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Charlie Fox (21)
Sorry, but every insinuation you make here is completely off the mark, and you are wrapped up in what you believe is the specialness of the GPS.

There are numerous reasons why a tiered system makes more sense, whilst still each association could still run it's own comp within such a set up.

Unlike your assertion, Aloys and Trinity would not be kicked out of the CAS comp, but like TAS, Grammar,High would be in a more competitive comp, and if they improved there is the chance to be promoted to the highest tier. They also would still be in every other sport eg athletics.
By the way, a 3rds comp is another tier!
So that argument is dead.

The other MAJOR issue you have completely missed here, is SAFETY! (for obvious reasons).

Stop positioning the GPS as the be-all-and-end-all, like you think all other associations believe, IT IS NOT.
In fact you are new to this forum, Joker will tell you when the "Trial" system was reintroduced the GPS pundits all laughed hysterically and said the CAS wouldn't win 1 game, quote "DONUT, DUCK EGG" etc vs the power of the unbeatable GPS schools.
That proved to be complete dribble, many GPS teams have been absolutely PUMPED by CAS schools in the last few years.
And indeed this home and away system is in it's infancy, for decades the current system was in place.
So that argument is also DEAD.

The competitiveness between the stronger CAS school and GPS, and ISA, is extremely clear, and you know it, results prove it!

This discussion is about evolving OUR schoolboy rugby, and that is it!

Stop overrating your comp, and that is the REAL CRUX of the argument.

Don't worry about it WLF3. I attended a GPS school so I have seen first-hand how GPS schools look down upon the CAS. Think it's time to move on. We are arguing with a brick wall unfortunately.


Watty Friend (18)
Don't worry about it WLF3. I attended a GPS school so I have seen first-hand how GPS schools look down upon the CAS. Think it's time to move on. We are arguing with a brick wall unfortunately.
RoD, I had a dozen close cousins at View and used to go and watch them all the time, particularly v Joeys. It was terrific.
Times have changed since then, as has the number of competitive schools.

The concerning thing is whilst people argue on this thread, the school authorities think as they do, but their vision is clearly extremely limited, and it is not their job to take a wider view but this is what happens.


Darby Loudon (17)
A tier comp will never happen, it also should never happen. stop going on about it it’s painful to have to read that utter rubbish.

Up and In

Herbert Moran (7)
And here ladies and gentlemen is the real Crux of the argument .. you said the quiet part out loud ..

This whole 2 tier system rubbish isn’t about helping “rugby” … or schools like cran, trinity or st alyo to improve. Infact, it’s quiet obvious you’re happy to throw them away and forget about them in your 2nd tier Abyss …
This is about and always HAS been about jealously and instead of fostering and promoting a strong Culture within your own association, you want or break up another (GPS) because you can’t stand it’s prestige and history.

Say what you want about GPS but they look after their own… They never kicked out TAS, but rather accommodated them whenever they can into the sports seasons and it’s always great to see them at big events like the athletics

they never kicked grammar or high when things got tough, out but rather created a 3rds comp, which is FAR superior to two tier system .. and which means those boys will still get to experiences normal GPS seasons and still get to play the likes of joeys and kings at a safer level ..

I don’t know why you’re so obsessed with breaking up competitions to feed your own egos, but here’s an idea, why don’t you focus all this negative energy into something positive?? … why don’t you make you own Association amazing and own comp the envy of others !

Cockatoo Run

Herbert Moran (7)
But no rebuttal for anything else I said... There were 12,000 at Barker vs Knox... so by your logic the CAS isn't broken either and all is well!.

Very quick to correct and fact check everyone else on here and then you come out with this whopper. 12,000? Everyone there reported on the CAS thread a terrific crowd of around 4,000. Some jealous exaggeration from you there. It is what it is.

You have come over to this forum to boast about Barker, to belittle Joeys as a dumb rugby school with no products in the arts or academia (also very wrong) who can’t even beat little old Barker at rugby, then trash anyone who disagrees with your demands for the GPS competition to abandon its rights to a 2-round competition and instead start a two tier comp with your school and your chosen capable rugby allies. They are schools and school kids with lots of summer and winter sports, not rugby franchises.


Charlie Fox (21)
Very quick to correct and fact check everyone else on here and then you come out with this whopper. 12,000? Everyone there reported on the CAS thread a terrific crowd of around 4,000. Some jealous exaggeration from you there. It is what it is.

You have come over to this forum to boast about Barker, to belittle Joeys as a dumb rugby school with no products in the arts or academia (also very wrong) who can’t even beat little old Barker at rugby, then trash anyone who disagrees with your demands for the GPS competition to abandon its rights to a 2-round competition and instead start a two tier comp with your school and your chosen capable rugby allies. They are schools and school kids with lots of summer and winter sports, not rugby franchises.

I heard 12,000.

That's also not why I came to this forum. I came to share news of a game that I'm sure most were interested in watching. I was then bombarded with childish remarks and belittling arrogant comments.

At the end of the day I had moved on from this stupid conversation and you've brought it back up.

Move on. Getting boring.


John Hipwell (52)
I heard 12,000.

That's also not why I came to this forum. I came to share news of a game that I'm sure most were interested in watching. I was then bombarded with childish remarks and belittling arrogant comments.

At the end of the day I had moved on from this stupid conversation and you've brought it back up.

Move on. Getting boring.

Please go back and play in your own sandbox and torture kittens or what ever you do there. Your thoughts presented here of AAGPS were designed to belittle others and create division between the two "houses". Maybe it is just a inferiority complex you have but you can do better I am sure.

We play by higher standards

AAGPS. Proudly dominating school boy rugby since 1894.


Charlie Fox (21)
Please go back and play in your own sandbox and torture kittens or what ever you do there. Your thoughts presented here of AAGPS were designed to belittle others and create division between the two "houses". Maybe it is just a inferiority complex you have but you can do better I am sure.

We play by higher standards

AAGPS. Proudly dominating school boy rugby since 1894.


Bob Loudon (25)
The arguments presented here are typically schoolboy Rugby arguments. And that's where the frustration with the current or proposed systems lie - we look at it as a Rugby problem, the people who make the decisions do not. Sadly, what's best for the code is a a LONG way down the list of priorities. You could argue the toss on the order of these but broadly speaking:

1) Rugby is a game that encourages teamwork, strength and real time decision making - it's character building for our boys
2) We have historical fixtures against old rivals
3) We (mostly) have large programs and it's logistically easier to play against other large programs (although I think that argument is weak. It's not hard to book buses for boarders)
4) We stand to lose enrollments if schools other than our own (who we've learned to peacefully co-exist with) are shown to have better programs than ours. Particularly if these schools have lower school fees

Anyway - despite all of that, I still don't see why the GPS would want to shut itself off from playing other schools. Even considering all of the above, it still seems like a bad decision. As a coach, I would want my teams tested by as many different kinds of opposition before the season starts as possible, not fewer.


Bill Watson (15)
And here ladies and gentlemen is the real Crux of the argument .. you said the quiet part out loud ..

This whole 2 tier system rubbish isn’t about helping “rugby” … or schools like cran, trinity or st alyo to improve. Infact, it’s quiet obvious you’re happy to throw them away and forget about them in your 2nd tier Abyss …
This is about and always HAS been about jealously and instead of fostering and promoting a strong Culture within your own association, you want or break up another (GPS) because you can’t stand it’s prestige and history.

Say what you want about GPS but they look after their own… They never kicked out TAS, but rather accommodated them whenever they can into the sports seasons and it’s always great to see them at big events like the athletics

they never kicked grammar or high when things got tough, out but rather created a 3rds comp, which is FAR superior to two tier system .. and which means those boys will still get to experiences normal GPS seasons and still get to play the likes of joeys and kings at a safer level ..

I don’t know why you’re so obsessed with breaking up competitions to feed your own egos, but here’s an idea, why don’t you focus all this negative energy into something positive?? … why don’t you make you own Association amazing and own comp the envy of others !
The only way you could ever contemplate a combination of competitions and tier system would be if Barker in particular and even Knox to an extent improved their age group depth. Barker will not even put up age group A and B teams to play Joeys. Game day Vs Barker is a logistical nightmare.
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The only way you could ever contemplate a combination of competitions and tier system would be if Barker in particular and even Know to an extent improved their age group depth. Barker will not even put up age group A and B teams to play Joeys. Game day Vs Barker is a logistical nightmare.
100%, Barker may have a good 1st XV (not sure how many of the boys are long time students of the school), however from that team down they have no depth. Moving forward they will have a strong 1st XV if they continue the current recruitment policy, however we have seen with many professional organisations that this type of recruitment is not sustainable for the whole rugby programme.


Fred Wood (13)
100%, Barker may have a good 1st XV (not sure how many of the boys are long time students of the school), however from that team down they have no depth. Moving forward they will have a strong 1st XV if they continue the current recruitment policy, however we have seen with many professional organisations that this type of recruitment is not sustainable for the whole rugby programme.

When Barker play Knox it is for the Headmasters Cup, which takes in all games. Barker could only field 15 teams, Knox won 13 of those games losing (i believe) the 13Bs and the 1st XV. Apparently for 9 of the Barker boys in the firsts their parents don't have to open their wallets for fees. CAS Rugby cannot compete with GPS rugby when only Knox and Waverly have full programs. Barker's victory (while a fantastic game) does nothing for the sport and the competition as a whole. The Knox 5/8 was a barker boy who got an opportunity elsewhere due to the Barker player influx. He was mercilessly heckled by Barker Old Boys during the game.

Also for those talking about Joeys as nothing but a rugby school breeding ground, they also went undefeated in the Soccer wining the comp. When was the last time a school won Rugby and Soccer?


Watty Friend (18)
When Barker play Knox it is for the Headmasters Cup, which takes in all games. Barker could only field 15 teams, Knox won 13 of those games losing (i believe) the 13Bs and the 1st XV. Apparently for 9 of the Barker boys in the firsts their parents don't have to open their wallets for fees. CAS Rugby cannot compete with GPS rugby when only Knox and Waverly have full programs. Barker's victory (while a fantastic game) does nothing for the sport and the competition as a whole. The Knox 5/8 was a barker boy who got an opportunity elsewhere due to the Barker player influx. He was mercilessly heckled by Barker Old Boys during the game.

Also for those talking about Joeys as nothing but a rugby school breeding ground, they also went undefeated in the Soccer wining the comp. When was the last time a school won Rugby and Soccer?

2017 Waves.

The Ghost of Raelene

Steve Williams (59)
Also for those talking about Joeys as nothing but a rugby school breeding ground, they also went undefeated in the Soccer wining the comp. When was the last time a school won Rugby and Soccer?
I am aware of View winning 1sts, 2nds Rugby and Soccer in the same year. Don't know if anyone has done all four in a season before. If someone can nail the year I'd appreciate the help


Charlie Fox (21)
The Knox 5/8 was a barker boy who got an opportunity elsewhere due to the Barker player influx.

Actually I believe he was asked to leave the school due to disciplinary reasons. Credit to him, he improved a lot from the time he got to Knox until the end off his schooling. He actually wasn’t even the fly-half before the influx. Turned himself into a quality player though.


Frank Row (1)
I think SHORE has a shot next year with a pool of talent in the year 11 and 12 class. They have a kid from Wagga Wagga named Ollie Brabin. Did not play this year due to injury but has his sights set on the 1ST XV and winning the premiership. He's a hard running forward who is quietly quick and has great ball skills. I reckon he could be the future of SHORE rugby.


John Hipwell (52)
Also for those talking about Joeys as nothing but a rugby school breeding ground, they also went undefeated in the Soccer wining the comp. When was the last time a school won Rugby and Soccer?

Maybe we should have a debating topic, "That Joeys provides for all round excellence for students of many different talents"
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