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QLD GPS Rugby 2015

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Herbert Moran (7)
My dear Bear
You seem such a well balanced fellow ( in the sense that you have a chip on both shoulders ) but you must forgive me ; I had no idea the cost of enrolment fees correlated to the ability of the 1st xv to all wear the same playing gear.
The funny thing is that at my nephews under 10 game this morning both teams including reserves had the same shorts and socks.
BTW the BSHS 13 , 14 and 15 teams all, played strong so congrats.
PS - its a lot more that $18000 a year enrolment.Actually only a little bit less that BGS and TSS.

by the way its an isult to the BSHS team to call them rag tag. Those boys played their guts out and never gave up.And yes BBC were crap.
My dear Bear
You seem such a well balanced fellow ( in the sense that you have a chip on both shoulders ) but you must forgive me ; I had no idea the cost of enrolment fees correlated to the ability of the 1st xv to all wear the same playing gear.
The funny thing is that at my nephews under 10 game this morning both teams including reserves had the same shorts and socks.
BTW the BSHS 13 , 14 and 15 teams all, played strong so congrats.
PS - its a lot more that $18000 a year enrolment.Actually only a little bit less that BGS and TSS.

by the way its an isult to the BSHS team to call them rag tag. Those boys played their guts out and never gave up.And yes BBC were crap.
My Dear Larry Dwyer, It just goes to show you that money doesn't make a good rugby team.


Cyril Towers (30)
Bshs.depth? Players back from last year and u15a's won the comp last year .??? Structure and coaching i would say..we were very average yesterday.but still won

Defintely depth mate. Played a terrace side struck by immersion while loosing another game. A good side but no great.


Fred Wood (13)
Defintely depth mate. Played a terrace side struck by immersion while loosing another game. A good side but no great.
Hasnt the same coach been coaching for the last 3 years at BSHS.. if its depth then who owns that.... and if its not depth but hey im not part of the program .... 7-8 players making met east u15 in the last couple of years and qld league rep players...lol ... structure doesnt come from players??? But im not part of the program just an outside observer...
Want nothing more that a very competitive comp across the board


Fred Wood (13)
Defintely depth mate. Played a terrace side struck by immersion while loosing another game. A good side but no great.
Think your facts are wrong...didnt they have a lost to churchie with 8 players playing for met east ..??? But hey thats last year ...

Murphys Law

Allen Oxlade (6)
Haven't had a chance to watch the Nudgee/ACGS game yet. King/Sage or anyone who saw the game, were Nudgee just that bad on the day or were Churchie just too good on the day?


Bob Loudon (25)
A squeaky win over both Churchie and TSS after the former were handed a 97-0 ass whooping and the latter were dealt a convincing 38-12 result by BBC ( after BBC emptied its bench with 10 minutes to go and we let them fall over the line twice )

Hey GO some good 'Rugby Maths' for you from the 13's on the weekend

IGS up over GT 46 - 0 (first team to keep them under 50 points and with 3 out) same margin as BBC game -and coincidentally very similar to BSHS V BBC (47 points)

This week will be very interesting with both BBC and GT facing tough tests and I must say I am very glad the TGS boys are coming to Tennyson. I really underestimated them early - that skinny win over NC threw me.

Hopefully they both come away with wins and we see the third place showdown next week with home ground advantage to boys in Red and Black.


Happy to Chat

Nev Cottrell (35)
Haven't had a chance to watch the Nudgee/ACGS game yet. King/Sage or anyone who saw the game, were Nudgee just that bad on the day or were Churchie just too good on the day?
Watched the game last night and NC could not win a line out and knocked on too many balls. Can't really say ACGS won the game it was more a case of NC lost the game. I think NC would rate that as one of their worst performances this season.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Ward Prentice (10)
I hear there are plenty of injuries in NSW as well.
So again the Aussie Schoolboys teams will be different from those selected.
Oh how it would be good if the schoolboys comps were coordinated and the Aussie teams were selected after trial just before the series(like in NZ),

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
^^^ Australian Schools Teams – final Selections

Selections of the Australian Schools teams to play Samoan Schools and New Zealand Schools have been finalised. This includes the two open spaces in the Barbarians team left by the Selectors after the Sebel Championships. Two named players have since been injured representing their schools, meaning a total four new players and the promotion of one other.

Liam Moseley (St Joseph’s Nudgee College), selected in the Australian Schools Team suffered a knee injury that has resulted in his withdrawal from the team.

Tom Wright (St Joseph’s College, Hunters Hill) selected in the Australian Schools Barbarians Team suffered a knee injury that has resulted in his withdrawal from the team.


Tyler Campbell, The Southport School (Qld 1) has been promoted from Barbarians Team to the Australian Team

The following shadow players come into the Australian Schools Barbarians:

Josh Coward, (St Patrick’s College Ballarat (Victoria)

Nick Jooste, Hale School, (Western Australia)

James Hawkins, The Scots College, (NSW)

Tony Hunt, Nudgee College, (Queensland)

Revised list and full article here:


Ward Prentice (10)
to King & Warren Wobble
You seem to have been involved in this thread longer than most.
Have you ever seen a year with this many injuries?
Are there more injuries each year- in the younger grades as well -I hear the 2 undefeated under 14 teams have at least 2 players each out for the year(I know BBC do)?


Ted Fahey (11)
Wheat, chaff, sorted...NOT!!

It's nice to have some permutations to cogitate at this stage of the season.

The GF looms for Southport this Saturday. Win against the bears and they are straight to cocktails and dreams to celebrate a premiership.

Lose it and a 3 way tie looks very possible - particularly if Churchie beat BBC and then TSS the following week.

Can Nudgee be that bad 2 weeks in a row after looking invincible the week before? Only time will tell.

At the other end of the table Ippy and Brissie Grammars get to duke it out for the wooden spoon the week after this one. Ippy you've let me down on Saturday - let's get some 1125ml Mother's Energies down to training this week or the chess players will have your measure!!

The GT v BBC match up in Round 6 will be a cracker. Always is. GT getting a few back and BBC losing the usual half dozen to the physio.

And TSS could be trying to close out a premiership up at Toowoomba in the final round...that will be worth the drive up.

Keep it coming till the World Cup lads!!


Ted Fahey (11)
to King & Warren Wobble
You seem to have been involved in this thread longer than most.
Have you ever seen a year with this many injuries?
Are there more injuries each year- in the younger grades as well -I hear the 2 undefeated under 14 teams have at least 2 players each out for the year(I know BBC do)?

Big question Diggers.

Hard to provide an accurate answer without empirical data to back it up.

However, most First XV squads will have to manage at least 3 to 5 fairly major injuries each season. That's pretty consistent. Many of theses players are participating in rep trials, rep carnivals and extended school seasons etc. So chances of injury are obviously high.
The trick is ensuring the injuries mean only missing 2 or 3 games, not the whole season. I would suggest Nudgee and TSS seem to be better at managing this than say a GT or BBC. But then they have greater depth too.

U14 is when you see injuries come in more. Boys get bigger, get more muscular and try different things, so that means there is more chance to be injured by other stronger boys.

I don't really think this year is particularly bad across the board, compared to other years.

Garry Owens

Alan Cameron (40)
Hey GO some good 'Rugby Maths' for you from the 13's on the weekend

IGS up over GT 46 - 0 (first team to keep them under 50 points and with 3 out) same margin as BBC game -and coincidentally very similar to BSHS V BBC (47 points)

This week will be very interesting with both BBC and GT facing tough tests and I must say I am very glad the TGS boys are coming to Tennyson. I really underestimated them early - that skinny win over NC threw me.

Hopefully they both come away with wins and we see the third place showdown next week with home ground advantage to boys in Red and Black.


Hello there BAG

You are as reliable as a morning bowel movement after a double dodgy curry vindaloo and 14 pints of lager the night before :)

Anyhow ........yes very interesting results on the weekend and it now seems clear to me that 3rd place is the Terrace 13A's spot to lose

The early season mail ( mostly delivered by you ) had them highly touted and they have lived up the billing and have proven themselves - and as you rightly point out - carry a significant advantage with home ground status when GT match up with BBC.

You may recall " the moral victory" was holding IGS to under 50 . IGS may well say they were playing a lot of their B Players ......and injuries this ........injuries that ........but I won't here of it .

The moral victory has been rightfully earned.


Whilst our forthcoming matches this weekend are far from assured ( and I mean that ) it is fair to say that on form BBC and GT should win out

But.....I am not sure BBC's superior strike power will be a match for the dour defense and dogged " ball on ground" game of the determined GT 13A's , and , BBC 13A's predilection to letting in tries as soft as Tony Abbot's personal approval rating

I have it on good authority that GT are madly trying to get amongst it in recruiting circles for the age group and there are couple of talented lads that are have signed up for next year ( backs ) and that there is a steely resolve to add size in your forwards

Good to see GT in amongst it and having a right ol crack at it .

I am sure the moral purity will be maintained as it all blends together


Ted Fahey (11)
Still plenty of talent in all age groups not signed up with any of the GPS schools.
And by the looks of some of the lop sided score lines, it's a pitty some of these boys are playing GPS, it just might tighten the comp up even more?
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