Schoolboy rugby is the lifeblood of the sport. But we can't let the shenanigans that's coming with it drag the site down.
If sanctions seem inconsistent and disproportionate vs what's allowed in other parts of the site, we make no apologies.
If you wish to post in our schoolboy rugby boards, you must agree to our terms listed below:
1. Use the 'Report Post' button
If you report a post that breaks the rules, we'll warn / ban the poster.
If you start a flame war, we'll warn / ban you.
This is the report post button:
2. Speak respectfully to each other
Change: "What planet are you on? Player X was shithouse . "
To: "I didn't see it that way, I thought .
3. Speak respectfully about the players
Change: "Lazy fat bugger with no rugby brains"
To: "Needs to come off his wing and get more involved"
4. Discussion of off-field behaviour is forbidden
If something happens off the rugby field, there is no place for it in our schoolboys forums.
5. These topics are banned outside of their dedicated threads:
i. Scholarships
ii. NTS
iii. Pappa (
Guiding Principal:
All posts should be considered, mature, and add value to the G&GR community.