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France v Australia

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John Eales (66)
Back to the future hey Cyclopath? Easily the best 10/12 combo we've had in the past couple of years, but unfortunately (for Aus rugby) think it's more likely we will see Foley/Beale.
Highly unlikely I think..off the bench possibly, but I think the best KB (Kurtley Beale) will see on this tour is #23.

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
Robinson's side was OK, Alexander's was going to shit, and Robinson had a few good carries. I'd keep him on the bench until Sio is back and firing next year, but we need to get someone besides Alexander at THP reserve. God knows who?

I agree that Alexander's side was going backwards, but the Th side was also going backwards at pace when Kepu was still on, once Skelton came into the second row. The common factor is Skelton. He cannot scrummage. Kepu is one of the best THs going round atm and Ben A isn't in his class, but the scrum would be a lot more solid with almost anyone else in the second row ather than Skelton.


George Smith (75)
Staff member
I agree that Alexander's side was going backwards, but the Th side was also going backwards at pace when Kepu was still on, once Skelton came into the second row. The common factor is Skelton. He cannot scrummage. Kepu is one of the best THs going round atm and Ben A isn't in his class, but the scrum would be a lot more solid with almost anyone else in the second row ather than Skelton.
I think this discussion has already been had on this thread, and I am not interested in having it again with you, for obvious reasons.


Semantics, the point is don't make antagonising posts and get upset when someone does the same to you.

I'm sorry it's a massive difference. I can say I don't like your post or argument but that doesn't mean I don't like the person or think they're an idiot. I won't say "moronic" again but your logic is wrong.

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
Yeah, I really think we need to change up the 10 12, we look pedestrian in attack way to often. I'm also warming to the idea of moving Foley to fullback and folau to the wing. Izzy is still getting caught out in defence and we could really use a fullback that makes those covering tackles, which I think Foley does a better job of, though it may not be enough if a gain to be worthwhile.

Putting someone who is hidden on the wing in defense at fullback doesn't seem like a good idea to me.

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
Hard to single out individual players in that effort. No-one was good, really. Don't think sweeping changes are in order.

I liked Quade Cooper, but I don't think he would have done any better than Foley with the speed of the French line. He looked great against a tiring line, sure, but I don't think he's a lay-down misere to start. WHat's more Foley kicked 100% (which we take for granted) and single-handedly created a try.

My main disappointment was the lineout- what was going on there? Has been good all year, but blew up in spectacular fashion. Can't pin that on Ben Alexander.
But he did do better than Foley in his brief appearance.
Not that it matters,Cheika has obviously decided its Foley all the way to RWC.


John Eales (66)
I feel a bit surreal about this loss, I don't feel shattered or disappointed like I usually do when we lose..kinda like we are a work in progress and the final result will be exciting and worth a bit of pain getting to.


David Codey (61)
Yeah before Skelton came on we had scrum ascendancy, I made the comment in game at one scrum he set up with his arse pointing at the side line. His a talent and only young, he has a lot of talent but needs a lot of work.

My rage levels is high, but I actually enjoyed the game high paced hit out.


George Smith (75)
Staff member
But he did do better than Foley in his brief appearance.
Not that it matters,Cheika has obviously decided its Foley all the way to RWC.
I wouldn't be so sure. Cooper has only now come back into the fold. I think an in-form Cooper makes a big claim to starting at 10, especially if he's kicking goals well. From what Cheika has had to say about him, I think he sees a lot he can offer. In recent Tests, Foley has been about the only real option that is playing 10 consistently. Leali'ifano and To'omua have been chopped and changed so much it's hard to know where either stands at 10 currently.

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
I'd be more than happy to start hodgo if we had to but I think all those raving about his performance need to take a deep breath..he makes an impact off the bench because he his brought on for that reason when everyone else is nuffed..that's his role!

Locks remain a sore point, the only bright side is there has to exist some upside somewhere..

Phipps had a great first half but he did a lot of work and should have been subbed earlier than the 65th minute.

Like most I'm not convinced with the current 10/12 combo..cooper/To'omua worked great this time last year and at that time was seen as the way forward..they are both fit now

Not one of izzy's best games but we all have a bad day at the office sometimes

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The only way Hodgson should start is to play 7 with Hooper out or on the bench. At the moment, I wouldn't be averse to that happening.


Dick Tooth (41)
Jesus fucking christ.


I thought these blokes were professional rugby players, none of them could even catch a fucking ball!

I'm going to the pub, I need to forget that.


John Eales (66)
But he did do better than Foley in his brief appearance.
Not that it matters,Cheika has obviously decided its Foley all the way to RWC.

Some people have Cheika so wrong..he ruled a line under the TRC tour as a starting point (i.e. the Bled 3 team)..he rewarded that side (if fit) with the starting spots v Wales, they got the win so he rewarded them again with a start v France..but he hasn't 'decided it's ANYONE all the way to RWC', he is simply looking for reasons to change the status quo rather than just doing it because some people think he should.


I would played Genia, Cooper, Speight, Jones, and To'omua against Ireland regardless of the result so I don't we can read to much into it if they are selected.

Question is do we start Kepu in order to attempt to dominate the Irish scrum or give him a rest (save him for England)? I think we can do well at scrum time against Ireland due to their injuries.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Fair call, I should not have called you an idiot. I have removed the offending word.
If one of the other mods wants to warn / ban me, fair enough. Thems the rules.
I stand by my opinion that Alexander is a poor technician currently, and I am not alone in this.

Administer the uppercut @Cyclo. Example attached.
Credit to @Swat for the footage. Pinched off the blog front page.


Larry Dwyer (12)
There are some on this forum that actively monitor his pass.

The owner of the local bottlo is only too aware of how often it happens.:)
Sort of like being on FIFA's ethics committee - not too demanding

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Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
Hard to single out individual players in that effort. No-one was good, really. Don't think sweeping changes are in order.

I liked Quade Cooper, but I don't think he would have done any better than Foley with the speed of the French line. He looked great against a tiring line, sure, but I don't think he's a lay-down misere to start. WHat's more Foley kicked 100% (which we take for granted) and single-handedly created a try.

My main disappointment was the lineout- what was going on there? Has been good all year, but blew up in spectacular fashion. Can't pin that on Ben Alexander.

Hey, Baa Baa, when will it be time to make sweeping changes? Half the bench needs to go, namely Benn Robbo, Ben Alexander, Will Skelton and Matt Hodgson (though he could well replace Hooper in the starting lineup if we want to see some improvement in the back row) and Will Genia. The back row has been unbalanced these past two games, and McMahon at 6 does not work with Hooper and McCalman at 7 and 8. Foley is not our best starting 10! His goal kicking does not compensate for his inability to set the attack alight as Quade can nor for his substandard defense.

Unfortunately, there is no easy answer to the front row reserves. I have been banging on since the team was announced that there were insufficient props in the touring side. I nominated that this could be our archilles heel and I think noone is debating that now.

The solution to the back row, given the players on tour, is for Luke Jones to be starting at 6. In the second row, Skelton must now be discarded and imo both of Simmons and Horwill should not be together on the field. One on the bench to replace the other towards the end of a game.

The backline looked like it was pretty well established prior to this game, but some deficiencies were well and truly exposed today. Quade is a far better all round No 10 than Foley and he is now getting back to match fitness. That change must be made. Whatever else happened in the backline today, the absolute fuckup that occurred with the replacements cannot be ignored. That mess must be laid entirely at TGC's feet, as should the inadequacies in the starting lineup and makeup of the bench.

TGC - the Great Charletan. He has a lot to answer for and it won't be answered by bringing Beale back into the team.

It is what it is

John Solomon (38)
Over-reaction methinks. Skelton definitely needs to learn his trade at Super level before getting another go in a test match, and only one of Simmons and Horwill should on the ground at the same time as they are too similar in the way they play these days, and Lealiifano should retain his spot.

Here's what an over-reaction looks like, your previous post;
Bardon generally I agree with most of what you say, but not on this occasion. The Wallabies' scrum and lineout is equal or better than most until the starters are replaced. When the replacements are midgets (hodgson) or ineffectual giants (Skelton) then what we need is a new fucking coach.
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