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QLD GPS Rugby 2014

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Colin Windon (37)
Gunther is in hospital with a "cracked chest" - broken sternum/cracked ribcage? Sounds serious.

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Just a Parent

Frank Row (1)
I was there. Even worse were BBC enjoying the suspected broken arm during the 13'Bs game - player was lifted and driven to ground (should have been red but ref quickly gave yellow). And to save time, we aren't talking about clapping when an injured player is taken off.


Allen Oxlade (6)
I was there. Even worse were BBC enjoying the suspected broken arm during the 13'Bs game - player was lifted and driven to ground (should have been red but ref quickly gave yellow). And to save time, we aren't talking about clapping when an injured player is taken off.

You'll often find that clapping when the injured players is taken off is a way of saying "good game mate, hope you're better soon" rather than clapping for the sake of "he's injured, great!"


Colin Windon (37)
As for the First XV game BSHS had their Halfback out and their blindside flanker out two key players

Are you sure it was blindside flanker Puketawa Karena Garland out? The neck strain injury to Matt Feauai Sautia (another loose forward) has been well documented on the forum.

Why was Tim Sipple missing?

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Just a Parent

Frank Row (1)
You'll often find that clapping when the injured players is taken off is a way of saying "good game mate, hope you're better soon" rather than clapping for the sake of "he's injured, great!"
No. Just to be clear here - although i thought i was. I was NOT talking about clapping when an injured player is taken off. I was referring to the back slapping / congrats the BBC team were partaking in the injured player was lying on the ground. Think BBC were filming so watch the footage. Think his arm was broken.


Herbert Moran (7)
Well Done to BBC 16A's they should be proud of them selves. Beating a state high team who had already played a full game in the B's (being nice and giving the BBC B's a game). then running on tired in the A game. Losing players due to 1st XV and injury at Half time (down to 11 players). and the BSHS A's still front up and give BBC a game, and all you can hear from the sideline is parents giving those boys crap. Disgusting display by BBC parents and players they should be ashamed of themselves. As for the First XV game BSHS had their Halfback out and their blindside flanker out two key players. and has anyone said that state high were wining at one stage against a imported team and school throwing countless amounts of dollars at their rugby program.
Don't State High pick up boys who want to play in the GPS comp but not any fees?? Ironically, I know of GPS rep players who approached BSH but were told they weren't interested- then got offered places at other GPSs.

Nudgee Jackson Tame

Bob McCowan (2)
Believe it was the state high winger that is about half the size of Gunther, who gave him a wack in the first half, on comes second half and Gunther thought decided to run at him again. Next thing you know young jimmy patrick put him flat on his back! Kiwi pride!!


Colin Windon (37)
No. Just to be clear here - although i thought i was. I was NOT talking about clapping when an injured player is taken off. I was referring to the back slapping / congrats the BBC team were partaking in the injured player was lying on the ground. Think BBC were filming so watch the footage. Think his arm was broken.

I'm sure that in the situation you mention the boys were merely cheering a dominant tackle, not the fact that the player was injured (though it may have played a part).

Nobody wants to see a child hurt, but boys love seeing big hits by their mates

Set piece magic

John Solomon (38)
Please don't post reports on here of school x parent y showing atrocious sportsmanship in the sensationalist way currently being reported.

If you could rephrase your concerns to take satire / shots at various entities out it would be great as it will stop this thread degenerating into a s**tfight.

For example,

"Bloody x muppets that drive their Mercedes around like w**nkers were hurling abuse at players of different ethnicity"

Can easily be rephrased to

"I was concerned on Saturday, during the 15A's game, when from what I could see there were parents who were not behaving respectfully at all. I heard racist jibes being hurled at players from the opposition team. Could someone please confirm"

This will save everyone from the inevitable accusations that fly around, some of which are substantiated and some of which are not. If you are really offended, don't post it on here - email the school and detail it to them.

This same thing happened last year when we had accusations from posters that x parents were calling x team spear chuckers etc. Keep your posts to facts and observations and don't try and start people.

This is not the Courier Mail

Corne Uyc

Chris McKivat (8)
Yesterday I was either going to watch St Peters v Ashgrove or BBC v State High. I'm pleased I went to Toowong. And excellent contest and the two teams ran themselves ragged.
Evenly poised at half time with State High up 3 tries to 2. Their fun stopped there with BBC running in four unanswered tries in the second half.
The opening phase of around 20 phases leading to a BBC try was excellent. There were many such phase sets during the match.
BBC 9 and 7 both stand outs. They used their width very well and State High couldn't match them out wide. The 12 and 8 sustained big injuries; ACL and broken sternum. One of their props finished with a broken hand too.
State High were led well around the field by their 10 and 7 was hard on the ball. Shame was State High played the last 10 men with 14 players as they ran short of reserves. Not a good sign during a trial period. Their fitness was questionable too and BBC cut them up easily in the second half.
Bugger all kicking, multiple phase play and nine tries. An excellent game overall.


Frank Nicholson (4)
Please don't post reports on here of school x parent y showing atrocious sportsmanship in the sensationalist way currently being reported.

If you could rephrase your concerns to take satire / shots at various entities out it would be great as it will stop this thread degenerating into a s**tfight.

For example,

"Bloody x muppets that drive their Mercedes around like w**nkers were hurling abuse at players of different ethnicity"

Can easily be rephrased to

"I was concerned on Saturday, during the 15A's game, when from what I could see there were parents who were not behaving respectfully at all. I heard racist jibes being hurled at players from the opposition team. Could someone please confirm"

This will save everyone from the inevitable accusations that fly around, some of which are substantiated and some of which are not. If you are really offended, don't post it on here - email the school and detail it to them.

This same thing happened last year when we had accusations from posters that x parents were calling x team spear chuckers etc. Keep your posts to facts and observations and don't try and start people.

This is not the Courier Mail

Brilliantly said. I don't believe for a minute that Phillpotts, DOR at BBC, and Aussie schoolboys coach would EVER condone the supposed cheering of an injured player.


Colin Windon (37)
1 hour to go until the All-Stars Backline is released! Check the front page just after 6 pm and submit your early votes

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Frank Nicholson (4)
Believe it was the state high winger that is about half the size of Gunther, who gave him a wack in the first half, on comes second half and Gunther thought decided to run at him again. Next thing you know young jimmy patrick put him flat on his back! Kiwi pride!!

Kiwi pride?? Seriously? Seeing a boy having his sternum broken/cracked and writhing in agony? I've known some kiwis in my time, and none of them would be happy to see that.

Nudgee Jackson Tame

Bob McCowan (2)
Kiwi pride?? Seriously? Seeing a boy having his sternum broken/cracked and writhing in agony? I've known some kiwis in my time, and none of them would be happy to see that.
Sorry mate not intended in that way, feel very much for the poor lad in hospital and hope he gets well as quick as possible. I was intending it in a way that a smaller and younger fella are not always the weakest link and can put on good shots jusr aswell. Mate I would never cheer an injured player.
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