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QLD GPS Rugby 2015

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Ted Fahey (11)
To be fair I did say 16s, while a number of the team are in grade 11 only three of those boys are eligible to play 16's.

I didn't realise quite so many still had a another year at school though.

BAG, I've said it before but I'll say it again. Terrace will be right up there in the next few years.
You'll enjoy that! After a couple of lean ones.
I heard the firsts played with some spirit on Saturday - good to see!


Frank Nicholson (4)
GO - yes the 8 is quite the bulldozer and picks up valuable metres however this tends to be on the back of metres gained by a pretty handy front row. What I noticed on the weekend between the BBC & IGS 13A's was a consistent gain of 5-10 metres by the front row - sucking the forwards in - then quick distribution from the half-back to any of 3 players that would make the metres on the fringes you mentioned above. I think as a collective its the front row & these 3 players that are worth the 40 points you mention.

The 8 is new however the remainder of the unit above was part of the 12A team last year that put on a slightly greater amount of points in the corresponding match. Building on this go forward tries were scored however there were a number of individual tries in the backline including 2 on the wing, 1 each from the fullback & inside centre and the half-back with a good dart near the line.

The game was very similar to last years fixture.


Bob Loudon (25)
BAG, I've said it before but I'll say it again. Terrace will be right up there in the next few years.
You'll enjoy that! After a couple of lean ones.
I heard the firsts played with some spirit on Saturday - good to see!

That is the plan, although I am yet to be convinced we have the required forward grunt (front row and locks) coming through to win a title.

We have some great players and it will be a fun 3-4 years to watch, but one should never understand the role sheer size plays in winning schoolboy rugby.

GT's defensive patterns on the weekend were terrible with Churchies only slightly better, neither side play the up and in very effectively and soft tries were the order of the day.


Larry Dwyer (12)
GO - yes the 8 is quite the bulldozer and picks up valuable metres however this tends to be on the back of metres gained by a pretty handy front row. What I noticed on the weekend between the BBC & IGS 13A's was a consistent gain of 5-10 metres by the front row - sucking the forwards in - then quick distribution from the half-back to any of 3 players that would make the metres on the fringes you mentioned above. I think as a collective its the front row & these 3 players that are worth the 40 points you mention.

The 8 is new however the remainder of the unit above was part of the 12A team last year that put on a slightly greater amount of points in the corresponding match. Building on this go forward tries were scored however there were a number of individual tries in the backline including 2 on the wing, 1 each from the fullback & inside centre and the half-back with a good dart near the line.

The game was very similar to last years fixture.

I've watched the game a number of times now and IGS easily won the forward battle, no contest really. And things got worse after half time as the impact of the big red boys took its toll on the boys in green. Easy ground was made almost at every ruck around the fringes. BBC backs were having to come in and make tackles leaving space open across the field. It would have been a nice day playing in the IGS backline although having said that, the backs didn't need to get much ball because all the ground was made through the middle.

Looking at last year's end of season game saw IGS over BCC 73-0 compared to this years season opener 60-14. Take into consideration BBC had a held up ball over the try line from a great back line move and run by the OC, and given that IGS scored in the final seconds for a converted try the score line could have been (but isn't) a bit closer - I only mention that in the context of the comparison from last years result to this year.

A 27 point turn around to BBC, which isn't a bad effort given that the bunker-buster IGS 8 is a new inclusion (and I'm sure with the other inclusions in the IGS and BBC team as well). But it takes time to build a team and you have to start by heading in the right direction and I believe BBC 13As will only continue to improve on this.

But full credit to IGS 13As, they'll obviously do very well this year and I'm sure a lot of BBC boys will be glad that one is out of the way.

A final point: has anyone scored 14 points against IGS during the trials? I don't think BSH scored that many against them - but I'm happy to be corrected.

Lance Free

Arch Winning (36)
Need to check your source.
Scrum half has broken ankle and is in plaster!!!!out for year
under 16 scrum half has done ACL.Out for year
winger/Centre -Cotton who played against NZ in Japan has broken shoulder.out for year.
And Qld 2 winger is not playing. not sure how long.

FYI My source was the First XV team manager. He seemed to know what was going on.

The five Oz schoolboys/A players etc all played (which is what that conversation was mostly about).


Herbert Moran (7)
FYI My source was the First XV team manager. He seemed to know what was going on.

The five Oz schoolboys/A players etc all played (which is what that conversation was mostly about).

I agree. It sounded like everyone of quality was going to be out. All the players who played halfback in SANIX played yesterday. Yes Cotton and Simpson didn't play, but were well covered by Carswell and Stead... both members of the U15 side from two years ago who got plenty of game time in Japan.

It looks like there is commendable depth of quality players unlike previous years. Either way, when they got headed on Saturday they might have packed up and gone home, but fought it out for the win. Again, they have a stronger belief than might have been the case in other years.

Love the pic Lance. Definitely your 'good side'!

Lance Free

Arch Winning (36)
I agree. It sounded like everyone of quality was going to be out. All the players who played halfback in SANIX played yesterday. Yes Cotton and Simpson didn't play, but were well covered by Carswell and Stead. both members of the U15 side from two years ago who got plenty of game time in Japan.

It looks like there is commendable depth of quality players unlike previous years. Either way, when they got headed on Saturday they might have packed up and gone home, but fought it out for the win. Again, they have a stronger belief than might have been the case in other years.

Love the pic Lance. Definitely your 'good side'!

Ha ha. Pensive snap?

That little Vaughey had a great game at scrum-half until replaced by Verevis. Made a couple of excellent breaks. I watched the 2nds as well but didn't think there was too much depth there. Sounds like there weren't any serious injurious from Saturday. I'm not sure BBC are Premiership winning material though? We'll see this weekend.

PS My season is over. Stuffed my knee refereeing a Subbies match the other day. Looks like the knife ...


Ted Fahey (11)
Should be a cracker this weekend at BBC, IGS were right in it. BBC have speed out wide but never really saw any space created for them, centre needs to understand his role, creator provides opportunities,

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

The Guru

Fred Wood (13)
FYI My source was the First XV team manager. He seemed to know what was going on.

The five Oz schoolboys/A players etc all played (which is what that conversation was mostly about).

I think GG is correct
FacT 1-the 1st choice halfback from camp broke his ankle;
Fact 2-Simpson the Qld 2 winger did not play;
Fact 3 -Porter who started at 7 in Japan against NZ did not play.

Yes -there were handy replacements but not to the above standard.
They are all unavailable this weekend as well.
It was also obvious on Saturday that Veravis is not 100%

The sage

Vay Wilson (31)

Not a bad opening game by both sides. TGS had there opportunities, particularly at the start of the match where they controlled the ball. However, poor decision making lead them to come up "empty handed" in the first half. There were times where they stretched the Nudgee defence, but it was too strong to break. One of the "breaks" that should of been a try!! https://www.flickr.com/photos/maroondamimages/19812735815/in/album-72157656058945251/ But good cover defence by Nudgee 6,7 & 10 stopped the movement right on the line: https://www.flickr.com/photos/maroondamimages/19812728835/in/album-72157656058945251/

Thought TGS was lucky not to have a player sent off, with at least 3 "tip" tackles, the worst of which:https://www.flickr.com/photos/maroondamimages/19189997534/in/album-72157656058945251/They did however received 3 yellow cards for their efforts!

The TGS front row, tipped as one of the stronger in the competition, didn't trouble the Nudgee scrum overly and think that both teams scrimmaged well. The line outs were again marred by some overthrowing and timing issues; but Nudgee appeared to have the upper hand:https://www.flickr.com/photos/maroondamimages/19624605680/in/album-72157656058945251/ and even won some a few lineouts against the throw and under pressure: https://www.flickr.com/photos/maroondamimages/19193569853/in/album-72157656058945251/

The backs didn't really get too much of the ball. When they did a lot of times there were errors and dropped ball, particularly by TGS which stifled their attack. The Nudgee #10 and #12 had the best of it and a few good runs by Nudgee #11 & #14 were made. The TGS #12 and #15 looked threatening however didn't get too many opportunities where they were clear. The main TGS backline offensive move came from a kick towards the wing which lead to a well taken try.

Let's not be mistaken it was a forwards dominated game. The Nudgee back row were dominant and both number # 7's were everywhere. The TGS #1 made some wonderful incisive runs and was well supported but the defence was always there. Some wonderful running from the usual suspects Nudgee #3, #6 & #8. However the Nudgee #1 also had plenty of good runs. The Nudgee #6 had a great game with hard running, tackled like a demon and was the pick! Gavin Luka #3 going, going over for the first of his two tries in the match: https://www.flickr.com/photos/maroondamimages/19813877985/in/album-72157656058945251/. Another strong run: https://www.flickr.com/photos/maroondamimages/19193297393/in/album-72157656058945251/ and Kalala Meni on his way to his "porky-pie" https://www.flickr.com/photos/maroondamimages/19788604156/in/album-72157656058945251/.

In the end the referee, I felt, did not control the break-down well during the game, particularly in the first half. He allowed TGS to "lay" in the rucks and generally they did not roll-away from the tackled player. This slowed the ball speed for Nudgee which made the game less of a spectacle. Nudgee were disallowed a certain try (due to the Referee not being in the right place)
https://www.flickr.com/photos/maroondamimages/19819675391/in/album-72157656058945251/ and were penalised late in the game when there was clear evidence of "sealing off" and not releasing and not rolling away (what more do you want!!) in a try scoring position https://www.flickr.com/photos/maroondamimages/19816008415/in/album-72157656058945251/

I think a well deserved win by Nudgee, and TGS will definitely be hard to beat if they can get some continuity with the good cattle they have on the park.

Notables: Nudgee: 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12 & 14
TGS: 1, 7, 10, 12 & 15

Thanks to Mr John Sayer for the wonderful photographs.

Lance Free

Arch Winning (36)
Yes -there were handy replacements but not to the above standard.
They are all unavailable this weekend as well.
It was also obvious on Saturday that Veravis is not 100%

As I said, I only saw the 2nds and there wasn't much depth there. What about the 16As? Do they provide much injury cover?


Larry Dwyer (12)
Is that the first game he and his flyhalf have ever lost together??

Almost. They have lost two previous games in their own age group when playing together; u12 Schools State Champs Final against Met East and they lost a trial game earlier this year against Riverside by 7pts.

edit: I'd just add that it obviously takes more than two players for a team to win games. Coaching, team work, structure, team-mates and continuity come into play. The tougher the level of competition, the more these aspects are needed.

The Guru

Fred Wood (13)
As I said, I only saw the 2nds and there wasn't much depth there. What about the 16As? Do they provide much injury cover?

i agree that 2nds did not look that strong and that is 1st game they have won this year.
the 16As are very strong and won by over 30
in fact most reserves apart from 2 that went on were from16 A
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