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John I Dent 2015

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Beer on the hill

Ward Prentice (10)
Yes hearing many good things about the colts this year.
Also heard from a mate at the Owls that Uni defeated tugeranong in a non competition match yesterday.

As for Easts, wasnt there talk on a merger with Goulburn?
A 6 team comp would be a disaster


Phil Hardcastle (33)
Not good to hear Easts wont have a 4ths - I know they struggled last year in 3rds/4ths - not sure what can really be done to strengthen them to be honest - why would players commit/or reach out to play with them when its common knowledge that they struggle to put together a 3rds/4ths - and if they do they get flogged anyway. (No disrespect)

Easts really have 2-3 seasons left before they live or die - not sure what can be down though - even injecting money into them doesn't do much in the lower grades....but again the lower grade players who real goal is just to have a run around each week wont go to a club that may not even be able to field a team week to week.

Not sure a merge with Goulburn would work - would be even a huger committed to players with the travel.

Maybe someone with abit of cash should develop a brand new side? One of the larger clubs as a backer i.e Southern Cross Club etc.....would bring some spark to the comp I reckon....

Or the lower grades merge into a monaro comp??

Predictions for this season though -

Easts - Struggle town - but maybe a win or 2

Royals - Will come good when they have their players back - top 4

Vikings - still strong but I think this maybe their worst season in a few years (still top 3/No GF win)

Wests - top 3 for me - will get abit of old school wests spark back

Gunners - think they may struggle abit this year but still a solid team

Uni-Norths - big movers for the year - think they will have one of their most solid seasons in a number of years

QBN - Think they will be extremely strong - tipping a GF win

Beer on the hill

Ward Prentice (10)
Geez interesting. I agree. Cannot split the top 4 sides this year. I'm guna throw my two cents in, grand final preview this weekend; Blue Baggers Whites final. Be a bit of feeling in that!


Sydney Middleton (9)
Not good to hear Easts wont have a 4ths - I know they struggled last year in 3rds/4ths - not sure what can really be done to strengthen them to be honest - why would players commit/or reach out to play with them when its common knowledge that they struggle to put together a 3rds/4ths - and if they do they get flogged anyway. (No disrespect)

Easts really have 2-3 seasons left before they live or die - not sure what can be down though - even injecting money into them doesn't do much in the lower grades..but again the lower grade players who real goal is just to have a run around each week wont go to a club that may not even be able to field a team week to week.

Not sure a merge with Goulburn would work - would be even a huger committed to players with the travel.

Maybe someone with abit of cash should develop a brand new side? One of the larger clubs as a backer i.e Southern Cross Club etc...would bring some spark to the comp I reckon..

Or the lower grades merge into a monaro comp??

Predictions for this season though -

Easts - Struggle town - but maybe a win or 2

Royals - Will come good when they have their players back - top 4

Vikings - still strong but I think this maybe their worst season in a few years (still top 3/No GF win)

Wests - top 3 for me - will get abit of old school wests spark back

Gunners - think they may struggle abit this year but still a solid team

Uni-Norths - big movers for the year - think they will have one of their most solid seasons in a number of years

QBN - Think they will be extremely strong - tipping a GF win

Easts sold their club and made 2 grand finals with the money only to be in their current situation. I wouldn't trust them with my piggy bank. I believe the Brumbies also have tried to assist them a few years ago. As for the Southern Cross Club they are the major sponsors of Royals and Wests. I believe the only option is to open the talent pool, Tuggies have guys playing lower grades who would walk into higher grades if not 1sts in other clubs.


Sydney Middleton (9)
Geez interesting. I agree. Cannot split the top 4 sides this year. I'm guna throw my two cents in, grand final preview this weekend; Blue Baggers Whites final. Be a bit of feeling in that!

I can only dream of that grand final, unfortunately I can't see the boys down south missing at least on a grand final spot.

Oz talent

Allen Oxlade (6)
Easts sold their club and made 2 grand finals with the money only to be in their current situation. I wouldn't trust them with my piggy bank. I believe the Brumbies also have tried to assist them a few years ago. As for the Southern Cross Club they are the major sponsors of Royals and Wests. I believe the only option is to open the talent pool, Tuggies have guys playing lower grades who would walk into higher grades if not 1sts in other clubs.
1 grand final


Phil Hardcastle (33)
Easts sold their club and made 2 grand finals with the money only to be in their current situation. I wouldn't trust them with my piggy bank. I believe the Brumbies also have tried to assist them a few years ago. As for the Southern Cross Club they are the major sponsors of Royals and Wests. I believe the only option is to open the talent pool, Tuggies have guys playing lower grades who would walk into higher grades if not 1sts in other clubs.

Ohhh didn't know SC Club was a backer for Royals/Wests.

Totally agree in regards to Tuggeranong having players in 2nds/3rds/4ths that could easily play 1sts/2nd's at any club - same goes for Qbn - the thing is though is how do clubs attract players like that over to their clubs? How do clubs such as Easts strengthen their depth? from what I have seen they look like their own worst enemy alot of the time.

They are smack bang in the middle our ACT Rugby Gold mine with St Eddies, Grammar right on their door step and they are still left with the left overs - once the other clubs have picked off the cream.

I know results get players - but you think some of the 1st XV kids who are in the Brumbies programs could be told/placed at Easts instead of Vikings/QBN etc having free range once they leave school...

Its a tough one - and like I said Easts really have only acouple of seasons to sink or swim I think....before something is done....


Bill Watson (15)
Easts really only get a look at the Grammar boys, most of the Eddies blokes go play with their mates after school and seem to head to the Whities. Easts don't even have a colts team this year sad for one of the oldest teams in the comp. The other option is RMC to combine with them again they always struggle in their Monaro games due to training commitments but it seemed to work when they made up most of Easts third grade.

As for Unis colts toughing up Vikings Colts in a non-comp game at least four of the Viks Colts were playing for the BaaBaas in the U20 Championships.


Sydney Middleton (9)
Looks like the fears the new fee structures will keep casual players out of the lower grades is coming true. Queanbeyan 4ths have forfeited to Royals at home this weekend. Looks like it may be a 4 team competition after all!


Sydney Middleton (9)
Easts just don't have the money and more importantly the structure that other clubs have to recruit the best of the 1st XV schoolboys. Word has it a certain club approaches every ACT schoolboy player with incentives to play. Queanbeyan will always get their home grown Eddies boys back, Royals have strong family associations and junior links to Marist and only those with a cheque book are going to get the cream, unless you have a structured rugby program where the kids can see a future and progression of their rugby ambitions.


Sydney Middleton (9)
Ohhh didn't know SC Club was a backer for Royals/Wests.

Totally agree in regards to Tuggeranong having players in 2nds/3rds/4ths that could easily play 1sts/2nd's at any club - same goes for Qbn - the thing is though is how do clubs attract players like that over to their clubs? How do clubs such as Easts strengthen their depth? from what I have seen they look like their own worst enemy alot of the time.

They are smack bang in the middle our ACT Rugby Gold mine with St Eddies, Grammar right on their door step and they are still left with the left overs - once the other clubs have picked off the cream.

I know results get players - but you think some of the 1st XV kids who are in the Brumbies programs could be told/placed at Easts instead of Vikings/QBN etc having free range once they leave school.

Its a tough one - and like I said Easts really have only acouple of seasons to sink or swim I think..before something is done..

I'd say if they don't field a colts side this year a couple of seasons may be optimistic.

Oz talent

Allen Oxlade (6)
Easts just don't have the money and more importantly the structure that other clubs have to recruit the best of the 1st XV schoolboys. Word has it a certain club approaches every ACT schoolboy player with incentives to play. Queanbeyan will always get their home grown Eddies boys back, Royals have strong family associations and junior links to Marist and only those with a cheque book are going to get the cream, unless you have a structured rugby program where the kids can see a future and progression of their rugby ambitions.
Cheque book? Like the one Canberra Royals used to get Sok Tai a few years ago?


Allen Oxlade (6)
Cheque book? Like the one Canberra Royals used to get Sok Tai a few years ago?

I think Sokai is different kettle of fish to 18 year old school leavers.
Sok had and still has family links with the club and he was supported on a sporting Visa and is a rare case. Certain clubs approach school leavers every year and promise the world and quite often deliver very little.


Sydney Middleton (9)
Cheque book? Like the one Canberra Royals used to get Sok Tai a few years ago?

I wasn't talking about Sok who was never signed as a paid player. Royals certainly paid for his visa and set him up in a job. He was a great servant to Royals and gave his best years to the club. He has close associations with Royals and Queanbeyan and would wish him all the best, just a shame he never made it that step further with the Brumbies as when at his best he was unstoppable. Bringing marquee overseas players into the competition should be encouraged, tapping up young players should be discouraged.


Bill Watson (15)
2nd grade Vikings 10 Wests 7
Colties. Vikings 100 Wests 0

2nd grade was a messy affair with 3 yellow cards

1st grade was brutal with most of Vikings points through some pretty slick moves in the centre and most of Wests in the 5m channel on the sideline.


Jimmy Flynn (14)
If Royals, QBN, and Tuggies rely on three schools so much, where do Wests and the other clubs draw players from? Perhaps the clubs, particularly Easts need to focus on development of juniors rather than hoping they get a few good players from the three schools.


Sydney Middleton (9)
If Royals, QBN, and Tuggies rely on three schools so much, where do Wests and the other clubs draw players from? Perhaps the clubs, particularly Easts need to focus on development of juniors rather than hoping they get a few good players from the three schools.

Easts struggle for juniors. Last year they had no sides above u13's I believe. They haven't had an 18's side in recent memory. Their catchment are does not have a high percentage of children. I do however agree without strong junior representation clubs will struggle. That said junior numbers are well down and continue to evaporate even at the 3 major rugby schools. Looks like Grammar and Marist will only have 2 under 18's sides this year. There are more kids at Marist playing AFL and soccer than rugby.
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