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Frank Row (1)
The scenario where Scots share the 1st XV premiership:

- Scots beat Kings AND Shore
- Joeys lose to Riverview AND Kings
- Newington lose to Shore OR Riverview

Scots, Newington and Joeys would then finish on three wins each.
Riverview could also be in the picture but would need to beat Joeys AND Newington.

This will not happen.

Anythings possible, don't count out Scots!


John Hipwell (52)
The scenario where Scots share the 1st XV premiership:

- Scots beat Kings AND Shore
- Joeys lose to Riverview AND Kings
- Newington lose to Shore OR Riverview

Scots, Newington and Joeys would then finish on three wins each.
Riverview could also be in the picture but would need to beat Joeys AND Newington.

This will not happen.

Stranger things have happened in the past.

1948 3rd XV competition


Fours team had only four wins each and they played 7 competition games. I cannot find a full season report at this time.


John Hipwell (52)
Spies have sent through an actual photo of the Joeys boys getting ready to "lob" a few this weekend at Riverview.


The SJC second mortar division from 1948. Used to keep those pesky Jesuits away.


News coming out of St Josephs College Hunters Hill, young gun prop Hamish Aird will make his debut for the 2s in the upcoming clash against Riverview. It is unknown who he is replacing and what the conditions are behind it. More to come


Frank Row (1)
Both teams are hitting their straps in terms of improvement. I think New might be ahead, in terms of form, Shore a couple of weeks behind New. I would expect teams to be stepping up from last week. Could be anybodies game.
Personally, I believe that it could go either way as well. However, New are largely a momentum based team from what I've gathered from people who have been at games and after seeing a couple of their games on Cluch. If Shore can come out of the gates hard and fast, dominating the first 5-10 minutes, I believe that Newington will struggle to gain ascendancy, especially if there is scoreboard pressure involved. On the other hand, if Shore don't come out firing on all cylinders, Newington could get ahead and be hard to beat.

Anyone have any differing opinions?


Bob McCowan (2)
Really disappointing that people are spreading fake news on the forum.
I'm especially frustrated I have been involved with one fake user's name being 'Tarzans Wife'.
Could all the trolls and keyboard warriors please not spread fake s***, for people like me it's the only way we receive any news.
Thank you,

Black & White

Vay Wilson (31)
I have no idea as to the standard of this schools football competition, but this particular thread causes us more headaches than any currently on the site.
The reason is simple, the abundance of trolls, who are neither interested or willing to contribute to the GPS Rugby, as emotionally intelligent commentators. Many just wish use this site, to push some personal BS about GPS Schools. A more proactive policy that identifies trolls is the way to go and then bans them.


John Hipwell (52)
The reason is simple, the abundance of trolls, who are neither interested or willing to contribute to the GPS Rugby, as emotionally intelligent commentators. Many just wish use this site, to push some personal BS about GPS Schools. A more proactive policy that identifies trolls is the way to go and then bans them.
I agree. As one of the old timers I have seen this behaviour many times (and I admit I have been guilty in the past.)

I have asked on a couple of occasions if they need an "ugly stick" to help out but no call up yet. As a former school teacher of 30+ years I have dealt with kindergarten to year 12. I am still sadly sitting on the sidelines.

In the meantime I try to lead by example, remind others of what we want when I can, provide some counsel and explanation for those when banned and make this a better place than I found it.


Old High Boy

I have no idea as to the standard of this schools football competition, but this particular thread causes us more headaches than any currently on the site.

Imagine the parents who have forked out the $$$ for their private school education..... heavens above

Old High Boy

For those who were wondering, my new profile picture looked exactly like me when I heard last weekends Kings vs SBHS score line...
I was at the joeys year 11 dinner the other night with my kid and I was talking to Oscar Jorgensen’s dad. Apparently he is trying to negotiate a deal with the tigers that could see the end of his schoolboy career. Very disappointed to see another one leave.


George Smith (75)
Staff member
The reason is simple, the abundance of trolls, who are neither interested or willing to contribute to the GPS Rugby, as emotionally intelligent commentators. Many just wish use this site, to push some personal BS about GPS Schools. A more proactive policy that identifies trolls is the way to go and then bans them.
Identifying trolls on what basis? Unless their sign-up email address is imafuckwit@trollbridge.com you don't know until they out themselves.
So, better if people report stuff, don't engage, and we nuke them.
Plus, a lot of the worst offenders are well and truly from within the GPS system.
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