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Dave Cowper (27)
Newington have a serious chance of winning this Saturday - the bad weather is a great leveller. I would be keen to see the team listings prior to the game so I can make a more informed judgement...

I'd also like to read WayvernBoys assessment of the Newington team too..
given the high quality fast track at HH I don't think that the weather is such a big factor unless the rain is extremely heavy during play. At Newington it would be a bigger factor given the ground tends to be a lot heavier when it is wet.

Black & White

Vay Wilson (31)
I feel like some of the New supporters seem to be getting a little bit too excited about the close win against Scots. I seriously don't get the hype like this around them, as they've only really won one major game and haven't come close against other serious competitors. Can someone please explain to me why people think they are on the same calibre as schools such as joeys and better than the likes of kings and view.
Hello Wingers are slow

Not getting too excited, just reading, observing and assessing the gradual improvement in Newington's performance. A few commentators on this site have been quick to write Newington off.At least one New critic has taken his leave from this site and not returned. Such individuals, failed to see their evolving potential.I expected this to occur some time ago. They are becoming more cohesive as a team, playing with greater purpose, confidence and direction.To me this improvement, was expected. Yes, it was on paper a close win. But in reality New was a far better side, than the score suggested.

If New can continue getting their structure, combinations right and moving the ball wide, they pose a real threat to Joeys. Both sides have backlines, that can score tries in large numbers. Should be the match of the round. And that is no hype, just the obvious expectation that both teams, are quality teams. Hopefully, the weather will be good.
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Darby Loudon (17)
Hello Wingers are slow

Not getting too excited, just reading, observing and assessing the gradual improvement in Newington's performance. A few commentators on this site have been quick to write Newington off.At least one New critic has taken his leave from this site and not returned. Such individuals, failed to see their evolving potential.I expected this to occur some time ago. They are becoming more cohesive as a team, playing with greater purpose, confidence and direction.To me this improvement, was expected. Yes, it was on paper a close win. But in reality New was a far better side, than the score suggested.

If New can continue getting their structure, combinations right and moving the ball wide, they pose a real threat to Joeys. Both sides have backlines, that can score tries in large numbers. Should be the match of the round. And that is no hype, just the obvious expectation that both teams, are quality teams. Hopefully, the weather will be good.
Hello B&W,

Should be a great game but I will be taking my heavy duty rain jacket and cerise and blue umbrella. That South stand near Jacks is very exposed. I think Joeys #1 field can handle 6mm of rain no problem.




Hi Joker, ItsNotPink and all Joeys supporters

After watching the Shore v Joeys 1st Rd clash, I have a few questions hope you can answer and will make some comments.

Q: After running onto the field, led by captain 15, why is the Joeys no.7 the only Joeys player to not handshake the Shoremen ?

Comments : Shore could have scored in the first minute if not for a marginal forward pass. Joeys rely on 13 and 15 in the backline a lot. They are the go to men but stop them and will go a long way to shutting down Joeys backline. Looking forward to New 13 Aust League u18's player vs Leahy. Hope New 13 tackles low and hard. Joeys Captain 15 getting frustrated with Ref and getting a yellow card. From the lineout Shore go in for first try. He won't be able to do that on the weekend although it will be SJC No 1. ( ie Wally Lewis, Lang Park ). Joeys did make some handling errors ( as all teams do ). Shore bustled and beat them a few times at the breakdown but could not continue this in the 2nd half. New might be dif. Joeys No.1 and No 8 are their go forward men. Great 2nd try up the middle. New will have to shut that down. If not for a favourable bounce, Joeys 1st try was fortunate ( you make your own luck ).
Overall, Joeys are beatable. Shore played well and they ( as many have mentioned ) are a very strong team. Just couldn't go all the way with Joeys and that is what New will have to do.
Look after 13 and 15 in the backs and shut down 1 and 8, get half the ball from good set pieces, limit mistakes and play good field position and New will have half a chance.
With Clutch, coaches can watch other games and pick apart opposition teams. I agree with you Joker that you must concentrate on your own team but as the master Sun Tzu says in the Art of War " If you know your enemy AND know yourself, you need not fear a hundred battles ".
I'll be happy with this Saturday



Darby Loudon (17)
Hi Joker, ItsNotPink and all Joeys supporters

After watching the Shore v Joeys 1st Rd clash, I have a few questions hope you can answer and will make some comments.

Q: After running onto the field, led by captain 15, why is the Joeys no.7 the only Joeys player to not handshake the Shoremen ?

Comments : Shore could have scored in the first minute if not for a marginal forward pass. Joeys rely on 13 and 15 in the backline a lot. They are the go to men but stop them and will go a long way to shutting down Joeys backline. Looking forward to New 13 Aust League u18's player vs Leahy. Hope New 13 tackles low and hard. Joeys Captain 15 getting frustrated with Ref and getting a yellow card. From the lineout Shore go in for first try. He won't be able to do that on the weekend although it will be SJC No 1. ( ie Wally Lewis, Lang Park ). Joeys did make some handling errors ( as all teams do ). Shore bustled and beat them a few times at the breakdown but could not continue this in the 2nd half. New might be dif. Joeys No.1 and No 8 are their go forward men. Great 2nd try up the middle. New will have to shut that down. If not for a favourable bounce, Joeys 1st try was fortunate ( you make your own luck ).
Overall, Joeys are beatable. Shore played well and they ( as many have mentioned ) are a very strong team. Just couldn't go all the way with Joeys and that is what New will have to do.
Look after 13 and 15 in the backs and shut down 1 and 8, get half the ball from good set pieces, limit mistakes and play good field position and New will have half a chance.
With Clutch, coaches can watch other games and pick apart opposition teams. I agree with you Joker that you must concentrate on your own team but as the master Sun Tzu says in the Art of War " If you know your enemy AND know yourself, you need not fear a hundred battles ".
I'll be happy with this Saturday

Good observations Wyvernboy.

I was at the Shore v Joeys game but I think I missed a number of these plays from the back of the Michael Hawker Grandstand. Newington is the one team that I have not seen this year but it sounds like they are coming good at the right time. I don't think any team is a certainty this year, including Joeys. On comment though: if you start to focus on shutting down individual players, you might find that other players will take their opportunity. A trap for young players. Looking forward to it.




Shore 7 - Joeys 7 2nd half. Shore try no13 through Joeys 12/13. That could be a weak link. Also, after the try, Joeys no7 ( no handshake boy ) pushes Shore try scorer no 13. Must be an angry ant. Hope New get under his grill.
Joeys got bustled at the breakdown more than I've seen in the past. Shore were very good at spped off the d line causing Joeys handling errors.
There is HOPE.



Frank Nicholson (4)
I have a feeling that the Scots vs View game will be a mud bath on Saturday considering how previously we have seen how bad the View main oval can get. This should make it to be a very interesting game i think and could go either way.


Darby Loudon (17)
The AAGPS School Holidays rugby camp guide

WARNING- The is called humor.

Edition 4.

St Joseph’s College

View attachment 14143

Arising to greet the first rays of the dawn sun, the Joeys boys hurry themselves with rolling up their swag, boiling the Billy, making the tea and gulping down some salted lamb and dry bread sourced from the bush kitchen run by the team from Alliance catering. Morning prayers are then held on the circular lawn as a priest from Lavalle, France washes their feet, socks and boots in the holy water taken from the sacred spring of Fatima. (Our Lady may not play for Joeys but she sure can run water bottles). Joeys boys then complete a three hour session of “Joega” on the front lawns in silence as penance for scarping off three nights ago down to the HHH for a quiet little drink and stealing chocolates from the servo. To complete the warm up there is the traditional 6km jog to the Woolwich wharf and back, only stopping to speak to the girls at Marist Sisters rowing club. On return there is the strength and conditioning to complete with compulsory buckets on the ready just in case breakfast returns during this session. Old fashioned exercises such as Cow wrestling, chicken rustling, tractor dragging, sheep tackling and hay bale stacking only help the boys build their appetite for lunch. The alliance kitchens do not disappoint as they send forth the traditional stale bread, cold fried pork rissoles, stodgy mash and frozen peas as a way to harden the boys up. If they can tackle this, then bringing down the monsters from Scots is a breeze. To the old boys of the College this meal is called “Tuesday.” The afternoon session is usually dominated with set piece skills such as scrummaging, line-outs and wingman techniques for the backs when they next visit The Oaks at Double Bay. A fire hose is soon sourced for the evening wash down. Dinner is the highlight of the day and the kitchen goes all out with "schnitzel night". There is often doubt if there is actual chicken in the recipe as there is a distinct lack of stray cats, dogs, goats, horses and guinea pigs in Hunters Hill. Anyway, it is covered in breadcrumbs, fried and drowned in hot gravy..... heaven. The night is then spent in quiet contemplation laying in their swag under the stars while being serenaded by the awful sounds coming from their bowels.

Joeys number 10 shows how it done cow wrestling.

View attachment 14144

Hey Joker, the Joeys 10 might need his wrestling skills when he takes on the Stanmore Thor #2 L.Ata. I believe all the HH Boys Know how hard he hits the line.
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Ace Ventura

Ted Fahey (11)

Shore 7 - Joeys 7 2nd half. Shore try no13 through Joeys 12/13. That could be a weak link. Also, after the try, Joeys no7 ( no handshake boy ) pushes Shore try scorer no 13. Must be an angry ant. Hope New get under his grill.
Joeys got bustled at the breakdown more than I've seen in the past. Shore were very good at spped off the d line causing Joeys handling errors.
There is HOPE.


He's the son of a well-known ex-Wallaby Old Boy publican who's inherited his Dad's aggression, but he's no angry ant. He's developing into a fine No7 (he's only in Yr11).


Allen Oxlade (6)
anyone got any predictions throughout the 16s this weekend?
Yeah mate, 3 crackers this week

SCOTS VIEW, Great battle of 9s, two of the best in GPS, will be a close game without Brial Bartlett etc, to be honest I litterally have no idea who will win. 19-19

JOEYS NEW, Newington win, and win well, their backline is just simply so much more talented. Joeys won't give in and will fight to the bell no matter what but can see a smiliar margin to the scots newington game, about 20 points. Look at for Humphries. Newington by 21

KINGS SHORE, Give shore the edge in the forwards but kings have a better backline, A shore win is what I am tipping but they will need some of their boys to step up... The gap between their best and worse is huge. Shore by 5


Darby Loudon (17)
He's the son of a well-known ex-Wallaby Old Boy publican who's inherited his Dad's aggression, but he's no angry ant. He's developing into a fine No7 (he's only in Yr11).
Good kid and a good player. One for the Stanmore boys to keep an eye out for at all times. Hope we don’t lose him to the other code
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John Hipwell (52)
I have a feeling that the Scots vs View game will be a mud bath on Saturday considering how previously we have seen how bad the View main oval can get. This should make it to be a very interesting game i think and could go either way.
The wet will favour View. Best mud runners in the AAGPS. Scots don't have the discipline in the mud.

Black & White

Vay Wilson (31)
Not at all. Joeys 1st XV has been a work in progress as usual and has been ravaged by injury and illness.
The recent rep rugby games highlighted though a number of key players have hit form and some have improved enormously. The Joeys back-line will be deadly. When you have the Gen Blue 15, 13, 11 (Gen Blue 2) 10 and 9 (Gen Blue 2) they are hitting form. The forwards have become stronger with the front row being key with the 1 and 3 getting nods from selectors. The big improver has been D. Fogarty who has gone from unheralded, hardworking forward to Australia A.

Overall, the team seems to be hitting its stride. Usually after a week at Kingscliff on rugby camp (more to come of course on this) Joeys gets on a roll. Being 100% healthy is important. The biggest weapon they now have is that slight air of invincibility that many teams in the past enjoyed. When opposition teams go into a game against Joeys asking "are they that good? Have they peaked? Who should we be worried about?" then you are playing on hope. Hope that Joeys doesn't play their best. When my team beat Joeys our focus was on OUR game and what do well rather than the opposition. Do "your thing" and forget the opposition and the game will take care of itself.
Hello Joker
Thanks for , the insight, good to hear your boys had a successful Rugby Camp


Dave Cowper (27)
Hello Magic Max
could be difficult to predict, as Joeys 16As are constantly improving.But New put on a convincing score 26-7 against Scots who who are a strong side. New in real tough one.
There will be a string of close games at HH across all age groups this Saturday.

Apart from the 1’s, the 16A’s will be an interesting contest, New have had the upper hand since 13’s but Joeys have been steady improvers. They have a forward pack that likes a physical contest, more sledge hammer than silky skills.

We are In for a treat in the 15A’s. New are the only team to have given Joeys any serious trouble since the 13’s and were big improvers from 13’s to 14’s. Joeys were much stronger in 13’s and won at Stanmore last year in a tough battle, will New have closed the gap this year?

14A’s will be interesting, It was a close contest at Stanmore last year with a win to Joeys before the season was cut short. I think Joeys will get up and will benefit from the larger field than the one provided at Stanmore.

13A’s, who knows. All I do know is that the Joeys team is strong and have been putting on big some scores. What will New bring?

So there you have it, excellent rugby viewing starting at 9am At HH this Saturday for the die hards and mad men. Lock me in for a Rowers Lot at about midday and bring your wet weather gear. Beers at Jacks to round out a fantastic day where Joeys will clean sweep age group A’s and 1’s and 2’s (and beat Grammar in 3’s).

Black & White

Vay Wilson (31)
There will be a string of close games at HH across all age groups this Saturday.

Apart from the 1’s, the 16A’s will be an interesting contest, New have had the upper hand since 13’s but Joeys have been steady improvers. They have a forward pack that likes a physical contest, more sledge hammer than silky skills.

We are In for a treat in the 15A’s. New are the only team to have given Joeys any serious trouble since the 13’s and were big improvers from 13’s to 14’s. Joeys were much stronger in 13’s and won at Stanmore last year in a tough battle, will New have closed the gap this year?

14A’s will be interesting, It was a close contest at Stanmore last year with a win to Joeys before the season was cut short. I think Joeys will get up and will benefit from the larger field than the one provided at Stanmore.

13A’s, who knows. All I do know is that the Joeys team is strong and have been putting on big some scores. What will New bring?

So there you have it, excellent rugby viewing starting at 9am At HH this Saturday for the die hards and mad men. Lock me in for a Rowers Lot at about midday and bring your wet weather gear. Beers at Jacks to round out a fantastic day where Joeys will clean sweep age group A’s and 1’s and 2’s (and beat Grammar in 3’s).
Excellent effort OlderSlower
It is good to see this site, is going beyond 1st XV Rugby.
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