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RC5: Springbokke vs Wallabies @ PE

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Nathan Sharpe (72)
Kafer is part of the problem and not part of the solution, zero achievements in the field of coaching. Larkham won't go part of the Canberra mafia and I suspect Kafer is boss of the Canberra mafia.
Think Rugby Reg has some more insight than the rest of us peasants.

Slim 293

Stirling Mortlock (74)
Kafer is part of the problem and not part of the solution, zero achievements in the field of coaching. Larkham won't go part of the Canberra mafia and I suspect Kafer is boss of the Canberra mafia.

The Canberra mafia???

Please, tell me more.........

Kenny Powers

Ron Walden (29)
The Canberra mafia???

Please, tell me more...

Back in 2016 when there was a falling out with the Brumbies CEO, it was discussed on Rugby Kick and Chase (or the the equivalent program) and Georgina Robinson started talking about the Canberra Mafia (in a rugby sense). Rod Kafer was on the panel that night and you could see it rubbed him up the wrong way and was a dig at him.

By the way there was suppose to be an ASIC /Federal Police investigation into the whole Brumbies land sale and what happened- nothing ever came of it, nicely buried.

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
The main reason Cheika won't be sacked as RA can't afford to pay him out.

Almost as importantly it's the wrong time to be replacing a coach. People should remember that this is almost 4 years to the day that Link's reign ended. Cheika was then put into the role before he was ready (I was one of the few to point this out at the time). Should have been Eddie Jones, but that's history now.

Thirdly, there is a limited group of coaches who could possibly add anything to the current Wallaby team in the next 12 months, so throwing an untried at international level coach in at this point is worse IMO than the status quo. Only E. Jones. W. Gatland, G. Henry or J. White would be worth the effort - and after paying out Cheika RA wouldn't have enough to pay them for a fortnight. (assuming that they were even available or interested)

As for Rod Kafer, if he's the answer then someone is asking the wrong question. A professional pundit, advisor, assistant and commentator who has never had success when he's been head coach. He's part of the problem and most definitely not part of any successful solution.


Nathan Sharpe (72)
Back in 2016 when there was a falling out with the Brumbies CEO, it was discussed on Rugby Kick and Chase (or the the equivalent program) and Georgina Robinson started talking about the Canberra Mafia (in a rugby sense). Rod Kafer was on the panel that night and you could see it rubbed him up the wrong way and was a dig at him.

By the way there was suppose to be an ASIC /Federal Police investigation into the whole Brumbies land sale and what happened- nothing ever came of it, nicely buried.
I doubt nothing came of it, i'm guessing they just haven't told us what did come of it. They probably found nothing amiss. Was a weird little saga though, and the Brumbies come out worse for it.

Slim 293

Stirling Mortlock (74)
Back in 2016 when there was a falling out with the Brumbies CEO, it was discussed on Rugby Kick and Chase (or the the equivalent program) and Georgina Robinson started talking about the Canberra Mafia (in a rugby sense). Rod Kafer was on the panel that night and you could see it rubbed him up the wrong way and was a dig at him.

By the way there was suppose to be an ASIC /Federal Police investigation into the whole Brumbies land sale and what happened- nothing ever came of it, nicely buried.

Wallabies losses always bring out the strangest posts........,

Kenny Powers

Ron Walden (29)
Wallabies losses always bring out the strangest posts....,

Slim, post was in response to a question you asked. My orginial post was about the future coaching structure and Rod Kafer's lack of experience to hold the role he does in the Australian rugby coaching set up. Also Stephen Larkham being talked about as the coach in waiting is undeserved given his achievements are marginally more than those of Rod Kafer when it comes to coaching. Entirely appropriate to discuss given the state of the Wallabies.

Until the back office is fixed (read jobs for the boys hence the mafia comment) we won't see on field improvements and that applies to ARU and every Super club and every junior rugby association. The problems are systemic and structural and need to be addressed.


Greg Davis (50)
The main reason Cheika won't be sacked as RA can't afford to pay him out.

I can't believe that in results driven environment that the ARU did not put some kind of winning KPI's in Chieka's contract. We've now won 2 out of the last 10 matches.

What was the point of picking Hanigan if we still use one of the midgets at the front? When the Darkness used Richie, he was at least over 6 foot.....

More importantly, what about that performance suggests Hanigan should be in the 23?
4 Runs for 1 Run Meter
3 Tackles 0 Missed Tackles


Tim Horan (67)
More importantly, what about that performance suggests Hanigan should be in the 23?
4 Runs for 1 Run Meter
3 Tackles 0 Missed Tackles

He doesn't seem to have a great presence on the field does he Ignoto? Seems to be always at the edge of things, and not in the middle. I may being harsh, but I not overly convinced he offers too much.


Mark Ella (57)
Cheika will stay. Unless he quits he’ll be there until the rwc. He’s on a million a year apparently and we can’t afford to pay that out.

Larkgam and / or Grey will go after this tour. I think Chek has already been told as much so Kafe etc will be looking at options now.

I agree unfortunately, but holy shit I want a contract like that and the ability to sign my mates and favourites to excessively long deals for beyond market value and not have to meet any performance metrics of any kind.

At least he is comfortable with the "improvement" the team made (???) and Hooper is proud of the side and their performance. That is something we can all take away from this and be content with.


Mark Ella (57)
I doubt nothing came of it, i'm guessing they just haven't told us what did come of it. They probably found nothing amiss. Was a weird little saga though, and the Brumbies come out worse for it.

A bit like ASIC/APRA "investigations" into the banks, now proved by the Royal C. - yeah they do a lot. Fee collectors and nothing more.


Phil Kearns (64)
I can't believe that in results driven environment that the ARU did not put some kind of winning KPI's in Chieka's contract. We've now won 2 out of the last 10 matches.

Do you know what is, or is not, in Chubby's contract? I doubt that anybody does, outside a very select few.

He had the whiphand when he was appointed. It was him, or, who exactly?

I am not defending him, or the process, or anything else. But he did look like a pretty good appointment to me, at the time.

Joe Blow

Peter Sullivan (51)
He doesn't seem to have a great presence on the field does he Ignoto? Seems to be always at the edge of things, and not in the middle. I may being harsh, but I not overly convinced he offers too much.

I’d love to see Cottrell get a run next week at 6 or 8. We just need to get away from jamming as many stars into the side as possible and work towards producing a pack that plays as a unit............as a pack!
Same in the backs. That means having a few no nonesense players that will do the required work and pull the others together.
Foley at 10 with To'omua and Hodge(for now) in the centres. I do not understand why Petaia is not in the squad when both Ks are out through injury?
It’s very easy to criticise where the set up is right now. Sadly it looks as though it continues to go in the wrong direction.


Andrew Slack (58)
Whilst there does need to be some personnel changes I’m going to try and lay off the players at the moment.

They appear to be getting set up to fail, unfortunately.

Right now, I’d actually prefer Petaia, Banks & a few others not be exposed to the current test set up - I fear any benefits to their development would be wiped out to the damage to their confidence.

Up the Guts

Steve Williams (59)
Whilst there does need to be some personnel changes I’m going to try and lay off the players at the moment.

They appear to be getting set up to fail, unfortunately.

Right now, I’d actually prefer Petaia, Banks & a few others not be exposed to the current test set up - I fear any benefits to their development would be wiped out to the damage to their confidence.

Agree, I thought we had a nice bit of depth building on the wing, in the row, and at hooker but I'm afraid players some of those players have been going backwards of late. Guys like Rodda, Latu (in the Bledislode), and Coleman haven't been anywhere near their best this RC.
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Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
I can't believe that in results driven environment that the ARU did not put some kind of winning KPI's in Chieka's contract. We've now won 2 out of the last 10 matches.

What was the point of picking Hanigan if we still use one of the midgets at the front? When the Darkness used Richie, he was at least over 6 foot...

More importantly, what about that performance suggests Hanigan should be in the 23?
4 Runs for 1 Run Meter
3 Tackles 0 Missed Tackles

He was signed up in the middle of a crisis, without the opportunity for any form of methodical process (not that the ARU/RA have ever shown the ability to manage a credible, methodical selection process, but I digress).

Sacking him now would precipitate the same sort of appointment in the middle of a crisis scenario.

Or as I said 4 years ago:

In general terms the ARU are in an extremely weak negotiating position. They have 5 days to fill an extremely important role and any prospective candidate is in a very strong position to make demands.

When he coached the Wallabies previously, I was a critic. Maybe, just maybe, he is the right man for the job at the moment.

Churchill was yesterday's man until the time of crisis but he was the man for the crisis.

I'm a big cheika fan and I think he'll make a great Wallaby coach, but I don't think this is his time.

The ideal candidate is an Australian, not currently working in Australia at the professional level, has the experience at the top level, can deal with recalcitrant players and a pathetic governing body and would have the respect (not the approval) of the players.

E. Jones & S. Johnson are the only 2 names that come to mind.
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Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
Every T1 side on planet Earth defends with their front row in the middle of the park during phase play. Hanigan's spacing was terrible (he shouldn't have been 2nd out from the ruck to begin with) and the effort from the hooker was just as bad.

And what about Genia's even worse effort after Fainga'a had missed Pollard?

liquor box

Peter Sullivan (51)
Lots of talk of not being able to afford to pay out Cheika, the payments are already budgeted for and we assume we have to pay the same amount for a new coach.

I am sure there are coaches who would love the honor of coaching the Wallabies at a drastically reduced fee just to prove they have what it takes.

Paying him out though is just a cost of business, next year is a big year and a year where revenue should be at its greatest due to sponsors wanting international exposure. Just pay him out and be done with it.
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