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Tip the 2018 AAGPS 1st XV Premiers

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John Hipwell (52)
True. But rep teams were picked when Scots were in sublime form and reckon selections would have been slightly different if done now. Although not a selection that would have dislodged a Scots player from GPS 1s, I reckon Creagh would be starting 12 in GPS 1s nor 2s now imo.

Depth and long term planning were key to Joeys this season. While many challenged the Joeys game plan they had to make do with the cattle they had. On speaking with those in the know, the philosophy was always, "we win these things not at the start but and the end" so keeping the boys really fit and not building up their bodies up made sense.

Scots were the best team early on. They were exposed late in the season when injuries came to hand as the boys inflated bodies were not able to withstand the heavy work load. There was a toll taken upon their developing frames. Joeys were fortunate that their boys were able to recover quickly from the punishment they had taken from TKS and TSC. They had no such issues as there players were drilled for a long campaign. Will this see a rethink of the "mega-size" mentality? It was great to see View adopting a similar pathway and they improved as teams fell away as the season progressed. Thoughts?


Alfred Walker (16)
I’m an old old boy and was there yesterday.

The old boys (both sides) had a great time yesterday and caused no real harm other than some disruption, dont ruin a great da
y with rubbish rumours.
Theres heaps of video, post fact if you have any.

To quickly dismiss this sort of accusation and attempt to quickly sweep it under the carpet is wrong.
If anything happened it should be called out.
The 'I didn't see anything, that's bulldust' defence doesn't cut it.
The school and Joeys old boy network should be concerned and want to know if this was the case.
If it was then an apology to Riverview should be forthcoming.


Nick Farr-Jones (63)
Staff member
To quickly dismiss this sort of accusation and attempt to quickly sweep it under the carpet is wrong.
If anything happened it should be called out.
The 'I didn't see anything, that's bulldust' defence doesn't cut it.
The school and Joeys old boy network should be concerned and want to know if this was the case.
If it was then an apology to Riverview should be forthcoming.

Accusations of this kind based on rumour (“it would appear”) are even worse.


Alfred Walker (16)
Accusations of this kind based on rumour (“it would appear”) are even worse.

If it's untrue, it's a low act to make a false accusation.
What irked me was the way it was summarily dismissed as sour grapes by Johnny based on nothing more than he was there and didn't see anything.
To the Joeys faithful the thought that some of their supporters might have done something wrong is incomprehensible.
But rather than just say 'didn't happen' it might be worth the school finding out if the Riverview boys were 'assaulted' in the post celebrations mayhem.
That's all I'm saying.


Nev Cottrell (35)
My observations on joeys v view

I timed the second half , and ref definitely played the full 35 minutes

Which was a bit problematic given the delay in kick off

The light was very dim by games end

However no real bearing on the result

Personally I thought Scolari scored a try that the ref was unsighted on, and touchie seem to think it was a knock on

So I thought that joeys were worthy victors... altgh both teams played so well .... a draw could have been fair result... except it would have denied joeys a share of title

I thought Riverview had inadequate security and police didn’t seem to be doing much

However didn’t see anything too bad ... Altgh pitch invasion was a bit over the top

Re joeys thought 12 Creagh was my man of the match

And joeys forwards did great job at the breakdown

I thought referee was ok but didn’t change behaviour

View might have felt a yellow card was warranted... for repeated off sides/ infringements

Thought it a Shame 2nds match was cut short ... so was nice that two 2nds players ( Ryan and Roberts) were in the last winning play of the day.

Particularly as they have been good players since year 7...not recent drop ins

My points:view
3 mccleanan (2)
2 points number 12
1 point dutalis

3 points Creagh (12)
2 points Gibbs (10)
1 point the lock 5... ?


Nev Cottrell (35)
Re Scots don’t think they were too big ... just sometimes injuries can be a factor

IMHO it is just the luck of the draw

Did Savala play? Would be keen to know whether both teams were under strength

Hopefully a match report?


Alfred Walker (16)
I think Scots kicked to much too. But I think what also happened was that as the season progressed, opposition coaches got better at aligning their own defensive patterns and identified ways to crack the Scots brick wall defence.

At the start of the season, Scots wheeled out a subtley different brand of footy that was very very effective until opposition teams worked it out.

Case in point that trial game v New in week 2 when Scots won 50 odd to nil. New are a good team but with all due respect seemed to have no idea how to contain Scots multi-phase high tempo game.

But by round 4 and 5 of the comp, Joeys and Kings had worked out how to play them.

To some degree Scots probably had to resort to the boot when their offence wasnt as effective.

I could be completely wrong though. Just my thoughts.

I think you're correct Rich.
The kicking game just didn't work when we had to default to it.
Smart teams in the second half of the season hung on to the ball and starved Scots of possession.
Rarely did we benefit from kicking it back to them and the box kick option was tragic............it needs to be jettisoned.
It rarely had the height or depth to cause problems and was frequently charged down, which on a number of occasions led to opposition tries.
Scots were outsmarted in the second half of the season.
Congratulations to both Joeys and Kings.
They deservedly came out the winners.
Probably one of the closest GPS comps in years though.
Nothing between Scots, Kings and Joeys with Riverview in close proximity and Newington up there on their day.


John Hipwell (52)
Hello old friend. Nice to see you again.



John Hipwell (52)
Joeys boys returning for 2019. Looks ominous.

1st XV 2018
2. Louis Robinson (11)
7. Rogan Hickey (11)
8. Hugh Bokenham (11)
10. Jude Gibbs (11)
13. Daniel O'Brien (11)

2nd XV 2018
1. Nicholas Jones (11)
2. Patrick Turnbull (11)
4. Luke O'Shannessy (11)
5. Lachlan Sarr (11)
10. Nicholas Chan (11)
11. Samuel Kannan (11)

3rd XV 2018
1. Daniel Jessup (11)
2. George Burns (11)
4. Angus Houston (11)
7. Will Clements (11)
9. Thomas Hannan (11)
11. Dominic Moretti (11)

Joeys 16A's were also undefeated I am told this season

Johnny come lately

Jimmy Flynn (14)
If it's untrue, it's a low act to make a false accusation.
What irked me was the way it was summarily dismissed as sour grapes by Johnny based on nothing more than he was there and didn't see anything.
To the Joeys faithful the thought that some of their supporters might have done something wrong is incomprehensible.
But rather than just say 'didn't happen' it might be worth the school finding out if the Riverview boys were 'assaulted' in the post celebrations mayhem.
That's all I'm saying.

Well,the initial comment started with ‘it would appear’ which i was countered with ‘i was there’. A theory versus a fact. I invited evidence to be provided and there is plenty available.

Frankly, it reeks of sour grapes from a loser however I will stand and apologise if proven wrong.

Good Clean Game

Bob McCowan (2)
If it's untrue, it's a low act to make a false accusation.
What irked me was the way it was summarily dismissed as sour grapes by Johnny based on nothing more than he was there and didn't see anything.
To the Joeys faithful the thought that some of their supporters might have done something wrong is incomprehensible.
But rather than just say 'didn't happen' it might be worth the school finding out if the Riverview boys were 'assaulted' in the post celebrations mayhem.
That's all I'm saying.

It is not a false accusation.

I am aware of at least 2 of the Riverview players that were punched and kicked by those that invaded the field. Staff needed to intervene and pull the invaders away from the the schoolboys that were setting upon.

I think that qualifies as “assault” under anyone’s definition.

For what was otherwise a game that looked to have been played in the finest traditions of the two schools it was a very disappointing end to an otherwise great game.

Congratulations should certainly go to the joeys boys - they won a great game of rugby!

It’s such a pity that their win has been sullied by the behaviour of others!

I certainly hope the boys and the school take the appropriate action through the authorities. Such behaviour can not be over looked or tolerated at any level.


Nick Farr-Jones (63)
Staff member
It is not a false accusation.

I am aware of at least 2 of the Riverview players that were punched and kicked by those that invaded the field. Staff needed to intervene and pull the invaders away from the the schoolboys that were setting upon.

I think that qualifies as “assault” under anyone’s definition.

For what was otherwise a game that looked to have been played in the finest traditions of the two schools it was a very disappointing end to an otherwise great game.

Congratulations should certainly go to the joeys boys - they won a great game of rugby!

It’s such a pity that their win has been sullied by the behaviour of others!

I certainly hope the boys and the school take the appropriate action through the authorities. Such behaviour can not be over looked or tolerated at any level.

‘I am aware’ sounds as solid as ‘it would appear’


John Hipwell (52)
From watching the match on YouTube today I glean the following from this incident.

There was from the perspective of the viewer a distinct lack of security located in the areas of most concern ie: The Old boys. In place there seemed to be only a few College staff who wielded no obvious sign of authority. Throughout the video I could only see a few yellow vested security people located behind the old boys. One was standing on the hill next to the scoreboard and there were was one 30m from the southern mob.

Here is my point. The southern section of old boys. Not one security vested person in sight late in the game.


Anyone who has been at Hunters Hill for the derby game will attest to the larger than usual number of security people and even police who monitor the old boys and leave the student/parent supporters alone. I was gob smacked watching both sets of Joeys Old Boys being left unattended and non monitored in such a highly charged game. If only Riverview spent some more money on security this could (and should) have been avoided. Happy to be proven wrong if evidence is produced.

BTW...I found them located bottom left after the final whistle.


Good Clean Game

Bob McCowan (2)
‘I am aware’ sounds as solid as ‘it would appear’

My information came directly from the father of one of the boys that was coward punched and then kicked. He also informed me of the nature of the injuries sustained by another of the players.

Beyond that I’ll leave it to those in the appropriate positions of authority to pursue the matter further.


Ken Catchpole (46)
I would agree joker - the level of security was not nearly satisfactory given the occasion.

If I remember correctly, this game in previous years has started at noon-ish in order to avoid Old Boys getting a skin full elsewhere and then coming down to the game and causing alcohol-fuelled disruption.
From changing a time-honoured starting time down to two security men? Thats quite a change in attitude.

Jim Belshaw

Bob Loudon (25)
Now that we are at the end of the season, there is something that I wanted to record because I know many of you will be interested. I also want to pay thanks,

Saturday at Shore I had a lovely chat with Kim McConville, Ken's daughter. I didn't know she was chair of the TAS Rugby club nor did I know that our captain, Dan Lethbridge was her son, Ken's grandson. It was, Kim said, the end of a 42 year connection with TAS rugby. Well, hopefully that's not true, but it is quite an historic moment.

We chatted a little about Ken, about the time the Firsts were being slaughtered by Glen .(the school was playing in the open comp) when Ken pulled on the jersey to play for the school. "Who is that boy", the head (AC) said. "He hasn't paid his fees"!"

The contribution of the McConvilles to TAS is not just in rugby but far beyond including the Music Hall. For those who did play rugby, I suspect there are many memories including the 84 tour of the UK and the 1985 team that beat Joeys earning icecream. Ken was killed in that tragic accident in 85, but his contribution lives on.

I said thanks. Few people know how much effort is required to get the weekly game reports across especially the GPS and CAS comps. A very small number of people share the load. Then we have the on-line commentary including Joker's remarkable knowledge of Star Wars and culinary tastes including the offerings for those who climb the mountain into the heart of Australia, the deep north!

Next year I expect to be back in Armidale again after a gap of 22 years. One side-effect is that I will be able to watch far less GPS rugby, although (hopefully) more teams will visit. I will be relying on you all to keep me in touch so that I can still contribute. And wearing the hat you have all awarded me, and recognising how bad my Latin is, gratias beneficiorum meorum.


Bill Watson (15)
Did Savala play? Would be keen to know whether both teams were under strength

Hopefully a match report?

Match Report has been filed w/ the ‘powers that be’, SD. (But “They” don’t tell us mere scribes when publication up onto the Blog is/ might be!)

Yes, Charlie Savala did play yesterday. Looks tho’ like he may’ve hurt that shoulder of his again. Happened towards the end.

Despite all the injury conjecture pre-game, both teams looked to be at full, or near to full, strength.