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Qld Premier Rugby 2012

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Arch Winning (36)
Also - Uni isn't the only team with university students!!!!!!!!

Another round of byes would be great to play catch up or general recovery, International games etc

THAT TOO!! The benefits of Uni as a club postponing games until after Uni holidays is grossly exaggerated - everyone is going through the same issues. Yes, we probably have more uni students than some/many, but everyone's in the same boat this time of year!!

The Red Baron

Chilla Wilson (44)
Spot on Cat. The University is really anal about the condition of the fields (and surrounding areas for that matter). I am not surprised they wouldn't let the club play on the fields.


Bill McLean (32)

What a shambles :)


Ward Prentice (10)
Souths got up over Sunnybank 31 to 26. They led 28 to 12 at half time in a pretty tough, entertaining game.


Stingrays 26-22 4 tries to1 very average game apart from the last 15mins with rays storming home. i cannot see these two teams winning many more games this season.


Tim Horan (67)
Can I have a sunday rant??
Bloody uncontested scrums give me the shits!! Redlands came to Logan to play yesterday, they only have 2 teams and both went uncontested scrums from kick off! I have said to any team that does it (and we have quite a few from different clubs doing it against us), if you don't want to play rugby f... off and play mungoball or something. It is not only not rugby, but in my opinion real poor sportsmanship in most cases, and teams that start games non contesting need to have some penalty ie drop a player as they have to during game,or drop points!!

East Coast Aces

Johnnie Wallace (23)
I agree Dan54. If you start with uncontested scrubs you should have to play one man short. This will make props more important to clubs and not feel forgotten or unwanted burdens. Stronger recruitment and retention of props is needed from all clubs at all grades to keep the 2 most important aspect of rugby true. A game for all shapes and sizes, and where everything is a contest for possession.


Bob Davidson (42)
Brothers beat Easts 28/17

Great game too.
Agree with you there Karl, a great contest and the scoreline not truly indicative of how close the game was. Brothers were deserved winners. Defended very well and contained a pretty potent Easts backline. Also took their chances very well. I've said it before but Damon Murphy at this level is outstanding. Breaks a lot of tackles for a smallish guy. Shannon Walker impressed me in his first 15 a side game for Easts. Solid in defence (one great ball and all tackle on a prop), good with the kick return, and showed a glimpse of his pace with a fine try.

Both teams should be around at the back end of the season but kudos to the Filth. They deserve their spot at the top.


John Thornett (49)
My thoughts exactly speccy, i'm always gutted when we lose to Brothers, but fuck you have to respect them. They are the best side in the competition. For the filth both Murphy brothers were outstanding, Damon in particular was very strong in his kick returns. But the stand out for them was their number 11, he was devastating with ball in hand. For the tigers I thought our back three was electric on kick returns and in general play, and young UJ showed his talent when he came on. Up front Parraka destroyed the Brothers scrum after half time, and Michael Stollberg had the best game I've seen him play, he is really coming into his own the past month or so. I think the main area where Easts were let down was their kicking in general play. It was clear especially in the second half that Richards wanted them to play more of a territorial game, but the execution in my opinion was poor, it gave Murphy and their wingers countless opportunities to attack, as the kick chase was poor. Rubbing salt into the wounds for Easts was Brandon going off after the last try, it looked serious, I would not expect him back anytime soon.

Was a great game though, massive crowd their aswell. I dearly hope that we will be seeing both sides at Ballymore come the final. For Easts now we have a few easier rounds and will look to rack up some bonus points before the Sunnybank game comes around.


Nev Cottrell (35)
GPS beat Norths 30-3 down at Yoku Rd. Was a pretty average first half of rugby with the score 3-0 to GPS. Right winger Pama Fou got through a mountain of work and had some really nice runs, although his final passes a few times bombed certain tries. GPS forward pack was a bit understrength with Jay Havelu and Mogi Wei sitting out and it showed throughout the game as Norths forwards especially their big number 3 got a bit of a roll on happening. The Norths defence just wasn't as good as their attack though and the skillful GPS backs started to find holes fairly easily with Junior Rasolea getting two tries, one from an intercept.

An interesting moment in the game when the Norths no.5 went down with injury after contesting a high ball and play was stopped for a good 5-7mins while the medics attended too him with a stretcher being brought out and club officials looking worried. Only for him to then jump back up and play the rest of the game. Im not exactly sure what the injury was but surely if that much time was being taken to ensure his safety he shouldn't have been allowed to continue playing. Most of the crowd were in disbelief when he jogged over to the next lineout.

Norths seemed fairly strong throughout the grades with some close games but their discipline let them down on a few occasions with one game being won by GPS with a penalty on the buzzer and another where a Norths player got yellow carded with 5mins to go which helped GPS get over the line.

Also congrats to Blake Enever from Easts and Ruan Smith from GPS who got picked for the Reds and Force respectively on the weekend. Good first steps for these young lads.


Jim Lenehan (48)
The Students got up over the Dogs in a 13-8 scrap fight.

It was 3 all at halftime & both sides came off after not even getting a drink break.

Dogs definitely could of won this game but they didn't convert opportunities. Exciting bit of play in last 5 minutes where Brett Gillespie was in open space after busting out of his 22 & looked sure to score if he backed himself but threw the ball back inside & support player couldn't catch it.

Also Dogs won a Uni lineout with 2 minutes or so to go on the Uni 22 & that turned into a full arm penalty or knock on or something.

Very enjoyable game & proud of the Dogs.. Just a shame it wasn't the result we turned up hoping for.

Brothers next week, If anyone believes in the home ground advantage then the Dogs are stacked with favourable games in second half of season. Brothers, Easts, Sunnybank all have to come to the Kennel for a a match so hopefully The Kennel can host a rejuvenated fan base & get the 16th man hooting & howling for the Doggies to take it home, Sylvan Rd.


Bob Davidson (42)
Great to see the Doggies really taking it to the more fancied teams. Must say something about Mooney's ability as a coach.


Phil doing a great job and great to see west up there again. Can anybody tell me how many imports wests have this year? just curious thats all.


Ward Prentice (10)
Stingrays 26-22 4 tries to1 very average game apart from the last 15mins with rays storming home. i cannot see these two teams winning many more games this season.
Wow what a diabolical state of affairs with word on the street the Breakers governing body Rugby Gold coast being disbanded or something to that effect. Sully do you have the inside word??? Apparently the QRU are taking over now??? Anyway til they sort out the back room on field results will continue to suffer until someone gets the ship ship shape. Coach Nowlan will enjoy going from hero to zero with current riff raff he has to work with at the minute - bloody shambles!


Paul McLean (56)
Staff member
Can I have a sunday rant??
Bloody uncontested scrums give me the shits!! Redlands came to Logan to play yesterday, they only have 2 teams and both went uncontested scrums from kick off! I have said to any team that does it (and we have quite a few from different clubs doing it against us), if you don't want to play rugby f. off and play mungoball or something. It is not only not rugby, but in my opinion real poor sportsmanship in most cases, and teams that start games non contesting need to have some penalty ie drop a player as they have to during game,or drop points!!
We had the same issue the week before at Redlands. Manager was apologetic but it still doesn't help. He told us they had a front row but no subs so would go uncontested in case of an injury. The case for them to go back to subbies must be mounting. The only good thing is that they played their props as it would have been tempting to put on a couple of spare backrowers on to do more work around the field.


Darby Loudon (17)
We had the same issue the week before at Redlands. Manager was apologetic but it still doesn't help. He told us they had a front row but no subs so would go uncontested in case of an injury. The case for them to go back to subbies must be mounting. The only good thing is that they played their props as it would have been tempting to put on a couple of spare backrowers on to do more work around the field.
As a ref, I see the frustration of the players yet am unable to help under the competition rules. The team with the front row is then at a disadvantage when scrums go uncontested.
I recently had a team murdering their opponents at scrum time. Then they replaced their front rower and called uncontested. Their opponents thought they'd won lotto!


Paul McLean (56)
Staff member
Luck for me I have front rowers that bring more to the team than scrummaging. The comp rules this year require teams that go uncontested during a match to drop a player. As a result teams with no reserves just go uncontested from the start. I would think that at 1st Grade this shouldn't be an issue.


Tim Horan (67)
I agree Jets, we have had trouble at Logan for a few years because we generally have good front rowers, I actually had a coach from Norths a couple of years back laughing because we showed our hand early in game ,so he pulled a front rower, then was crowing because he thought he was clever. Ref, it is no way something we blame Refs for, I actually blame QRU for not penalising teams that start without a scrum. I actually now just go and drink at bar or something because I hate even watching games where it happens, and I certainly can't bring myself to talk to teams or management that do it. I consider teams that do it are not playing within spirit of game, even if they know they will lose a player if they get injury ,to me pride should still make them at least start properly.
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