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John I Dent 2015

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Brumby Jack

Steve Williams (59)
This thread is going to be cleaned up with some posts removed.

A quick look at the forum rules may help those wishing to participate here in future.

mouth guard

Bob McCowan (2)
I'll never have heart for the vermin.

And while you mention the squads, this sums up the difference in the 2 clubs:

"Player$ they bought in, 2 years together builds strong bonds"

There are lads in that Royals side who played in the early 2000s!!

I think you'll find that Royals, like every club in Canberra, use $$ as an incentive to get players across.
I believe Royals paid for Sok Tai's visa to get him to the club? Which caused the blow up at the start of the year when he moved to QBN?
I have also heard whispers of Royals doing the same thing with Pedro?
Not taking anything away from the win (which they thoroughly deserved) but I think slagging Vikings for paying players is quite hypocritical.


Frank Row (1)
Anyways lets talk footy . Did anybody get down to the colts grandfinal . What a game that was ! If that core group of royals boys stick together the royals will be at the top for many many years to come

Out of the woodwork

Allen Oxlade (6)
I think you'll find that Royals, like every club in Canberra, use $$ as an incentive to get players across.
I believe Royals paid for Sok Tai's visa to get him to the club? Which caused the blow up at the start of the year when he moved to QBN?
I have also heard whispers of Royals doing the same thing with Pedro?
Not taking anything away from the win (which they thoroughly deserved) but I think slagging Vikings for paying players is quite hypocritical.
What a loada rubbish. Royals has never paid anyone any money or used it as an incentive ever. Onwards and upwards, hopefully we get ourselves a new club/pub soon.


Larry Dwyer (12)
Anyways lets talk footy . Did anybody get down to the colts grandfinal . What a game that was ! If that core group of royals boys stick together the royals will be at the top for many many years to come

Yes a good game very even as the score suggests. Royals forwards were bigger and more consistent, Tai and Mann were good. The Vikings forwards while excellent at the set piece, were outplayed at the breakdown. Perplexing then why they rarely used their backs which had been their strength. Giltrap in particular, was seldom used despite I'm told, finishing as the clubs top try-scorer. He and Pula were strong in defense and Mahtook was good when he came on. Be interesting next year where these boys play.


Vay Wilson (31)
Yes a good game very even as the score suggests. Royals forwards were bigger and more consistent, Tai and Mann were good. The Vikings forwards while excellent at the set piece, were outplayed at the breakdown. Perplexing then why they rarely used their backs which had been their strength. Giltrap in particular, was seldom used despite I'm told, finishing as the clubs top try-scorer. He and Pula were strong in defense and Mahtook was good when he came on. Be interesting next year where these boys play.
Yes very enjoyable game with awesome talent on both sides. I thought Tai was very good for Royals and was surprised he started on the bench. I understand he was coming back from injury but I would have thought it safer to start your player with an injury concern and hold your back up on the bench rather than swap your injured player in after 20 mins and hope he doesn't fall over. That said it worked well on the day and congratulations must go to Royals coach (Benke?) who I hear is doing wonderful things. The Tuggies captain should also be congratulated for making a very gracious, genuine speech at the end of the game. He showed real character and did himself and the club proud.


Vay Wilson (31)
That was also the first grand final in as long as I can recall where Easts haven't featured at half time. Perhaps I've been too drunk to notice in previous years but when did the gift stop and why?

Brumby Jack

Steve Williams (59)
There will be a Griffins rep squad that will play some curtain raisers to NRC games this year:

29 August v NSW Country B (NRC curtain-raiser)
5 September v Greater Sydney Rams B (NRC curtain-raiser)
24 September v Australian Services Rugby Union
28 September v Australian Services Rugby Union
10 October v Newcastle Emerging Wildfires (NRC curtain-raiser)

Ray Dobson
Harry Lloyd
Michael Henry
Cuan Hublutzel
Nick Dobson
Neori Nadruku
Toby Wilson
Nathan Selwood
Michael Smith
Brendon Woodward
Steve Sione
OJ Noa
Tyson Tamihere
Pedro Rolando
Mitch Douch
Jordan Jackson-Hope
Darcey Eason
Andrew Barrell
Rob Buaseru
Melani TiatIa
Harry Burey
Billy Chalker
Luke Duffy
Jason Swain
Ben Johnson
Montanna O'Neill



Vay Wilson (31)
That's a truely representative ACT team that I'd be happy to pay money to watch games and support. Would have liked to have seen the Kookaburra name return but Griffins works as well.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
This may end in tears, but hopefully not.

Anyone able to set aside tribal club loyalties and keen to nominate their John 1 Dent 2015 Merit Team of the Year?
Requirement: Must have played at least 7 games in any grade in John 1 Dent.


Larry Dwyer (12)
This may end in tears, but hopefully not.

Anyone able to set aside tribal club loyalties and keen to nominate their John 1 Dent 2015 Merit Team of the Year?
Requirement: Must have played at least 7 games in any grade in John 1 Dent.

Perhaps narrow nominations to 1st, 2nd and colts??? Will be interesting nonetheless.


Larry Dwyer (12)
Out of interest, do readers have knowledge of the top try/point scorers in their respective clubs? Had a look at Rugbynet on the Brumbies site and for whatever reason, it only had stats on Gungahlin, Queanbeyan and Tuggers
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