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Ewen McKenzie Resignation

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Melbourne Terrace

Darby Loudon (17)
Pulver should be the one resigning. This blew up because of mismanagement at the ARU. The fact that Pulver had to take the fall for this is disgusting.

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
It's been very obvious he is unimpressed with the treatment of Patston. If the players have lost his respect which is a strong possibility given what some have said recently thwn that may be reason enough to resign. I don't buy the he lost the group message, few bad eggs spoils it for everyone. Hooper is in no way ready to lead and seems very easily swayed by those around him.
You don't know what happened behind the scenes any more than I do.

But it's a bit rich supporting the coach,who had a poor record (zero v AB's,1 from 4 with the Boks,and a crappy 50% overall)
And at the same time criticising the captain who was regularly polled as one of the best performers in the side week after week.

If your observations about the deficiencies of the captain actually had any credence,then I would suggest as the coach chose the said captain week after week,then those deficiencies became the coach's responsibility for failing to address the issue.


this is an incredibly sad day for Australian Rugby, Ewen is a fantastic rugby mind who is now likely lost to Australian Rugby.

Once again the self-involved and agenda pushing brigade have managed to undermine the credibility of Australia Rugby...

Will the last person out please turn the lights out at the ARU.


Mark Ella (57)
Thank you Link for all the work you have done for rugby in Australia both as a player and as a coach. Very, very sad it has ended like this.

This is just pathetic. This fucking soap opera I can't stand no more. Fuck the ARU and the fucking numpties within it that have played a role of the creation of this fucking dismal situation. Fuck the spoiled little brats who call themselves players who are meant to be representing us as rugby fans and our country on the international stage. Fuck you Kurtley Beale. A lot of people have stood by you as you face some hardships that life can bring. They gave you the support and the opportunity after several fuck ups yet you still manage to spit in their faces and pis it all against the wall. Fuck the sanctimonious wankers that spew bile unrelated to rugby on the internet and other media. Your actions can destroy lives and careers without a shred of justice but I doubt you have the morals to give a fuck you petty fucking bottom feeders.

Do the decent thing Pulver. Resign and fuck right off.


Colin Windon (37)
The worst part about this is that I don't think any professional coach would want to take the Wallabies job at the moment. Just looks like a poisoned chalice.

A chance to coach a top 4 side at the RWC with 8 or 9 tests to prepare for it?

They'll have no problem finding a willing candidate.


Darby Loudon (17)
Pulver should go as well. He's overseen one of the worst periods of Australian rugby where fans are leaving in droves and rugby is in deep trouble as a fourth tier football code. The powers to be May make a move....


Peter Sullivan (51)
truly appalling outcome.
the truth i suspect will never be known, even after he publishes his book. McKenzie clearly feels that the divide in the dressing room and the lack of respect for him makes his position untenable, Pulver said so in his his bit of the presser.
i don't believe a witch hunt within the playing ranks is necessary but the playing group have to all align themselves to one common goal and and one coach, even if that means abandoning "mates". simple choice really, the team or or personal allegiances. if they can't then let them go outside the tent and stay there.


Colin Windon (37)
What has Pulver done wrong?

  • He hired the guy you are all in love with when there was another candidate knocking on the door (White);
  • he allowed that guy to select his own staff;
  • He made the NRC happen, which you are all hard for;
  • He actually seems to be concerned about the financial side - chopping out some of the wasted $$.
It's fucking Ewen's fault that the tour/business manager that he selected wasn't cut out for the work. In no way do I condone workplace harrassment through nasty text messages (or any other kind), but she appears to have been out of her depth (raising the hotel bill during the game??).
This falls on Beale (for being a dickhead) and Mckenzie (for not getting the results we expect). There's no evidence that its Pulver's doing at all.


John Hipwell (52)
No one actually placed a case against his reputatation..I am as devastated as you..I simply mentioned that I heard there was more to it

Checks is the obvious replacement, outside him there is no one..i will say it again, fuck jake white..

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And again, where did you hear there was more to it? If you are unable to say who, you need to start being a lot more careful about how you word such statements.

Tom Ando

Fred Wood (13)
Totally unrelated in terms of what happened tonight, but I feel an element of the deep issues in Australian Rugby is politics from the grassroot level. Something that happened yesterday left me feeling empty after a handful of players, some not present at a trial get selected for a team, in my opinion due to personal player administration relationship.

I strongly feel about the way coaches/administrations and players interact and build relationships, and it seems the way the ARU allow the player group to behave begins from the roots of Australian Rugby. Never should players' opinion be considered in terms of appointing coaches. I'm pretty sure I heard Pulver say that they will be looking for someone who the playing group will respect. How about fuck that, appoint someone who will do the job, and the players that dont pull their head in and follow the program piss off?! Maybe this is just me I don't know. But I draw a lot of personal parallels from personal experience at club/school level and what's happening at the top level.
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