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New Zealand Rugby Team Watch


Tim Horan (67)
So with Rugby Australia having dumped Rennie does he come into NZR's calculations or does he stick with his Japan plans?
He will be home until next Japanese season I imagine. No way can I see him in any NZR plans, don't usualyy take others rejects.;)

I can understand why he got out of Aussie straight away though, not sure it would be a very comfortable place for him at moment, and probably at moment feels pretty betrayed.

waiopehu oldboy

George Smith (75)
^ yeah, you're probably right but did I read somewhere that his Kobe deal has an out in the event of him being retained by RA or signed by another National Union before he goes over? I'm also wondering at what level does RA preventing him coaching kick in? Obviously they don't want him anywhere near an international side this year but is a short-term SRP (Super Rugby Pacific) or NPC role a possibility?


Tim Horan (67)
^ yeah, you're probably right but did I read somewhere that his Kobe deal has an out in the event of him being retained by Rugby Australia or signed by another National Union before he goes over? I'm also wondering at what level does Rugby Australia preventing him coaching kick in? Obviously they don't want him anywhere near an international side this year but is a short-term SRP (Super Rugby Pacific) (Super Rugby Pacific) or NPC role a possibility?
Maybe he could look at helping out Manawatu (one of his ex teams) or super Aupiki? Can't really see any point in him doing anything with super teams, no point is there, they all seem happy with coaching teams.


Tim Horan (67)
He is not available. Rugby Australia put him on gardening leave (like England should have with Eddie).
Yep and when you read what the RFU said it certainly doesn't help to put RA in a very good light if it true:
Wanting to leave their options open, RA was secretly hoping they did not spook the RFU into insisting Jones’ exit clause include a non-compete measure.

More Rugby​

Much to their surprise, Jones was shown the door and the Australian was free to join whomever he wanted, whenever he wanted

The RFU on Monday defended the decision not to impose any restrictions on Jones, a practice that is often commonplace in blue chip companies when a senior employee is paid off.

“When the RFU ended Eddie’s role as England head coach, having considered both the legal and moral perspectives, it was decided it would be unreasonable to restrict Eddie in seeking alternative employment,” said an RFU spokesperson.

Meanwhile in good old RA, they didn't even go face to face with Rennie apparently dumping him on Zoom from SA??

'He was sacked shortly after by Marinos, who was in South Africa, and placed on gardening leave. With that, RA ensured that they would not repeat the RFU’s mistake by failing to put in a non-compete clause.'
Now that is only paper talk so maybe wrong, but if true, the words gutless bastards come to mind for not doing it face to face, let alone making sure he couldn't take up anything else. And that only my opinion all, I believe (I maybe just to old) that when fire someone etc, you do it face to face (I always did in my life with any dealings I had in business or sport), and when I fired someone always tried to make it as painless as possible.


Tim Horan (67)
Seems Fakatava is close to making comeback, hoping to be ready by start of super.
Also hopefully good new with Pai Pari Parkinson firing on all cylinders!
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John Thornett (49)
Rob Fyfe has been appointed as one of the NZR board representatives for the commercial arm thingy. My understanding is that most of Air NZ's good stuff came while we was running the show? Or is just otherwise highly regarded for his efforts?

Perhaps more interesting still is the other NZR appointee, Gina Brogi, who has a background in global media and streaming.

Brogi, a US-born New Zealander who lives in Nelson, holds roles as a director for Les Mills International, video-on-demand technology platform SHIFT72 and non-profit environmental protection organisation Earth League International.

In her role with 20th Century Fox, she was responsible for the worldwide distribution of the company’s vast catalogue of film and television content.

“I am passionate about contributing to New Zealand-based businesses that can have an impact and punch above their weight on a global scale,’’ Brogi said.

“I share the country’s passion and pride for our remarkable teams and look forward to working with NZRC to expand our connection with fans worldwide and create sustainable growth.”


waiopehu oldboy

George Smith (75)
^ Fyfe has had success in a variety of unrelated fields which suggests he's at least competent. Brogi I've not previously heard of but if she was good enough for 20CF she's probably good enough for NZR Commercial at least for the media side of things where you'd imagine she has a contact or two. Plus if either aren't up to it there's always Richie to drag it out of the fire.


Tim Horan (67)
Got to admit I know nothing about either of them, and probaly don't take a lot of notice really. While I understand the reality and they have to have commercial arm etc, I fully admit to being someone who follows rugby for the sport, and not the business side of it.
So I guess I will just take others advice on what they like.

The Ghost of Raelene

Steve Williams (59)


Tim Horan (67)
Good to see the Welsh know how to remember a great try from 50 years ago


And the sad thing was I watched the game on tv and was already living with the future Mrs Dan54 :confused:


John Thornett (49)
AB's HC to be sorted sooner rather than later.

Instead, a more targeted approach from the executive and high-performance unit has identified a smaller and more practical set of targets, with Crusaders coach Scott Robertson and Japan coach Jamie Joseph the likely frontrunners in what could turn out to be a two-horse race.

The winner is set to be appointed in the first half of the year after a short, sharp and discreet interview and presentation to a NZ Rugby panel – possibly including one or two independent figures – that will take no more than a few days and lead to a recommendation to the board.

Stuff has spoken to a number of sources and a complex and delicate picture has emerged that shows NZ Rugby moving towards fundamental change at the All Blacks head coach and wider management level that has long been called for from a section of the fan base, and Foster’s critics.

They also repeat this line:

Dave Rennie and Joe Schmidt – who is considered unlikely to work with either Robertson or Joseph – are other coaches recognised as elite but a combination of timing and Schmidt’s previously declared reticence to step back into a high profile job could count against them.

Schmidt’s reluctance to work with Robertson, 48, deprives him of a mentor-type figure some feel he needs to make the transition to test rugby despite his stunning record with Canterbury and the Crusaders.

I'm not 100% sure, but I recall this being a situation where Schmidt's original comment - which is, seemingly, never repeated anywhere - was a forward defensive shot/elaborate-no-comment that some media types (un)wittingly interpreted as not being willing to work with Robertson. Will see if I can dig up other people's work who had the actual Schmidt quote. Or I'm totally gaslighting myself...

As it is, I feel Schmidt (if he wants to retain his position) and Ryan's (doubt he's going anywhere) opinions should carry a good deal of weight, and that the incoming HC will have to work with them, which is obviously a different situation to the past where the HC picked all their coaching staff. Personally I'm not too fussed with what I've seen from Joseph, but potentially adding Tony Brown into the mix is exciting. Though that could be evened out if Robertson could pull O'Gara along with him...

The article also name drops Wayne Smith and Robbie Deans. I do wonder if there would be an opportunity for NZR to bring the two together, along with Schmidt, if he wants to drop out of national coaching, to build the player and coach development systems. Deans was excellent at player development at the Crusaders (and assuming he still is in Japan), and Schmidt would have a strong understanding of Leinster's excellent looking development systems.



Nick Farr-Jones (63)
I'm not 100% sure, but I recall this being a situation where Schmidt's original comment - which is, seemingly, never repeated anywhere - was a forward defensive shot/elaborate-no-comment that some media types (un)wittingly interpreted as not being willing to work with Robertson. Will see if I can dig up other people's work who had the actual Schmidt quote. Or I'm totally gaslighting myself...
The original is behind a paywall at the NZ Herald, but this article references it:
NZ Rugby asked Schmidt to meet with Robertson, and while he felt uncomfortable doing so, he fulfilled his employer’s request.

After they had met, Schmidt ruled out working with Robertson, citing his loyalty to Foster.
It definitely doesn't sound like a clash between the two the way they've phrased it, but I do remember other journos putting it like that. I guess there could be some animosity from Schmidt blocking Robertson, but that seems unlikely to be a blocker when it comes down to it. I wouldn't be amazed if Schmidt wanted a break from the setup when Foster leaves though, it's been a tumultuous period and he was always a somewhat reluctant participant.