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Darby Loudon (17)
2020 Kings College 1st XV Captain Will Penisini playing his debut game for Parramatta Eels. Another GPS kid that got away.

Jim Belshaw

Bob Loudon (25)
All this is now a bit academic given covid, but I was so looking forward to see TAS play in Armidale in the Thirds comp.

At the annual High visit to Armidale (200 boys and staff), TAS Firsts beat High Firsts 80 nil. High won the overall competition between the schools across multiple activities. On some of the TAS rugby players, Binghi reports:

"Year 12 students Tom Forsythe and Sam Skipper were selected into the Combined AAGPS White (Third XV) rugby team and spent a week training in Sydney at The King’s School before playing NSW Country Under 18s on 10 June – a team that included First XV prop Stirling Munsie (Year 11), whose inclusion had been via the NSW Juniors pathway. As a result of his performance with Country under 18s, Stirling was then named in the NSW Junior Opens side which was to play Sydney vs NSW Opens Junior Barbarians on 27 June and NSW Schools 1 and 2 on 3-4 July, before all matches were cancelled due to COVID lockdown.
Meanwhile Fred Kearney, Year 10, was selected for the Presidents XV (Combined AAGPS under 16s) squad and after a weekend of training at Newington College, ran on for Presidents XV A who defeated Independent Schools Association II in the first match of an under 16s rep competition that also included Combined Associated Schools, Combined Catholic Colleges and Combined High Schools, in Sydney on 19-20 June. Unfortunately the final, between GPS A and B sides was called off due to poor weather."

TAS always starts slowly (there is less pre-season competition) but then builds up. It would have been interesting to see how TAS would have gone in later games. I feel sorry for all the boys in all the schools who have lost the opportunity to play senior rugby across a whole series as well as in rep games. Hopefully, next year will be better.

Joe King

Dave Cowper (27)
They left the Joeys team waiting at halfway for sometime. When they finally decided to run on they moved slowly to line up in front of the Scots supporters forcing the Joeys boys to move from halfway and lineup near the sideline for the coin toss. If it was meant to psyche out Joeys it didn’t work, the boys took it in their stride. If you know about the history of Joeys rugby then you will know that up until the Newington game in 1990 the Joeys 1st XV and visiting team lined up on the sideline in
Front of the grandstand (comp games only) . On that day Newington refused to line up due to the unfair advantage the tradition gave. Joeys of course weren’t fussed. They jogged out to the centre and gave Newington a hiding. Shortly afterwards the GPS headmasters banned the sideline tradition and I believe Scots were very vocal at the time (ironically the rest of us have to put up with their god awful bagpipes and drums). It was therefore extremely amusing to see Scots try to psyche Joeys out some 30 years later with the sideline setup only to then cop yet another beating.

The best thing about playing Scots in a trial game is that you get to beat them twice in one year.

Are you sure it was Newington? I thought it was Scots, although my memory could be playing tricks on me.


Dave Cowper (27)
I distinctly remember it was Vs Newington in 1990. Perhaps it is a false memory but I tend to have a good memory for these things. Scots are responsible for a heap of nonsense over the years though. I recall in ‘87 when they sat in the stands at HH and chanted “we want catholic blood” all afternoon and through empty cans at the Joe boys all in front of their own headmaster who didn’t blink. That was the last time any school was invited to sit in the stand.

Are you sure it was Newington? I thought it was Scots, although my memory could be playing tricks on me.

Balmain Subbies

Watty Friend (18)
I distinctly remember it was Vs Newington in 1990. Perhaps it is a false memory but I tend to have a good memory for these things. Scots are responsible for a heap of nonsense over the years though. I recall in ‘87 when they sat in the stands at HH and chanted “we want catholic blood” all afternoon and through empty cans at the Joe boys all in front of their own headmaster who didn’t blink. That was the last time any school was invited to sit in the stand.

Okay Joker, we can pull back with making up crap from the past thanks. All schools have no doubt had their blunders over the years, we could sit here at throw mud at the players in Pink and their behaviours. However, I'll take the high road on this.

Southern Cross

Frank Row (1)
I distinctly remember it was Vs Newington in 1990. Perhaps it is a false memory but I tend to have a good memory for these things. Scots are responsible for a heap of nonsense over the years though. I recall in ‘87 when they sat in the stands at HH and chanted “we want catholic blood” all afternoon and through empty cans at the Joe boys all in front of their own headmaster who didn’t blink. That was the last time any school was invited to sit in the stand.

In 1990 Joeys played Newington at Newington in the mud and won 8-0. It was the second comp game. The first comp game was at Scots and Joeys won 9-3.

Where's the beef

Herbert Moran (7)
Okay Joker, we can pull back with making up crap from the past thanks. All schools have no doubt had their blunders over the years, we could sit here at throw mud at the players in Pink and their behaviours. However, I'll take the high road on this.

I was at that game in 87 Joeys scots. It was a game we lost 10-6, on an intercept 5 yards from scoring ourselves. Martin Shaw ran the length of the field to keep the kick wide. Joeys panicked that day. There were so many penalties in that second half in front of the sticks as Scots did anything to keep us out. It worked. WE would not take the points and ended up losing. Never saw any beer cans being thrown or chants for catholic blood. Did hear the normal Rock choccers. Did recall the Scotts old boys driving up and down Mark st through the night screaming which was normal for most schools to be fair. Funny year 87 at Joeys. They were touted as the brightest and most sporting through for a long time. Won bugger all. I followed later. WE lost to High and high were fantastic that day.

Where's the beef

Herbert Moran (7)
Anyone heard anything about GPS, given Lockdown finishes 3 weeks after the last scheduled game? I really feel for the boys. Heard nothing from Joeys (My boy started this year).


Darby Loudon (17)
Anyone heard anything about GPS, given Lockdown finishes 3 weeks after the last scheduled game? I really feel for the boys. Heard nothing from Joeys (My boy started this year).

Not official yet but I am reliably informed that the 2021 GPS season is over. This weekend would have been the last round of the competition. My heart goes out to all the boys especially those in Year 12.


Dave Cowper (27)
That will be a real shame but I guess it is becoming inevitable. The Mantra at Joeys up until 2 weeks ago was “we only need 4 weeks”.

Not official yet but I am reliably informed that the 2021 GPS season is over. This weekend would have been the last round of the competition. My heart goes out to all the boys especially those in Year 12.


Dave Cowper (27)
I was there as well, I got hit by a flying can (note I didn’t say beer, it was Fanta), the chant was also real. Anyway, that was the last time Scots beat Joeys until ‘93, which made it 1 win out of about 12 years so I didn’t much mind the chant although the Fanta can still irritates me.

I was at that game in 87 Joeys scots. It was a game we lost 10-6, on an intercept 5 yards from scoring ourselves. Martin Shaw ran the length of the field to keep the kick wide. Joeys panicked that day. There were so many penalties in that second half in front of the sticks as Scots did anything to keep us out. It worked. WE would not take the points and ended up losing. Never saw any beer cans being thrown or chants for catholic blood. Did hear the normal Rock choccers. Did recall the Scotts old boys driving up and down Mark st through the night screaming which was normal for most schools to be fair. Funny year 87 at Joeys. They were touted as the brightest and most sporting through for a long time. Won bugger all. I followed later. WE lost to High and high were fantastic that day.


Bill McLean (32)
As reported by OlderSlower

6 August 2021


The AAGPS Chairman Mr Mark Ticehurst, and Executive Officer Mr Nigel Price, in consultation with the GPS Headmasters’ Standing Committee wish to provide the following update regarding AAGPS sporting programmes in 2021:

Considering ongoing COVID-19 NSW Government and Health regulations, and in the best interest of the safety and welfare of our staff, students, volunteers, the entire AAGPS community and our many families and friends in this challenging time, it is with deep regret that the GPS Headmasters’ Standing Committee has announced that the AAGPS 2021 Winter Sport competitions, and the AAGPS Rifle Shooting Championships have been cancelled.

The AAGPS Athletics Championships scheduled for September 11, 2021, have been postponed indefinitely and will not occur in Term 3.

The AAGPS will continue to work within NSW Government and Health guidelines in preparation for the re-commencement of sporting programs and fixtures when it is deemed safe and appropriate to do so.

The AAGPS acknowledges that advice and the current situation has, and will continue to change rapidly. As the situation evolves, the AAGPS will continue to monitor, and act accordingly throughout the remainder of 2021.