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QLD GPS Rugby 2015

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Cyril Towers (30)
If Ikatu and Simpson are not back then I cannot see BBC beating NC. ImO Ikatu and Sua are the 2 best backline defenders in the comp.
BBC looked soft in centres without Ikatu'' s defence on Sat and TGS 12 made lots of ground. In both state and Nationals Ikatu' s defence was brutal ( hence his selection in Aussie A). Even if they are back Simpson will be short of a run as he will not have played a match and that still leaves 4 out.

Sua may hit hard, but his defensive reads aren't as good as what you're giving him. Ikatu is a incredible defender though.


Colin Windon (37)
Getwithme I'm not going to say you're wrong, but could you point out any instances where a bad read of Su'a's came back to bite Churchie in the ass? Or suggest a more polished defender to assume his position as a Top-Two defender?

I've now seen him twice, and I can't think of any instances where he's shot without bringing down his man, or even bit on a dummy.

I've just picked up a number of game tapes, so am happy to go through and look at examples you can bring up to help you verify.

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Frank Row (1)
My lad plays for BGS so I don't have much to say often on this forum, but jeez it's a good read. I grew up playing league but my son turned me into a rugby convert but I still take a high interest in our league players in GPS comp. My boy is a massive Sua fan. Discussing ikitau and sua over breakky, both are the top defenders as Digby said. Difference is sua has to chase more as they are detouring him if they can help it. My lad said it was discussed before their trial game to keep clear of him if possible. Ikitau has more guys willing to take him on, but he's up for the challenge. Would hav been good to see both lads in the green and gold.


Bob Loudon (25)
Getwithme I'm not going to say you're wrong, but could you point out any instances where a bad read of Su'a's came back to bite Churchie in the ass? Or suggest a more polished defender to assume his position as a Top-Two defender?

I've now seen him twice, and I can't think of any instances where he's shot without bringing down his man, or even bit on a dummy.

I've just picked up a number of game tapes, so am happy to go through and look at examples you can bring up to help you verify.

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I can't give you specifics but the Churchie 12-13 channel was found wanting on numerous occasions V GT in round one - they gave the GT 15 and 12 way to much room to move and badly exposed their wingers - I must say I put it down to a poor defensive pattern rather than blown assignments.

I thought both teams that day exposed their back line as good tacklers but poor defenders - TSS showed up the GT defense mercilessly and if ACGS defend like they did against GT then expect a similar outcome.

Set piece magic

John Solomon (38)
Hey guys,

Just wondering if anyone from TGS knows if they release the footage + audio they have from their main field on Saturday? I reffed a game and would love to have a watch of what went right and wrong.


Murphys Law

Allen Oxlade (6)
I watched the GT vs ACG tape and IMO I don't think the GT12 took on his channel once against his opposite number. He passed the ball most of the time. Prichard-Malaki did find space, by going wide, but the 12 & 13 still need to hold their channel and let wingers do their job. I recall Sua stopping Malaki a few times. He plays 2nd row for Broncos and to adapt his technique to defend wider against smaller, side steppers is impressive. There will be times he will misread or be stepped, but I don't think its a problem for Churchie. He defends the channel by just purely being there, as evidenced in BSHS tape, especially when they have a handy 12 and 13. Another question is how Ngamanu will defend him. Not as light on his feet, but for a big unit has footwork and in the two games I have seen, has bulldozed his way through the last line of defence to score.

Very interested to see & hear about the backline battles coming up in the next few rounds. I guess in the end it will be the forwards who determine who wins.


Larry Dwyer (12)
Hey guys,

Just wondering if anyone from TGS knows if they release the footage + audio they have from their main field on Saturday? I reffed a game and would love to have a watch of what went right and wrong.


You maybe able to get a copy of the official video from DoubleTake Productions, or send me a pm and let me know what game you're after. I'm sure I can burn off a copy for you (I captured the 13A, 14A, half of the 3rds, 16A and 1stXV games). Bad luck if you're after the 2ndXV, I decided to have a break and get something to eat :)

edit: You'd have to get the DoubleTake's footage if you're after the ref-mic audio though. I only have audio from my camera.

Murphys Law

Allen Oxlade (6)
interesting how two of our GPS top defenders (or most intimidating) are also former league boys who, and correct me if I am wrong, actually played league together at the same school early in their high school years?

P.S great footage Tashara.

Happy to Chat

Nev Cottrell (35)
I have not seen the Churchie boys play yet but if you look at points against, their defense does seem to have a few holes? Defense for me is not a one person effort but more a cover play by two or three players that negate a quick side step to beat a player. Rugby is a game of thinking on your feet and reading the game. League may be different?

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Colin Windon (37)

I hated the Nudgee v BGS game. Just ugly - disagree with whoever tried to say Nudgee's backline were great. If Nudgee play like that against Churchie or Southport they'll get roasted. This comes down to one of the poorest defensive displays I've seen from a Grammar team.

When Churchie put 97 by them last year it wasn't just poor tackling - Churchie threw things at BGS that game that the Queensland Reds would have trouble stopping. Nudgee definintely did not.

Their score was inflated by a kick return try (soft AF), a charged down clearance kick returned for a try (Soft AF) and an intercept try (stupid AF). Two tries on the left should have been called back for forward passes.

Just an ugly, ugly game.

The two tries on the right wing were disgraceful defending. Grammar boys need to take a look at their attitude in defence. McReight and Philips can't do it all for them

Fair point about our two best defenders having origins in League, but I just want to pull this conversation back a bit.

They're both great defenders, but there are plenty of others around that could give them a run for their money.

Tipene Mavoa, Jack Farrell, Angus Allen, Fraser McReight, Sam Wallis, Reece Hewat, Marty Koorts and Churchie's front row are all great tacklers, and to the best of my knowledge only Hewat has league experience in that group.

Talented tacklers in the forwards are being overlooked in the Best Defender comp here.

Murphys Law

Allen Oxlade (6)
Sorry King, Just to clarify, I was referring to the statement of Digby's that "Ikatu and Sua are the 2 best backline defenders in the comp" Definitely not overlooking the forwards and their defending prowess, but I am not sure you can build a comparison between backs and forwards in that sense, with their different roles on the field.

The sage

Vay Wilson (31)
"I hated the Nudgee v BGS game. Just ugly - disagree with whoever tried to say Nudgee's backline were great. If Nudgee play like that against Churchie or Southport they'll get roasted. This comes down to one of the poorest defensive displays I've seen from a Grammar team.

When Churchie put 97 by them last year it wasn't just poor tackling - Churchie threw things at BGS that game that the Queensland Reds would have trouble stopping. Nudgee definintely did not.

Their score was inflated by a kick return try (soft AF), a charged down clearance kick returned for a try (Soft AF) and an intercept try (stupid AF). Two tries on the left should have been called back for forward passes.

Just an ugly, ugly game.

The two tries on the right wing were disgraceful defending. Grammar boys need to take a look at their attitude in defence. McReight and Philips can't do it all for them"

Pity for you, you didn't like the game. I didn't say that the Nudgee backline is "great".....I said they would surprise (big difference). I was surprised by them. They were quick and didn't drop too many balls presented to them.

King you have a screw lose or something? " If Nudgee play like that against Churchie or Southport they'll get roasted." WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!!??? Nudgee played badly? in your opinion?? It was a poor defensive game played by BGS or maybe its just that the opposition were too quick or positioned better than the defence. Where do you get off after a team beats another by 41 points and they are somehow "roasted" ..... absolutely no justification. WOW.

And I absolutely doubt the reds couldn't stop Churchie last year. What a crock. They were good but not that good. Big difference between schoolboy rugby and open regional rugby!

Just for your guide....there were no forward passes for tries. Sounds like your sore about Nudgee winning. Oh well will just have to wait until the great Churchie win the comp again this year.

As for your greatest defenders well look who has one of the best defensive records again this year. Your list is nothing but garbage! Cry in your soup ol' boy.

Happy to Chat

Nev Cottrell (35)
My my, the site is heating up. This just adds to the excitment :D Atta boy! Bring on Rd 4. WW will no doubt have another good preview for this week.


Darby Loudon (17)
I am keen to see how the Nudgee defence will handle the BBC attack. The potent backline always has points in them. Last year BBC scored plenty of tries but Nudgee attack proved better - aided by a cruel intercept.

The sage

Vay Wilson (31)
The score last year was 20-5; so how did "BBC scored plenty of tries"??

The BBC attack is better than last, granted. However if you have line speed and take their "air" they can be contained. In defence I believe it is all about numbers to the ball runner, so if they break the line someone else is there to make a tackle. I still think Nudgee have one of the best back rows in the competition (Notice King how I didn't say "greatest" or "the best of all time") and it is this that I think will make it difficult for the impressive BBC backline. There backline hasn't had it all there own way either, they can be defended.


Billy Sheehan (19)
I am keen to see how the Nudgee defence will handle the BBC attack. The potent backline always has points in them. Last year BBC scored plenty of tries but Nudgee attack proved better - aided by a cruel intercept.

He means 2013 when BBC were about to score winning try & NC intercepted.
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