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Kurtley Beale

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ACT Crusader

Jim Lenehan (48)
On the night Link resigned I posted flippantly

So any predictions on next ARU press conference?

"Beale signs new 3 year ARU contract"

Based in that ARU press release, I think this is a real possibility


Ken Catchpole (46)
THere's always more that's not told than the muck that gets published! I'm a female fan and I'll be supporting the Wallabies, however I'd like an entire cleanout from the top to CEO at headquarters. Lets get in some people that aren't from the old boys network!

thanks, Mate.
i can not agree more re the need for a cleanout of the boys' club.

does anyone seriously believe that rugby can survive in Australia if it's managed as a sheltered workshop for players and administrators (and spectators) from a very narrow field of eligibility?

Train Without a Station

Poor old JOC (James O'Connor) must be feeling like the red headed step child.

The stark contrast in their treatment deserves some explanation.

Previous comments by blues recovery certainly seem to ring true


Stirling Mortlock (74)
Was JOC (James O'Connor) ever kicked out? He got his contract released by the ARU but that could've been mutual.


Tony Shaw (54)
Staff member
Also bear in mind that, whilst the ARU didn't terminate his contract, they don't ahve to offer him a new one as it runs out soon.


Tony Shaw (54)
Staff member
These are the mitigating factors..

These include Beale’s contrition; the unpleasant consequences the matter had created for the ARU employee and Beale; and the fact that Beale had already effectively been suspended from recent matches.


Stirling Mortlock (74)
I'm interested in the forensic tech analysis that somehow proved he didn't sent the 2nd text. Sounds interesting.


Frank Nicholson (4)
Still waiting for all the info to come out, but right this second, can I say the disgusted word? Someone on another thread talked about John Thornett.

I've copped heaps of shit for "pushing" my kid into rugby, so this man is my idol. I don't much care whether my son is the cog or considered to be awesome, it is the rest of it. that matters And he has a sister so the fact that he rubbed my shoulder and kissed my head tonight after I read the news says a lot

"His players followed him because they knew he had the experience, and that he was a man of sterling character and high ethics. He was rarely the most brilliant man on the team, but rather the essential cog in the machine. Men followed him into battle because he was solid, dependable, unwavering, a man of undoubted modesty and tangible principles. They all knew he was a fine human being".[

The Red Baron

Chilla Wilson (44)
Hmmmm, 45k fine for sending one image one word text. How many of us have done or said worse about a woman in our employ, a co-worker or a good sort at the pub? Yet we have a few prepared to judge the process and the outcome so harshly they they post back their wallaby jersey without really knowing what actually happened.

Hand on my heart I have never done any of this. Why? Because I have more fucking respect for people, that's why.

If you have said or done worse about a woman in your employ, a co-worker or at the pub, then maybe you should have a good, long hard look at your value set.

Brumby Jack

Steve Williams (59)
KB (Kurtley Beale).jpg


Desmond Connor (43)
If i texted my girlfriend a similar picture with her name under it it would take me a lot more then 45K to get her back. She has more integrity then the ARU.

No wonder Link walked. Respect for that man.

Cheika has a tone of pressure to turn the Australia Rugby around. Another poor coaching job following this disgrace and lots of fans will walk.
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