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Kurtley Beale

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Tony Shaw (54)
That's me done. Screw the Wallabies. I won't support a team that endorses that kind of behavior. Tonight they sent a message to Australian Rugby fans that they tolerate sexual harassment and the denigration of women. I won't tolerate that.

If I didn't spend so much money on it, I'd contemplate sending my current Wallabies jersey to the ARU letting them know that I won't be needing it. A bit dramatic? Probably, but I feel that people need to stand up and say that this crap they are dishing up won't be swallowed. The role women play in the game I love is immense and tonight the ARU and the Wallabies just took a big steaming turd on all of them. So like I said, I'm done.


Peter Sullivan (51)


I'm having Eggs Benedict for breakfast tomorrow with an extra side of bacon and a field mushroom. Its gonna be awesome!

Back on subject I won't be commenting on this sorry saga again....unless someone wants to know if the Eggs Benny was the ducks nuts!

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)

This is diametrically opposed to everything that the ARU and its minions have leaked over the past 3 weeks. It's in a News Ltd paper, so the Fairfax conspiracy won't wash.

Things don't appear as simple as some of the posters on these threads have asserted over the past 3 weeks. It was never going to be as black and white as some suggested - this article suggests that the whole thing is a murky shade of grey.

The ARU are the ones that should front a tribunal.


Alfred Walker (16)
KB (Kurtley Beale) might as well make the cheque out to Di Patson because that's directly where the money will be going. And the rest of it.


John Eales (66)
If I didn't spend so much money on it, I'd contemplate sending my current Wallabies jersey to the ARU letting them know that I won't be needing it. A bit dramatic? Probably, but I feel that people need to stand up and say that this crap they are dishing up won't be swallowed. The role women play in the game I love is immense and tonight the ARU and the Wallabies just took a big steaming turd on all of them. So like I said, I'm done.

I think I might use mine to clean my bike chain.

It is what it is

John Solomon (38)
Love that apparently Cheika knew in June, he was very quiet on the mater until it was over.
The whole thing has left a foul taste in my mouth.

How do you know that Cheika was very quiet on the matter?
Beale's Wallaby Coach and Patston are said to have both known about it in the June timeframe, left it unreported and moved on and it's an ARU issue.
It may have been his player from the Tahs involved but it was an ARU balls up.
What do you suggest Cheika should have done...... gone public when those involved seemingly buried it?


Stirling Mortlock (74)
The big scandal is now KB (Kurtley Beale) has been ushered out secretly and the media want Pulver's blood for it.

Teh Other Dave

Alan Cameron (40)
I'm having Eggs Benedict for breakfast tomorrow with an extra side of bacon and a field mushroom. Its gonna be awesome!

Back on subject I won't be commenting on this sorry saga again..unless someone wants to know if the Eggs Benny was the ducks nuts!

Might work with prosciutto, but I'd think a traditional Anglo-Danish style bacon could be too salty with the hollandaise. Washed down with a thick black espresso to cut through the lipids. Or a banana smoothie; do they even make plain old banana smoothies anymore?


Peter Burge (5)
Hmmmm, 45k fine for sending one image one word text. How many of us have done or said worse about a woman in our employ, a co-worker or a good sort at the pub? Yet we have a few prepared to judge the process and the outcome so harshly they they post back their wallaby jersey without really knowing what actually happened.

I dont know a lot but I do know Kurtley is a dick, The ARU are a fucking shambles, There is a lot more to this story that may never come out and No one in here knows the whole truth. I suspect there will be a few surprises to come.


Peter Johnson (47)
From the Daily Telegraph, "Only one single picture message was sent to Patston from Beale with the word Di underneath an image of an overweight, naked woman."

So one is OK but 2 then you are gone

Yep. I guess it just wasn't offensive enough!

What an absolute load of shit, being labelled like that is no less offensive than what was added IMO, and my wife agrees, having your name put to a picture like that is probably more hurtful than what else was said.

So, like others, I want to know who sent the other one. No point even speculating, ranks will probably be well and truly closed around that person.
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