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QLD GPS Rugby 2015

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Herbert Moran (7)
It's always impressive how some posters know every detail of every 1st XV team, how long they've been at every school, and so forth.

As a man of more limited knowledge, my job is solely to guide and assist onto an even higher plane the experts who speak with such conviction and certainty.

Let's refine this superior insight as highlighted above with a small factual test that will hone the talent already present:

How many of the current Churchie Ist XV have been at the school for much of their senior Y7-Y12 years, and some even more? Multiple choice, there is only one correct answer:

(a) 0 (bear has told us this above)

(b) 4

(c ) 6

(d) 11

Once I have bear's and other knowledgeable posters' 'input of conviction', I will post the correct answer.
Haha. I did not mean that there isn't one person in the 1st 15 that didn't attend the junior school at churchie. But I will have a crack at your multi choice quiz. I would say 4 out of the starting 15 have been attending Churchie since grade 7. There you go. I would guess in last years team there is perhaps even less. My original post was to highlight how ordinary the Churchie under age teams are going. Under 13 A's on Saturday lost by 67 points. The 14 A's had nearly 50 racked up against them. I wonder if any of these players will get to play 1st 15. Or will you just import new players from Townsville at grade 11 or 12.


Cyril Towers (30)
TSS are over hyped. An alright first half from Terrace kept the score close and then Terrace decided not to play footy for the next 35 minutes. Interesting Tactic, let's see how that one plays out for them Jim...

But in all honesty, Riley is as good as what everyone is saying. However TSS do have downfalls. Their tight 5 only decide to rock up at scrum time and BGS schooled them in lineouts with TSS not even winning one to my understanding. They also play there second rows on the wing... And their back 3 has not been proven.

In regards to IGS, they play the same footy everyone has seen at IGS for years. Some big big heffa's up front who will barge in all day but structurely the become isolated and try to have a dick measuring contest. Any coach who knows what will easily exploit their big pack and their lack of technical nous.

Churchie are similar to IGS just with a few more brains and some more dangerous outside backs.

The only team that has impressed me in terms of structural play and all round game is the nudge. Do not worry about depth there, they'll pull nelson akufelatu'mata out from the 12D weighing in at 140kg to fill in the backline.

Red Black

Larry Dwyer (12)
My Dear Red and Black
You normally have a lot to say . Please do not go quiet on us. I , too am looking forward to your summary of the 2nd half against TSS.

Unfortunately I wasnt there. The valley wasnt so kind to me the night before. Up the red and black


Allen Oxlade (6)
Kalala Meni did not play...he was injured and was doing the water...his brother was the 13. The back row for NC was Jack Tully, Tom Zappala and Reece Hewat. Jack Tully got carded just before HT.

Murphys Law

Allen Oxlade (6)
I actually think King jumped on the Churchie bandwagon because he saw the game Churchie played, not the scoreline. I caught the game online last night and might jump too. I saw their game against GT and the improvement was 100%. Obvious standouts were Croft and Sua who look like they are definitely transitioning over to Union well. Croft controls team well and Sua runs as hard as he hits, however I was very impressed with the forward pack. The whole team looked like they were playing for and with each other and not because State were necessarily playing bad. Lineouts were impressive and they scrummaged well. 13 and back three are talented. If they stay injury free, they are serious contenders (although I am still tipping Nudgee).

Caught most of the TSS game and I concur with others that they are contenders. If their forwards stand up, they have the backs to finish the job. Riley ran rampant against Terrace, but I do suspect that channel wont be as easy against Nudgee or Churchie.

Anyone know when Ikitau will be back for BBC?.

Monday's Expert

Chris McKivat (8)
It's always impressive how some posters know every detail of every 1st XV team, how long they've been at every school, and so forth.

As a man of more limited knowledge, my job is solely to guide and assist onto an even higher plane the experts who speak with such conviction and certainty.

Let's refine this superior insight as highlighted above with a small factual test that will hone the talent already present:

How many of the current Churchie Ist XV have been at the school for much of their senior Y7-Y12 years, and some even more? Multiple choice, there is only one correct answer:

(a) 0 (bear has told us this above)

(b) 4

(c ) 6

(d) 11

Once I have bear's and other knowledgeable posters' 'input of conviction', I will post the correct answer.

The answer is D - 11. All imports are backs. The rest are all homegrown.


Frank Nicholson (4)
Why do the poor BBC folk think a game can't be completed following a knock on? I realise you can't call full time on a penalty but there is no rule saying you can't call full time on a knock on from either side.


Bob Loudon (25)
TSS will be in the mix . Good Team and capable of beating GT on the day

Not on this day!! Now GT just needs to 'survive' the onslaught at IGS and it will be clear sailing to the BBC showdown - the question remains will BBC be able to account for ACGS and GT back to back following a date with BSHS.


Dave Cowper (27)
Kalala Meni did not play.he was injured and was doing the water.his brother was the 13. The back row for NC was Jack Tully, Tom Zappala and Reece Hewat. Jack Tully got carded just before HT.

Thanks NCWK. I was wrong.
Why wasn't team sheet updated before the game?
Is Jack Tully from 2nd XV or 16A?


Tony Shaw (54)
I actually think King jumped on the Churchie bandwagon because he saw the game Churchie played, not the scoreline. I caught the game online last night and might jump too. I saw their game against GT and the improvement was 100%. Obvious standouts were Croft and Sua who look like they are definitely transitioning over to Union well. Croft controls team well and Sua runs as hard as he hits, however I was very impressed with the forward pack. The whole team looked like they were playing for and with each other and not because State were necessarily playing bad. Lineouts were impressive and they scrummaged well. 13 and back three are talented. If they stay injury free, they are serious contenders (although I am still tipping Nudgee).

Caught most of the TSS game and I concur with others that they are contenders. If their forwards stand up, they have the backs to finish the job. Riley ran rampant against Terrace, but I do suspect that channel wont be as easy against Nudgee or Churchie.

Anyone know when Ikitau will be back for BBC?.

Some astute points there ML.

As well, what is really improving each game (so far anyway) is Churchie's defence. I will not be the first to say:

Excellence in forwards work + excellence in defence = far higher likelihood of winning games.


Darby Loudon (17)
TSS are playing well but are more than beatable. I understand in the game vs BBC - BBC were told they couldn't kick for the line in the last minute penalty - incorrect decision and the TSS 9 knocked on the ensuing penalty kick in front of the cross bar, but they called that the last play - again incorrect call - should have been a BBC scrum 5 out from the line.

When time is up on the clock and you receive a penalty, you cant kick for the line and get a lineout.
Similarly when you take a shot at goal and time is up on the clock, fulltime is called at the next (non-penalty) infringement.
Ref got both calls correct.
Maybe BBC should worry more about catching simple kickoffs ....
But the season's not gone for them - till Saturday.

Garry Owens

Alan Cameron (40)
Not on this day!! Now GT just needs to 'survive' the onslaught at IGS and it will be clear sailing to the BBC showdown - the question remains will BBC be able to account for ACGS and GT back to back following a date with BSHS.

Best of luck in the match up against IGS

I do believe it might end up looking like a scoreline at the end of the first day on a belter of an Adelaide deck ....one of those 0 - 300 days



Tony Shaw (54)
Haha. I did not mean that there isn't one person in the 1st 15 that didn't attend the junior school at churchie. But I will have a crack at your multi choice quiz. I would say 4 out of the starting 15 have been attending Churchie since grade 7. There you go. I would guess in last years team there is perhaps even less. My original post was to highlight how ordinary the Churchie under age teams are going. Under 13 A's on Saturday lost by 67 points. The 14 A's had nearly 50 racked up against them. I wonder if any of these players will get to play 1st 15. Or will you just import new players from Townsville at grade 11 or 12.

But that's what you first said.

And now the goal posts of your critique have shifted to 'being at Churchie since Y7', that is the new 'acceptable homegrown threshold'.

The hard fact of the matter is that the majority of QLD GPS schools offer rugby and multiple other sports and academic scholarships.

Spitting on one - any - GPS school with wild and grossly inaccurate statements re their level of sports scholarships lacks rigour and maturity and gradually turns these otherwise excellent GAGR threads into a toxic, downward-spiralling amalgam of sour grapes and petty hate. (Just as does judging a school's whole junior program on one year's 'A' team results. To make that assessment you would need to carefully trend analyse say 3-5 years of results, both absolutely and comparatively. Once that analysis is done, let's talk some more.)

Worse, it lacks generosity to the many fine young rugby players that have been right through a school's junior program and who do great work in the Opens.

Finally, I can say that I am very proud of Churchie's scholarship boys in terms of their contribution to the school overall; their general conduct is excellent inside and outside rugby and they make good contributions to the school not only in rugby, they very clearly appreciate being in the school and I would guess this is just as true of scholarship boys in most if not all other GPS schools.


Allen Oxlade (6)

No worries. No idea why they didn't update...possibly went to the printer with his name very early in the week but I think with an injury they didn't want to risk him due to a big game this week against a very good BBC outfit. Jack Tully is the hooker or 6 for the 2nds.


Bob Loudon (25)
Best of luck in the match up against IGS

I do believe it might end up looking like a scoreline at the end of the first day on a belter of an Adelaide deck ..one of those 0 - 300 days


As I have always said anything less than 50 will be a moral victory, everyone else knows they are fighting for third THIS year.

Garry Owens

Alan Cameron (40)
A squeaky win over both Churchie and TSS after the former were handed a 97-0 ass whooping and the latter were dealt a convincing 38-12 result by BBC ( after BBC emptied its bench with 10 minutes to go and we let them fall over the line twice )

You are an ambitious man BAG

But I like that about you

More Kool-Aid BAG ?

It even comes in Red and Black

The sage

Vay Wilson (31)
No the Nudgee back row from the weekend was Jack Ireland (normally the front rower), Tom Zappala and Reece Hewat. As I previously mentioned.
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