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Frank Row (1)
Dont see how you can say newington have been better than Kings and Joeys. From 13-15s, newington didn’t beat either school once, and either won 0 or 1 game in 15A which was the last season before the strongest players moved up into opens for 16s, hence why they were stronger because they weren’t playing against the best from other schools.


Bob Loudon (25)
Let this be a lesson to all parents. Monitor what your children do online.
People in glass houses buddy .. the amount of bitter, ‘chips on their shoulders’ dripple going on over on the CAS forum atm .. Slagging off The GPS competition, posters accusing Joeys of pulling out of touring QLD because they “scared” to play Nudgee.. what a joke

Then you come over here and act all virtuous, pull the other one lol

what up and under posted is tame in comparison


Charlie Fox (21)
People in glass houses buddy .. the amount of bitter, ‘chips on their shoulders’ dripple going on over on the CAS forum atm .. Slagging off The GPS competition, posters accusing Joeys of pulling out of touring QLD because they “scared” to play Nudgee.. what a joke

Then you come over here and act all virtuous, pull the other one lol

what up and under posted is tame in comparison

It is perfectly valid to be frustrated at the GPS committee for ignoring what is best for the rugby community as a whole, purely because of "tradition." Are we not rugby fans?

Also did I not make clear that Joeys didn't hide or pull out of the contest? They were not invited. I wasn't the person speculating, hence I'm not the one you're mad at . I didn't make any hostile comments.

Also since when is it CAS vs GPS. Simmer down mate. Relax. Everyone is a footy fan here.

Black & White

Vay Wilson (31)
Dont see how you can say newington have been better than Kings and Joeys. From 13-15s, newington didn’t beat either school once, and either won 0 or 1 game in 15A which was the last season before the strongest players moved up into opens for 16s, hence why they were stronger because they weren’t playing against the best from other schools.
Please ready my post again, if you are referring to my win & lost and post at no stage do I say they are better. Simply, that they are winning more than they are losing,regarding their A Teams. It is not a comparison between two particular schools. Rather, an overall summary of Newington's record for the games played in the GPS and I repeat only the A Teams. Results are there in Black & White, for every one to see, so please excuse my pun.

The only other posts you might be referring to is one regarding the Newington 16As. Again, their results have been excellent, throughout their years from 13As to 16As.

So which post are you referring to, please repeat my post, because I don't recall any such statement made by myself. If I suspect you have misread my post, I am more than happy to explain it to clarify it, for you. If I have made a honest mistake, then my apologies. But I don't recall my statement, in the manner you describe. Hence, the benefit of always referring back to the original post.
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Black & White

Vay Wilson (31)
Hi Black & White,

I’ve been a long time reader of the G&G and have really enjoyed your obvious passion for both the GPS and for Newington in particular.

I couldn’t agree more about the need for more boarders, it brings a great dynamic to the school to have boys from the country and creates terrific friendships both in and out of the boarding house.

I must disagree however on Newington not competing in the 3rd XV competition, it would be brilliant for the boys not in the senior squad, and give some definition about the season outside of the firsts and seconds. They might not be competitive in year one but over time I believe it will help raise all rugby at Newington.
Hello too little to late,
Thank you for your kind words.They are deeply appreciated.

My passion for boarding and for it to be expanded at Newington, originates from University days, where unlike my schooling, I Lived in University colleges. The benefits of residing in such colleges, is the complete absence of travel. Therefore, they represent time saved, that can be better spent on study, sports training or rehearsing for the Performing Arts.

In a survey conducted by the College, I advocated a return to large-scale boarding for these reasons. Particularly, in the senior years of 11&12, where the academic pressure is at its greatest. The feedback I received was very positive and included one former Senior Prefect.So I suspect a possible market out there Boarding within the Newington community.

And yes I would like to see a return to playing 3rd XV Rugby, But as I have expressed my concern is our competitiveness. But you make a valid point that results could vary from season too season.

Many thanks again for your support.
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Black & White

Vay Wilson (31)
Hey mate, no stress,

I will say from an outsiders perspective, i always regarded newington as a strong sporting school, and relatives who went there who were all sporting mad .
Hello Goosestep
One of the issues being a passionate Old Boy on this site, is I tend to express myself in a direct manner. So please forgive for my lack of diplomacy. I also appreciate your comments on Newington's competitiveness as aGPS School.


Darby Loudon (17)
Anyone willing to predict a kings lineup ? Because I know I won’t be it’s to tough, boys who played 1s this year could even miss out.


Bob McCowan (2)
Anyone willing to predict a kings lineup ? Because I know I won’t be it’s to tough, boys who played 1s this year could even miss out.
Ill give it a crack, keep in mind I am a riverview old boy so don't know everyone but this is who I knos

1. Nathaniel T
2. Bailey P (C)
3. Edwin L
4. 16a??
5. Anton T
6. ?
7. Charlie B
8. ?
9. Matt Smith
10. Boston F
11. Hadley T
12. Tyrese L
13. Tom W
14. Isamu N
15. Louis F

Rugby n beers let me know if that is a good rough guess. They will defenitly be a good team.


Darby Loudon (17)
Ill give it a crack, keep in mind I am a riverview old boy so don't know everyone but this is who I knos

1. Nathaniel T
2. Bailey P (C)
3. Edwin L
4. 16a??
5. Anton T
6. ?
7. Charlie B
8. ?
9. Matt Smith
10. Boston F
11. Hadley T
12. Tyrese L
13. Tom W
14. Isamu N
15. Louis F

Rugby n beers let me know if that is a good rough guess. They will defenitly be a good team.
Decent side, I said I wouldn’t guess but might aswell have a crack. Think it will be year 12

captain will be one of the 3 - Austin d, Boston F or Bailey P

1. Nick A
2. Bailey P/ Cam O
3. Edwin L/ Nate T
4.Cameron W/Anton T
5. Peter M/ Fraser W
6. Charlie B/ Fraser w/ Peter miln
7. Austin D
8. Lotu v/Peter M/ Fraser W/ Daniel W
9. Lachlan s/ Matt s/ Jake L
10. Boston F/ Sam M
11. hadely Tonga
12. Boston F/ tyrese lokeni
13. Tyrese lokeni/ Tom watts
14. Aadesh R/ Luke M/ Alister Y
15. Isamu N/Luke M/ Aadesh R

This side has a lot of flexibility and depending on where some key players play the side will be determined around them


Bob Loudon (25)
It is perfectly valid to be frustrated at the GPS committee for ignoring what is best for the rugby community as a whole, purely because of "tradition." Are we not rugby fans?

Also did I not make clear that Joeys didn't hide or pull out of the contest? They were not invited. I wasn't the person speculating, hence I'm not the one you're mad at . I didn't make any hostile comments.

Also since when is it CAS vs GPS. Simmer down mate. Relax. Everyone is a footy fan here.
Why doesn’t the the ISA and CAS combine then if it’s in the best interest of school rugby ? Still waiting on a response for that .. you guys are obsessed with the GPS, it lives in your head rent free


Charlie Fox (21)
Why doesn’t the the ISA and CAS combine then if it’s in the best interest of school rugby ? Still waiting on a response for that .. you guys are obsessed with the GPS, it lives in your head rent free

How does that help Barker Knox and Waverley? They still smash all of the ISA schools (with the exception of Oakhill who is competitive sometimes and Augustines sometimes). However, everyone on the CAS forum is very happy to combine with the ISA in a tier system format in which the GPS, CAS and ISA compete together.

That is the only correct answer moving forward, and that can't happen until the GPS stop looking down on CAS and ISA schools. It is pretty easy to understand why we are frustrated with the GPS.


Bob Loudon (25)
How does that help Barker Knox and Waverley? They still smash all of the ISA schools (with the exception of Oakhill who is competitive sometimes and Augustines sometimes). However, everyone on the CAS forum is very happy to combine with the ISA in a tier system format in which the GPS, CAS and ISA compete together.

That is the only correct answer moving forward, and that can't happen until the GPS stop looking down on CAS and ISA schools. It is pretty easy to understand why we are frustrated with the GPS.
Move forward to what ? …


John Hipwell (52)
Hello Goosestep
One of the issues being a passionate Old Boy on this site, is I tend to express myself in a direct manner. So please forgive for my lack of diplomacy. I also appreciate your comments on Newington's competitiveness as aGPS School.
Don't apologise my friend. Your passion is well known and we all get a bit direct at times.
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