fuck is this - a rugby forum.

You could always start a thread called "All Blacks, How Awesome Are They, Eh?" and stipulate it's for AB thrashwanking only and any buzzkillers need not contribute. :p
Strangely enough, most match threads are closed sooner if they drag on like that, and most die a natural death quickly anyway.
Don't feel victimised, especially after the amount of space we give you for crayon work around here.
You're still one of our favourite "foreign pricks". ;)


Nathan Sharpe (72)
For me it was more about the thrashwank some Australian posters went into over refereeing decisions. That shit gets old real quick. I think everyone had finished going the soggy sao on their point of view and it was time to kill it with fire.

As for non-Australians on this site - there are plenty of QLDers ;)

Now can we concentrate on the cricket?


George Gregan (70)
Staff member
For me it was more about the thrashwank some Australian posters went into over refereeing decisions. That shit gets old real quick. I think everyone had finished going the soggy sao on their point of view and it was time to kill it with fire.

As for non-Australians on this site - there are plenty of QLDers ;)

Now can we concentrate on the cricket?

I just want a few hours of sunshine on a weekend so I can get to the beach; screw Aus cricket, it is a sport taken over by chippy dwarves in oakley sunnies with anger issues

waiopehu oldboy

George Smith (75)
Bigger print please this is Jennifer peak from I'm justgonna ok trying was going to try and take peek their now but can't see the writing on the wall but I know it's just your most unkind I’m this is esteem Lauder advanced Night Repair if you have anything in your arsenal this is a good thing venire you should I have because this is absolutely amazing mom if we look on the back %ah Lucy synchronized Recovery

Bold are the spammers getting..... Another nugget for my collection.

Dismal Pillock

David Codey (61)
just had my THIRD brilliant "if I was running the forum" idea of the year.

Actually, the other two were shit too but never mind that now.

When the forum clears out in Dec & Jan, in order to arrest the "1 member online" evacuation syndrome, move the "Everything Else" topic up to the top, above "Rugby Discussion", and rename it "The Off Season" or something like that for 8 weeks. Then move it back down again once footy season starts again in Feb.

It's official. I'm a genuius.

Google AD

Errol Hunt

Frank Row (1)
Apologies if this is the wrong thread for this question. I'm looking for a LEGAL way to watch occasional rugby games live. I don't want to sign up for a year-long Foxtel account. I'm happy to be relatively fleeced for the half dozen games a year I want to watch that aren't already on Free to Air, or for which I'm at the pub. (Please let me know if this should go elsewhere. And again, I'm lookin for legal options only.)


Steve Williams (59)
Find a mate who has Foxtel (including the Sports pack) and offer him $5-15 a month or the occasional slab for sharing the online details with you. AFAIK outside of that you're SOL mate. Fox, BeIN and Eurosport have 99% of the Global Rugby rights between them in Australia, and VPN jumping relies on you knowing who has it simulcast and free, as well as being "legal" (not illegal, against the terms of service for most sites).

Errol Hunt

Frank Row (1)
I guess that's useful to know. I didn't realise viewing rights were so comprehensively wrapped up in Oz. (In the end I went to the pub, enjoyed a few pints of Coopers and got there at the 7min mark so missed the Puma's only try, so, not a bad result at all.)

Second potentially futile and misplaced question: are tickets for Bledisloe III in Auckland to be sold in Oz?


Foxtel Play over 2 week free trials.. could use that

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