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Kurtley Beale

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Mark Loane (55)
An honesty session??? Are they still at high school??!! Prepared to be proved wrong, but I've never heard of that in senior rugby.

They don't need a session to be on the same page. They're playing the farken AB's FFS.

Thats the page.
At this point in time, it doesn't seem like a terrible idea to me. I'd like to see some truths laid bare.


Cyril Towers (30)
At this point in time, it doesn't seem like a terrible idea to me. I'd like to see some truths laid bare.

Fair comment Charger, but just 5 days out from a test? Should have been done last week then so that bruised egos can repair in time for the test. Opening up proverbial cans of worms could end up with more drama.

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
Seems to me that KB (Kurtley Beale)'s position is going to be that it is unfair to go over old ground again.
It was dealt with in June, and with Link's input,it was decided no penalties or even a formal warning was required.
It's a reasonable point to make,but will be a Pyrrhic victory for KB (Kurtley Beale),any offer the ARU makes to him thus year will be unsatisfactory to him.
If it can be verified,Link is a goner.

Link denied 2 things at his press conference, if either turn out to be true his position is untenable.


Mark Loane (55)
Fair comment Charger, but just 5 days out from a test? Should have been done last week then so that bruised egos can repair in time for the test. Opening up proverbial cans of worms could end up with more drama.
I want them to be raw. I want them so angry they come out and attack each other after the anthems and Link has to separate them by laying about with a whip. Like a pack of Idatarod dogs.

Basically, I want them to show me that the Jersey means something to them. If I see that I will be able to have some measure of hope.


Colin Windon (37)
What grinds my gears the most is that we tolerate this cartel of influence crap where you've got nice guy journeymen like AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) running around trying to influence management....whilst we still can't win a decent trophy!!

Honestly they could frost each other's tips whilst tweeting about how much they love drew and Matt 2 mins before kickoff if we were ranked number 1. But we aren't, we are ranked number bloody 4.


Tim Horan (67)
Staff member
I don't know it shows his inexperience. I think it shows us what the majority of the playing group think.
So you think the majority of the wallaby players think it's okay to send disgusting text about an ARU employee? And you got that from one guys comments. It's funny because the first thing I thought wasn't that he spoke for the team. The first thing I thought is this guy shouldn't be the captain of our national team.

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
What grinds my gears the most is that we tolerate this cartel of influence crap where you've got nice guy journeymen like AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) running around trying to influence management..whilst we still can't win a decent trophy!!

Honestly they could frost each other's tips whilst tweeting about how much they love drew and Matt 2 mins before kickoff if we were ranked number 1. But we aren't, we are ranked number bloody 4.
Nope, 100 Test matches for even the Wobblies is much,much more than a journeyman.
A few years ago he was the entire backline for a couple of seasons.
No mug has ever played 100 test matches in a tier 1 nation


Mark Loane (55)
What grinds my gears the most is that we tolerate this cartel of influence crap where you've got nice guy journeymen like AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) running around trying to influence management..whilst we still can't win a decent trophy!!

Honestly they could frost each other's tips whilst tweeting about how much they love drew and Matt 2 mins before kickoff if we were ranked number 1. But we aren't, we are ranked number bloody 4.
AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) announced he is leaving Aus rugby after the RWC today. Said he would be able to walk away happy with what he had achieved.

No dis on the guy, as he has been a great player. But he has never held the Bledisloe trophy in his 100 tests. Surely that's gotta hurt.

Chris McCracken

Jim Clark (26)
I missed the honesty session thing earlier. How's this for honesty? The team risks an old fashioned arse whopping in five days and the players had best not get involved in the saga and get their game sorted.

Train Without a Station

Gnostic. It's not exactly unethical if Patson did nothing about the messages until now. As previously noted perhaps she thought it was stupid and offensive and Beale was contrite and didn't think he deserved to lose his contract over. But then in light of the events on the flight her view of him changed and she thought it was important those potentially offering him a new contract were aware of his indiscretions.


Mark Ella (57)
Gnostic. It's not exactly unethical if Patson did nothing about the messages until now. As previously noted perhaps she thought it was stupid and offensive and Beale was contrite and didn't think he deserved to lose his contract over. But then in light of the events on the flight her view of him changed and she thought it was important those potentially offering him a new contract were aware of his indiscretions.

You've never played politics in a large organisation have you? This sort of shit happens all the time. Get some dirt and store it away for a rainy day. Insurance.

Train Without a Station

You've never played politics in a large organisation have you? This sort of shit happens all the time. Get some dirt and store it away for a rainy day. Insurance.

Sorry, I should have said necessarily. I doubt Di's playing politics though since she's quit.

I understand your point and agree that it's just as likely somebody could hold into something as leverage, but it also doesn't necessarily mean that's the case.

Patson had nothing to really gain holding that over Beale and has now left the organisation.

Mortal Wombat

Allen Oxlade (6)
The difference in the language Hooper used regarding Beale and McKenzie is stark.

Asked if Beale deserved to be sacked, Hooper said:
No....(but) with that stuff it is out of our hands.
I hope KB (Kurtley Beale) stays in rugby union and Australian Rugby Union.
We are backing Kurtley.
I enjoy having him around the team and he is quality on the field.

Asked if he backed McKenzie, Hooper said:
We back everyone who is in the squad.
And you have got to because we are about winning, and we need to get back to winning.

I don't believe Hooper is an idiot, and assume he probably speaks for the majority of the players. There sure doesn't seem to be many current Wallabies going off the record to disagree with him.

Like many in here, I believe his unequivocal backing of Beale is probably an error in judgement, but to quietly bump Link under the bus like that says volumes about how the players regard the current set up.

People talk about the stake Hooper has in keeping Beale at the Tahs, but I would have thought he'd personally have more at stake as the Wallaby captain in giving a less than enthusiastic defense of his coach.


Mark Ella (57)
Sorry, I should have said necessarily. I doubt Di's playing politics though since she's quit.

I understand your point and agree that it's just as likely somebody could hold into something as leverage, but it also doesn't necessarily mean that's the case.

Patson had nothing to really gain holding that over Beale and has now left the organisation.

You aren't as cynical as me. The insurance goes further than just leverage over the individuals involved. What do you think will happen now she has resigned? ...............

My point is, if a matter is reconciled, reconcile it and do it properly, that means in a workplace it isn't an informal handshake, it MUST be recorded as a mediation, especially when it involves matters such as this, for the simple reason it can and usually does come up again.

Then, after the formal mediation, it can be put to bed. Any manager who does anything else is not fulfilling their duties.

Train Without a Station

If the matter was formally dealt with KB (Kurtley Beale) would have been dismissed then. Di has essentially given him a stay of execution hasn't she?

I'm not an expert on sexual harassment law, but if she had withheld the information from management, thus preventing them being aware of the issue and taking action, would it limit any of her ability to take legal action?
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