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Masked Crusader

Ward Prentice (10)
Technically, correct. The intention, poorly articulated I grant you, was to de-power this great Catholic advantage barrow that you've pushed for ages. And I'm a Catholic. The fact is the 1st XV is, and I stand to be corrected, the worst-performing team in the school and the elephant in the room is perhaps who's still there and who's chosen to take a drive up New South Head Rd.
OK, I’ll correct you. No they’re not, it’s not the coach it the injuries. In simplistic terms, 0-5 is terrible. Some deeper analysis will tell you that after 5 games and no wins the differential is -14 (it’s been close). The best team in the GPS beat them by a single try, that team had few injuries. The Joeys backline tried hard but the reality is that they are decimated by injury. They finished the game with the 4th 10 to play in that position this season, the first choice centre combination have both been on the injured list and I could go on….

Up and In

Herbert Moran (7)
I know Will very well and consider him a good friend.

That will take quite some unpacking. In short, Will was a talented runner and rugby player. Plus he was a good student and classmate. He was also ambitious. Will played 2nd XV in 1983 at Joeys. The team under performed (poorly coached) while the 1st XV excelled. In the 1983 1st XV were two yr 11 players who were excellent back line players. In the 16A's/ 3rds there again were some very good players and Will thought he may end up not making the 1984 team. He was right. The 1984 were dominated with yr 11/12 boys and two repeats (A. Daly being one). Will's move to Riverview was complex and I will one day seek further clarification from him.
Thanks, Joker, let's agree to disagree. There was only one Yr 11 player in the backline in '84 and the two repeats you mention played on the side of the scrum. The 2 backs who played '83 1st XV ended up as half and fly-half in '84, neither of which was Will's position. Funnily enough, two of the Year 12 backs repeated into the 1985 year and neither made the 1sts. A third back who also repeated, did. Will's played 2nd XV in '83 and would have almost been guaranteed selection in '84's team. He admitted tearfully to the Joeys '84 players, notably #6 and 7, as they shook hands after the game, that he'd made a mistake (switching schools).


John Hipwell (52)
Round 5 Tipping RESULTS

What a blood bath!

We all thought we were so smart but Shore and Scots scuppered the tipping hopes of many. Look at all those who scored "0" The Shore boys in particular showed great fight to beat off the wild wolves from Lane Cove in a tussle for the ages. Scots finally showed some brave hearts after I am sure a massive wake up call from the coach during the past few days. Joeys did well to stay and land a blow or two on the AAGPS heavyweights but in the end the Cattle from North Parramatta were just way to strong (and HUGE!)

Again, any problems please let me know.

Results Week 7.jpg

Up and In

Herbert Moran (7)
OK, I’ll correct you. No they’re not, it’s not the coach it the injuries. In simplistic terms, 0-5 is terrible. Some deeper analysis will tell you that after 5 games and no wins the differential is -14 (it’s been close). The best team in the GPS beat them by a single try, that team had few injuries. The Joeys backline tried hard but the reality is that they are decimated by injury. They finished the game with the 4th 10 to play in that position this season, the first choice centre combination have both been on the injured list and I could go on….
Thank you for the correction, which means that there's a Joeys' team somewhere in the school that has lost every match so far (the last 5). Fair enough. What I find difficult is the fact that there are injuries in every school, and given Joeys' renowned depth (in numbers and talent), far greater than any other school, they should have (and have certainly in years past) covered this.

Masked Crusader

Ward Prentice (10)
Thank you for the correction, which means that there's a Joeys' team somewhere in the school that has lost every match so far (the last 5). Fair enough. What I find difficult is the fact that there are injuries in every school, and given Joeys' renowned depth (in numbers and talent), far greater than any other school, they should have (and have certainly in years past) covered this.
Across 1,2’s and 16a’s there is probably a full team + missing. The famous depth is what is allowing them to hang on in the 1’s, in a parallel universe they are 5-0. It’s not a handful of injuries, it is a large number and as luck would have it many of the better players are amongst that group. Obviously there are no teams that are 0-5 but there are teams that are 0-4 with a worse differential. I don’t think Joeys claim to have more talented players, in fact most years they don’t but they do have a culture of not giving up and having a crack no matter what. I for one am very proud of this years 1st XV, they have shown tremendous grit. I reckon they will go 4-0 next term. With a bit of luck they may start a run prior to the break at HH tomorrow week, time will tell.


Stan Wickham (3)
So am I correct in assuming that it is a 9 round competition for the the grades and age groups who didn’t play on Thursday? (acknowledging that the age groups are ‘non competition’)


Darby Loudon (17)
Seems as if some schools aren’t happy with kings, lots of complaints on social media and poor sportsmanship. Joeys the latest school to fall into this trap of making excuses, look no further then HOK tik tok acc and the comments.

Every school has the same methods to win rugby games, some are just doing it better then the rest.


Darby Loudon (17)
due to the complaints and winging, joeys great efforts yesterday have gone unnoticed. They were in it for a majority of the game and really showed that even though they are 0-5 they are a great reflection of the school.


John Hipwell (52)
due to the complaints and winging, joeys great efforts yesterday have gone unnoticed. They were in it for a majority of the game and really showed that even though they are 0-5 they are a great reflection of the school.
To think they are the team that has gotten closet is coming last.
While the premiership may be out of reach Joeys will be dangerous nuisance value when they have a full team once again.



Ward Prentice (10)
Up and In

I agree with you. In previous years, these injuries, even to better players, would have been covered. Letting a 24-0 lead slide does not happen to Joeys. When did they let Shore draw with them ? Letting New get away with a win at home does not happen often. And View beat them fair and square even without the majority of position or possession. Kings we know are a good team and Joeys threw the kitchen sink at them, missing a few players and came close, so no one is saying that they give up or not try till the end .............. but

This years team is different to last years ( and I say very different ) and the results show. The coaches should have imho adjusted their style of play slightly to fit the skills of the players. Not enough trial games have hurt Joeys as they like to use the trials as experiments and if previous 10 round tables show, Joeys don't like the 2 round system. Very peculiar for a school that has so much depth.

This is not a bagging of Joeys. It's one uneducated person's obsevation. Joeys can claim many, many more premierships than any other school, so their systems work but this year they may have tweaked it a little and in by doing so, may have jagged a few of those close losses or draws.

Don't know if they came the closest Joker. New had a conversion kick to tie it up at 26-26 and then let a try in on the bell. Also, if you are going on F/A, New's is better than Joeys. Yes Joeys came close but Kings didn't look like they would lose. This kIngs team is very similar to the 2020 team.
They are big, fast execute well and the defense, especially the middle, is like a brick wall. Having Tonga etc out the back, hard to run around them. Complete Team.

Bob Peters

Peter Burge (5)
Joeys 1st XV vs Scots
1. Gordon Durie
2. Charlie O’Kane
3. James Winters
4. Joe Mangelsdorf
5. Arthur Greer
6. Johannes Logan
7. Pat Young
8. Justice Taumoepeau

9. Hwi Sharples (c)
10. Caleb Murphy
11. Kynan Hart
12. Patrick Broe
13. Ethan Tombs
14. Ben Sleeman
15. Ben Chick

Injured: Oscar Jorgensen, Eamon Doyle, Ben Playford, Hunter Fogarty, Paddy O’Malley, Jonty Fowler, Declan Minto, Matt Gough, Ben Whyte.
Coaches: Greg Thompson / Rob Hahn
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