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Tip the 2018 AAGPS 1st XV Premiers

  • Total voters

Black & White

Vay Wilson (31)
2nds Newington def Shore 26-12
3rds Newington def Shore (4) 14-7
4ths Newington def Shore (5) 32-7
5ths Newington def Shore (8)

16A Newington def Shore 62-12

15A Shore def Newington 23-21

14A Newington def Shore @50-20
14B bye
14C Newington def Shore 26-7
14D Scots def Newington 50 plus
14E ?

13A Newington def Shore 49-12
13B Newington def Shore C (mismatch)

Black & White

Vay Wilson (31)
2nds Newington def Shore 26-12
3rds Newington def Shore (4) 14-7
4ths Newington def Shore (5) 32-7
5ths Newington def Shore (8)

16A Newington def Shore 62-12

15A Shore def Newington 23-21

14A Newington def Shore @50-20
14B bye
14C Newington def Shore 26-7
14D Scots def Newington 50 plus
14E ?

13A Newington def Shore 49-12
13B Newington def Shore C (mismatch)

Hello Quick Hands

Again, many thanks QH for your reporting of New results. If memory serves me correctly the 14As are now undefeated in 2 seasons

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
Hello Quick Hands

Again, many thanks QH for your reporting of New results. If memory serves me correctly the 14As are now undefeated in 2 seasons

That's correct. 14Bs had a couple of early losses, but finished with wins over Riverview, Joeys, Kings and had a bye today. 14C only lost 2 games all season (both to Scots)

13As only lost one game this season against Joeys at Hunter's Hill.

15As made great strides, close loss to Shore today, close win over Kings last week and competitive in their other games.

16As had a good season (with their three best playing opens)

Johnny Rheinberger

Bob McCowan (2)
It would appear that 5 maybe 6 of the Riverview players were punched by the pitch invaders. A few were visibly affected. Pitch invasion no big deal in my view. Assault of the players clearly not on.

Black & White

Vay Wilson (31)
Funny fact. This drought breaking premiership today was predicted by a Joeys supporter who has seen every 1st Xv game since 1952! He is former mathematics professor and studies long term trends in stats. He said to me in 2015 that Joeys would win again in 2018 and then win a lot more. Sadly he passed away this year and didn't see his prediction come true.

Sorry Quick hands, a flood may be coming. Enjoy the red!

Hello Joker, yes, I have no doubt that Joeys will make their presence felt in the coming years. But, I feel that the dominance that joeys had over the other GPS schools, between 1981 to about 2007 is unlikely to be repeated. For the reason that the other GPS now replicate many of the techniques that gain Joeys that dominance. Scots in particularly have now professionalize their Rugby. .

Johnny come lately

Jimmy Flynn (14)
It would appear that 5 maybe 6 of the Riverview players were punched by the pitch invaders. A few were visibly affected. Pitch invasion no big deal in my view. Assault of the players clearly not on.

I’m an old old boy and was there yesterday.

The old boys (both sides) had a great time yesterday and caused no real harm other than some disruption, dont ruin a great day with rubbish rumours.
Theres heaps of video, post fact if you have any.


Bob McCowan (2)
Looks like Riverview was live streaming the 1st and 2nd's games???
1st XV teams start running onto the field at the 1:25:35 mark


John Hipwell (52)
Looks like Riverview was live streaming the 1st and 2nd's games???
1st XV teams start running onto the field at the 1:25:35 mark

What a day.

It was shame this webcast was not publicized to the GPS faithful as there were many within the Joeys community who would have watched this. Nice production standards. It was a small shame that they panned away after the pitch invasion and did not show the Joeys lads singing at the end. Must say it was great to see the Joeys teams give three cheers to the View student body. Well done to all who made the day one to remember.


Trevor Allan (34)
I was there and videoed it, but very much regret I'm at Sydney airport waiting for a plane to Europe, so my footage won't be available for more than a week, probable two.
Xavier Ryan looked like he ran about 20metres and then passed to Nelson Roberts who ran the remaining 20+ metres, palmed off the fullback as he went round him and scored just to the right of the sticks for a match winning try. There was still time for View to kickoff one more time but Joeys caught it and hoofed it out.

Balmain Subbies

Watty Friend (18)
Great win by Kings yesterday and whilst it wasn’t the result I was hoping for it was an enjoyable day. Supporters on both sides were in great voice. Scots for the second week in a row kicked too much and did not control the ball. However it’s clear GPS rugby is alive and well and next year will be a cracker!


Nev Cottrell (35)
What an amazing game at lane cove.

First up felt sorry for view as they def brought their A game

I knew how good dutalis 15 was... so he was no surprise

However 2 Wilbur McLennan was amazing... he was a wrecking ball

How to split him from barkers pollard?

Then there was the 12 ... was that easy?

AnywAy view must feel gutted

As for joeys ... gibbs was the difference ... but the whole joeys backline was amazing

Observations to be continued


John Hipwell (52)
Just to update

Joeys First XV defeated Riverview 28-25
Joeys Second XV drew with Riverview 19-all with the game abandoned due to the goal post falling down with 7 mins to go.
Riverview 3rd XV defeated Joeys 10-7

Newington First XV defeated Shore 42-21
Newington 2nd XV defeated Shore 26-12

Kings 1st XV defeated Scots 24-18
Kings 2nd XV drew with Scots 14-all
Scots 3rd XV defeated Kings 26-14

TAS 1st XV defeated Shore 3rd XV 24-5
Grammar 1st XV defeated High 17-7


Ron Walden (29)
Great win by Kings yesterday and whilst it wasn’t the result I was hoping for it was an enjoyable day. Supporters on both sides were in great voice. Scots for the second week in a row kicked too much and did not control the ball. However it’s clear GPS rugby is alive and well and next year will be a cracker!
I think Scots kicked to much too. But I think what also happened was that as the season progressed, opposition coaches got better at aligning their own defensive patterns and identified ways to crack the Scots brick wall defence.

At the start of the season, Scots wheeled out a subtley different brand of footy that was very very effective until opposition teams worked it out.

Case in point that trial game v New in week 2 when Scots won 50 odd to nil. New are a good team but with all due respect seemed to have no idea how to contain Scots multi-phase high tempo game.

But by round 4 and 5 of the comp, Joeys and Kings had worked out how to play them.

To some degree Scots probably had to resort to the boot when their offence wasnt as effective.

I could be completely wrong though. Just my thoughts.

Up the Guts

Steve Williams (59)
The amount of representative players Scots had, ironically, perhaps came back to bite in their final few games of the season. They played a lot of rugby and with so much else going on in, for some of them at least, their final school year they tired and lost some to injury.


John Hipwell (52)
Joeys by three lamb shanks

Called it! Never happier to be right for a change.
Celebrating with this dish tonight.



Ron Walden (29)
The amount of representative players Scots had, ironically, perhaps came back to bite in their final few games of the season. They played a lot of rugby and with so much else going on in, for some of them at least, their final school year they tired and lost some to injury.

True. But rep teams were picked when Scots were in sublime form and reckon selections would have been slightly different if done now. Although not a selection that would have dislodged a Scots player from GPS 1s, I reckon Creagh would be starting 12 in GPS 1s (not 2s) if teams were picked now.