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Up and In

Herbert Moran (7)
My prediction, but Rd 1 still to play
1. J. Barret (J)
2. C. Johns (E)
3. J. Stiel (E)
4. O. Mcrea (S)
5. A Campbell (J)
6. B. Di Staso (S)
7. J. Villamu (N)
8. T. Sekel (I)
9. H Sharples (J)
10. J. Fowler (J)
11. O. Jorgensen (J)
12. L. Bassingthwaighte (E)
13. R. Leahy (J)
14. S. Taukamo (N)
15. M. Jorgensen (J)

Up and In

Herbert Moran (7)
My prediction, but Rd 1 still to play
1. J. Barret (J)
2. C. Johns (E)
3. J. Stiel (E)
4. O. Mcrea (S)
5. A Campbell (J)
6. B. Di Staso (S)
7. J. Villamu (N)
8. T. Sekel (I)
9. H Sharples (J)
10. J. Fowler (J)
11. O. Jorgensen (J)
12. L. Bassingthwaighte (E)
13. R. Leahy (J)
14. S. Taukamo (N)
15. M. Jorgensen (J)


Darby Loudon (17)
Unless Finlay has played a minimum of 4 club games for one of the Norths feeder clubs he would not be playing. It is impossible to get dispensation as the SJRU needs to provide an incentive for boys to play club. There are loads of GPS boys playing in the 15’s comp as well, districts like Gordon are very healthy, others like Eastwood and Easts are really struggling for numbers
He has played 4 games for Mosman I belive. I’m just more surprised scotts will allow a player like finlay to play at state champs. many other schools like kings,joeys and ect when having a year 10 boy in 1s or 2s will not allow this.


Dave Cowper (27)
He has played 4 games for Mosman I belive. I’m just more surprised scotts will allow a player like finlay to play at state champs. many other schools like kings,joeys and ect when having a year 10 boy in 1s or 2s will not allow this.
That is surprising, just backing up after playing 1’s or 2’s on Saturday would be tough! Plus the training load!!


Hi RonnyGibbs

Agree games are won up front, but can be lost with poor defensive decisions in the backs.
Forwards need to improve set pieces ( line outs esp. ) to provide a good platform for the backs.
Wav front row as a whole is probably one of the best in the schools. They are big and go all day. New's front row did ok against them but they did get outplayed.
If you are referring to Townsend as 1st choice 10, I think they will stick with McGregor at 10 ( who has gone ok ) and slot Townsend at 13.
Anyway, hoping for big showing Rd 1


Black & White

Vay Wilson (31)
Puberty. They were bigger, stronger and faster then all the other 12-16 year olds.

Newington’s reliance on size throughout all age groups has finally caught up to them.
Certainly, that applies to our Pacific Islander Boys, who hit full physical growth as early as 13 and then stop growing. But we also have Anglo-Saxon boys who develop, no differently from other boys. But your point that Newington relies on Physical size, is true of the past. But I know talking to a member of the Rugby Leadership Group, that New has sought to implement more of a skills game into their play. Which includes backlines with pace, playing a running game. Hence, style over strength. But its a "work in progress". I expect it will not happen overnight

This is most evident in Newington's current 1st XV, but we simply have been unable to establish a platform from the forwards to feed these backs, a continuous supply of ball. In this regard, I feel Newington should have had a more extensive preseason, to develop as a team. Also, injuries have obviously been a major disruption, as well. It is still too early, to write Newington off, as major force in this year competition.

But its a "work in progress". I expect it will not happen overnight. Particularly, when we see a top age cohort, who completely dominated their peers from 13s to 16s, with the exception of Shore, to whom they lost their only games in the 15s and then in the 16s.


Cyril Towers (30)
Hi RonnyGibbs

Agree games are won up front, but can be lost with poor defensive decisions in the backs.
Forwards need to improve set pieces ( line outs esp. ) to provide a good platform for the backs.
Wav front row as a whole is probably one of the best in the schools. They are big and go all day. New's front row did ok against them but they did get outplayed.
If you are referring to Townsend as 1st choice 10, I think they will stick with McGregor at 10 ( who has gone ok ) and slot Townsend at 13.
Anyway, hoping for big showing Rd 1

He was referring to Daniel Wright as the first choice 10 (he played against scots in the first game of trials against scots).


Hi Black and White


Yes these boys may stop growing but their minds don't, therefore it is up to the coaches to teach them the skills needed to play their positions. Interesting you mention upskliing the backs but it's in the forwards that New have and has problems. The pack have not improved their skills over the years, hence relying too much on size and need work on line out throws, breakdown work etc ). The talent is there but the attention to detail might be lacking and that's up to the coaches.
I witness the lack of coaching detail in the junior school. The coaches do their best but imo not specific enough therefore they get to high school and most are lacking the knowledge of the game. Then you are relying on a few big boys in 13,14, few that have played club rugby and the rest are unfortunately, regarded by the director as cannon fodder. As we know, kids that are not physically mature at 13,14 and are in the C,D's are interested in the game, willing to learn and when they are 16 could be very handy players yet are cast aside too early and lose interest and there goes your depth.
Until New coaches/director teache EVERY New rugby player the same skill sets, a uniform playing style and a path for upskilling the player's knowledge every year, the boys will get to opens having not improved. This, hopefully not, might be the case with this years cohort.


Black & White

Vay Wilson (31)
Hi Black and White


Yes these boys may stop growing but their minds don't, therefore it is up to the coaches to teach them the skills needed to play their positions. Interesting you mention upskliing the backs but it's in the forwards that New have and has problems. The pack have not improved their skills over the years, hence relying too much on size and need work on line out throws, breakdown work etc ). The talent is there but the attention to detail might be lacking and that's up to the coaches.
I witness the lack of coaching detail in the junior school. The coaches do their best but imo not specific enough therefore they get to high school and most are lacking the knowledge of the game. Then you are relying on a few big boys in 13,14, few that have played club rugby and the rest are unfortunately, regarded by the director as cannon fodder. As we know, kids that are not physically mature at 13,14 and are in the C,D's are interested in the game, willing to learn and when they are 16 could be very handy players yet are cast aside too early and lose interest and there goes your depth.
Until New coaches/director teache EVERY New rugby player the same skill sets, a uniform playing style and a path for upskilling the player's knowledge every year, the boys will get to opens having not improved. This, hopefully not, might be the case with this years cohort.

Thanks Wyvernboy
I am distinctly getting the impression that there are issues, that run deep within the Newington Rugby Program. Many of the things you mentioned existed in my day, particularly, if you were in middle or lower teams. Yet many of those middle and lower level players, succeeded beyond expectations once they left the school. Some might say that they improved, as part of their nature progression. But I feel as do you, that a deep, honest and very professional look at how Newington manages it's Rugby Program needs to be undertaken. the school has about 1500 boys. Yes, many play soccer in winter, but the depth in numbers should be a problem. Starting with the boys playing Rugby in year 7 to Year 12. Take for example, the year 12 Cohort. As year 7s they fielded 7 teams going down to the Gs. By year 10 they fielded only 3 teams the 16s, going down to the Cs. A greater than 50% withdrawal rate. Yes, we don't really have a boarding house to speak of. Further, the long travel after school also is no incentive. But arrangements and new policies need to be introduced, in order to change the current outlook, particular for boys in the Senior years. A school like Newington, should be fielding 8 teams in the open Division, not 6.
Regards B&W


John Hipwell (52)
a uniform playing style

This is an issue for me.

In 2013/2014 I finally completed my Level 3 ARU coaching Accreditation under my mentor Matt Williams. He was at the time working at Knox and part of his ideas discussed below was what he implemented at the Knox Sports Academy. His goal was to coach the coaches on how to "use the cattle they have" rather than use a uniform playing style. Having this blanket playing style is only found in schools were the emphasis is upon ONE team at the top of the pyramid. While it does give the 1st XV success as every student who makes this team has spent years playing this style, it does leave in its wake, a number of kids who were thrashed quite often. I recall one year when Scots 1st XV beat Joeys in spectacular fashion but lost every other game that day. They went 1/19 I think. Why? Because the Dictator of Rugby had decreed every team play the 1st XV style. It was ugly and the coaches found it impossible to keep the kids spirits up.

What Matt and I discussed was as a coach you must work with the kids you have. Sure we all would like big cattle for the forwards and prancing gazelles for the backs, but this does not happen. So what do you do?

1. EVERY PLAYER MUST LEARN TO TACKLE. Defensive skills must be learned properly and not as a 15 minutes at the end of the sesssion. Start with it! Every training session must have at least half that time tackling and learning to hunt in packs (Joeys cattle dog mentality). Why? Because defense is what happens in half of the game. Making a front tackle should be as easy as catching a ball and if taught properly you are half way there.

2. EVERY TEAM MUST PLAY SMARTER., Too much time is spent of learning playing patterns. This is a great plan A but what happens when this fails? Coaches need to coach smart footballers. Kids who will see that what they are doing is failing so lets try something else. Matt would demand of his coaching staff the ability to watch an opposition closely and have three key points to speak of at half time. NO MORE than three. Kinds can take these in. They should be.....where we can defend better, were can attack more and ask them to identify with their units (forwards/backs) what particular aspects they can improve. They OWN the talk. .

3, DRILL MUST REPLICATE GAME PLAY. You want all drills to be completed with same game intensity. In short, you want the kids to train harder than they play. Kids only learn from actual experience and not from a half pace scenario. Sure you build up, but if you take your foot off the gas early you are not teaching them that extra mongrel needed. It was common for the odd bloody nose in my sessions and if a nose was broken, then milkshakes all round the team! It was a reward because they were giving their all.

Directors (and no dictators) of rugby must coach the coaches properly with in school rugby coaching sessions with increased regularity. (Joeys does this well). If you do, then you will find success across the age groups and teams. Don't have a school based style, have a school based mindset to succeed.


Darby Loudon (17)
My prediction, but Rd 1 still to play
1. J. Barret (J)
2. C. Johns (E)
3. J. Stiel (E)
4. O. Mcrea (S)
5. A Campbell (J)
6. B. Di Staso (S)
7. J. Villamu (N)
8. T. Sekel (I)
9. H Sharples (J)
10. J. Fowler (J)
11. O. Jorgensen (J)
12. L. Bassingthwaighte (E)
13. R. Leahy (J)
14. S. Taukamo (N)
15. M. Jorgensen (J)
Not a single kings boy ? Have you not watched them this year ?

Up and In

Herbert Moran (7)
Not a single kings boy ? Have you not watched them this year ?
Fair question RnB, and knowing the way the selectors think, they'll ensure there'll be reps from all 6 major teams in the 1s somewhere. I'm actually not the only one on these pages to have this view re Kings. I really think Stiel is a lock-in so Basten misses out. I've admired Tonga for years but Jorgo's a lock-in on one wing so it'd mean Setini missing out, a tough call. I think they'll go with the Joeys halves combo so Dufficy misses out, but I'll probably be proven wrong. Actually think the Kings 2nd XV half is better and so Dufficy hasn't been serviced as well as he could have been. Sekel v Durbridge will be close but think Di Staso has been outstanding on the other side of the scrum. TBH, I wasn't blown away by their Newington performance and I don't think Coach Hilgendorf did his potential rep players any favours with his second half selection switches v Auggies. He could have used that game as a showcase for his players but missed the chance in a close run thing. IMO, Tonga and Dufficy best chances
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Allen Oxlade (6)
I Jorgo's a lock-in on one wing
I don’t think O. Jorgo is that much of a lock. The wingers are highly contested position (Perkins, Murray and Tonga - viable options). At Joeys vs View he was outplayed by Perkins. I’ve said this once on this forum that his ball running is extremely good but defensively over the past few rounds, he was shocking and honestly he doesn’t make my GPS 1s. I hate to say it, but at the moment he’s currently living off his cousins last name.


Dave Cowper (27)
I don’t think O. Jorgo is that much of a lock. The wingers are highly contested position (Perkins, Murray and Tonga - viable options). At Joeys vs View he was outplayed by Perkins. I’ve said this once on this forum that his ball running is extremely good but defensively over the past few rounds, he was shocking and honestly he doesn’t make my GPS 1s. I hate to say it, but at the moment he’s currently living off his cousins last name.
I’m pretty sure they share a last name….. Oscar will be selected on his own merits.


Allen Oxlade (6)
I apologise for my comment, your right it wasn’t needed and I highly retract that last statement. He’s an awesome player on his own with a huge future in footy in front of him.


John Hipwell (52)
I apologise for my comment, your right it wasn’t needed and I highly retract that last statement. He’s an awesome player on his own with a huge future in footy in front of him.
Good. Many students (and some school staff) read this forum and you need to keep this in mind when posting.

Personally I try to avoid player names when I have something negative to say and even then I couch it in a velvet glove. Some may say we shouldn't sugar coat it but they are young men, who at times, cannot tell the difference between banter and criticism. We are not playing for sheep stations here, unless when Joeys takes on Kings, but even then we leave it up to the pig dogs v the French bulldogs to sort it out.....that gives me an idea.
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