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QLD Premier Rugby 2015

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Tigers Tale

I think the only former Bond/Breaker for Easts this Saturday would by AJ Campbell who will probably play prem res grade.

Sam Cox played Colts for the Breakers then had 2 seasons at the Tigers (2012-13). He didn't play in 2014 before joining Bond for 2015.

Sam Fattal joined Easts in 2012 straight from school but didn't crack a regular Prem Grade spot until 2014, and then decided that he'd skip the M1 commute in 2015 by joining Bond.

Both SAMs were well liked at the Tigers, how they'll feel and be received on Saturday will be an interesting sub-plot.


Ted Fahey (11)
Raste looked like he did a great job in that game. A quote heard on the live feed form him was a classic to a Brothers player ;
"Do you want to commentate the whole game or do you want to play the whole game?"
He managed the game very well by the look of it....


Arch Winning (36)
I'd like to give credit to the whole ref team for the Brothers v Uni round (all three games so far) - I thought they were all excellent.

I really enjoyed the spirit the game was played in - hard and aggressive but without that pointless personal niggle. And my opinion of Sam Greene went way up when he took the time to make eye contact with the ball boys, the refs and even the medical staff of Uni to say thanks for coming and helping. Very classy, especially after a close loss.

The Prem Colts ref had my funniest moment of the day. A Brothers player ran in from a distance during a minor break in play to fall at her feet to proclaim an injury (cramp, perhaps), to which she responded "well, get off the field then". It probably wasn't the reaction he was hoping to elicit, but it did give everyone around him a pretty good laugh.

Tigers Tale

He is probably the world's best sevens ref. I thought the top of the table clash looked good as well but it is hard to tell from live stream. I'll let Tigers Tale be the judge of that as he loves refs ha ha.

Props love is a strong word to use!!!!

I have no complaints with the last few games for Easts I think we've had the Hoff & Rigby(x2).

Rigby did a particularly good job at Crosby as it seems did his colleague yesterday at Crosby. He does seem to understand the scrum better than others.

Tigers Tale

Table after round 8 (with Souths v Wests to be played on 5/5/15).

1 Easts 29 (6 wins/1 loss) - Round 9 v Bond @ Bottomley
2 Bond 27 (6/1)
3 Uni 27 (6/1) - v Snbk @ Oldmac
4 Snbk 26 (5/2)
5 Bros 21 (3/4) - v Souths @ Crosby
6 South 12 (2/4)
7 Wests 8 (1/6) - Bye
8 GPS 7 (1/6) - v Norths @ Hugh Courtney Oval
9 Norths 5 (1/6)

I think you would have been able to get some decent odds at the start of the season for:
- Easts & Bond to be in 1st & 2nd spot after 8 rounds;
- Niether Uni or Snbk in the top 2 spots;
- Souths, Wests, GPS & Norths not to have won more than they have.

Given the recent movements between GPS and Norths will this week's "wooden spoon" battle be a fiery encounter?

I am sure that Fogarty would like to get a win over Dammer's GPS side.

How would Anthony Herbert handle a loss to Fogarty's Norths?

As much as I am looking forward to 1 v 2 at Bottomley, I won't be the only one in town taking a passing interest in the Courtney Oval 8 v 9 result.

And should Souths topple Wests tomorrow and then Bros on Saturday they could jump Bros into 5th spot.

I think the top 4 won't change it will just be jockeying for what semi final they qualify for.

If they were to remain unchanged then Easts or Bond, would want to gain direct passage to the GF rather than face a Reds strengthened Uni or Snbk in a preliminary final.

Tigers Tale

If the top 4 doesn't change then round 18 will be the major and minor semi final match ups a week early i.e. Rnd 18 & first week of the finals.

Tigers Tale

Thanks runsonrum - I saw your comment in the email notification - I only call it as I see it and its just a shame that Norths v GPS is not at Yoku Rd this Saturday I think that would add to the theatre.

I want to support Norths but in reality GPS would have to start warm favourites given their recent improvement and the fact that Norths have conceded more than 50 points (average) over their last 3 outings v Bros, Snbk & Bond.


Allen Oxlade (6)
It seems that due to the flooding, that the ground at Norths may not be playable this coming weekend, so you just may get your wish for a "homecoming weekend"?!?


Nev Cottrell (35)
Will be interesting if Norths ask to switch the venues around and whether it would still count as Norths home round. GPS prebook marquees for certain weekends so they may still want to keep the round 2 games at Yoku.

Tigers Tale

Big Dog - It would be a little mean not to give Norths the return clash at home, but I do see where you are coming from.

It will be a test of relations between the two clubs!!!

Tigers Tale

https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-AK (Andrew Kellaway)-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/11051994_874816745915497_755683691829563447_n.jpg?oh=6a6580df16b9f331fe54fc067268dfbe&oe=55E59151&__gda__=1440441546_1ab93fcc633e26e6a56d1529db1f68cb

Tigers Tale

Just as a matter of interest what other clubs still have an annual dinner (separate to the trophy night).

I know GPS have their Gallopers ball every year.

I know Brothers and Souths were going to have a joint dinner a few years back but it was cancelled due to lack of numbers. (This is not intended as a criticism of either club.)


Paul McLean (56)
Staff member
Uni have a pre test lunch. They also do the Halley Appleby Ball.

When I was at Sunnybank we had 3 lunches at home games that brought in more money and were much less work than organising a dinner.

Brothers did a long lunch a month or 2 ago, think it was the juniors.

Tigers Tale

I like the Uni pre-test lunch.

Easts also have 3/4 long lunches (on Fridays) during the course of the year which have been held at the Normanby for the last 3/4 years but they are now held at the Norman Hotel. These are pretty blokey events.

Tigers Tale

Jets did you get down to the Rick Tyrrel game on Saturday - thoughts on the day & game?

Was that you holding up the bar later in the evening?

Tigers Tale

Filth you don't claim Canno surely??

The only reason he played for your crowd was because John Connolly told him to whilst Michael Foley was blocking his path at the Magpie Nest.

Canno has lots of mates down the Den and I think one of the current directors is his cousin.

At those Friday lunches I raised earlier we have had two of your Wallabies in the past - Shawy & Rod McCall. Connolly has also been a lunch guest. Rupert has been a guest speaker at an Easts dinner about 5/6 years back.

Others to have featured at Easts dinners/lunches over the last 5/6 years have been Crowls, Ewan McKenzie, Robbie Deans, Peter Fitzsimons, Slacky, Michael Blutcher, Grant Batty, James Horwill, Laura Gietz, Jake White and we even run out some of our own in Dave Wilson and Ben Mowen at some stage.

We also had Richard Graham at a lunch but he's a GPS boy isn't he!!!!

We take what we can get - price is always a defining feature.
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