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Reds 2015

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Mark Ella (57)
Yeah Reg I will be there. Just another way of showing support.

Think the Pilecki is voted by players, so it will be interesting.

I would have thought Simmo from Slipper with Beau to be in the top 3. There were many under-performers this year so probably realisticly there are only up to 5 or 6 that could possibly be in contention.

Rookie has to be Kerevi.

Peoples Choice will be interesting. Often it goes to the higher profile guys (like Quade or Genia) whether they have played well or just been media tarts. I think Beau will get it this year and he certainly ain't any media tart.


Nick Farr-Jones (63)
In case there was any doubt about the squad announcement coming at the gala ball the reeds twitter has confirmed it


Rocky Elsom (76)
Staff member
Yep. Remember it is unlikely to be the full squad. Likely to be holding spots open for a few positions (NRC players). Of interest will be whether JOC (James O'Connor) and Hunt are there. Whether that yank lock is there. And then who is not there (ie Quirk etc)

Brumby Jack

Steve Williams (59)
Convenient that the Gold Coast Suns are playing a home game on Saturday which allows Karmichael Hunt to nick up the road to Brisbane for the announcement, then be home at a reasonable time for the next days game.

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
Yep. Remember it is unlikely to be the full squad. Likely to be holding spots open for a few positions (NRC players). Of interest will be whether JOC (James O'Connor) and Hunt are there. Whether that yank lock is there. And then who is not there (ie Quirk etc)

Any chance of Stephan van der Walt being in the roster? Always thought he should have been used more by the Brumbies, but haven't heard anything about his movements since being cut from the 2015 roster in Canberra.

Train Without a Station

Yeah. Fainga'a, Tapuai, Kerevi, CFS. Quite the shortage. That's before we consider that Turner covers 13 and Lucas 12.


Mark Ella (57)
Has Benny Lucas re-signed for 2015 as yet? I heard that the Reds were downgrading his contractual $$$$$ which is amazing. Bloke has been at Reds since school, passionate queensland born and bred player who always steps up.
When he plays 10 the team seems to go very well.

Would hate to lose Lucas.


Tony Shaw (54)
Yeah. Fainga'a, Tapuai, Kerevi, CFS. Quite the shortage. That's before we consider that Turner covers 13 and Lucas 12.

Any Reds team that rolls out Lucas/Turner at 12/13 is in trouble. They might be able to cover a position but that doesn't make it a good idea. Our depth in the centres is not as great as you make it out to be.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Nev Cottrell (35)
A few months ago I wouldn't be too fussed on losing Lucas, however, since Harris has gone to the Rebels and Frisby's future with the Reds is currently uncertain (although I believe he is staying) it would be wise to keep Lucas contracted for another year or two. Its probably more a case now of Lucas wanting to leave and chase the big $$$ overseas, before his value drops and considering he most likely won't ever be in wallaby contention.

24hrs out from the Gala Ball, nothing new to report? No big names flying into Brissy airport??


Paul McLean (56)
Staff member
From what I've been told K Hunt will be the highest paid player by the Reds next year. While I'm a fan of signing him it doesn't send a good message to the other players. If it is true then it might be a case of the QRU heading back to the good old days of the 00's.


Dave Cowper (27)
A few months ago I wouldn't be too fussed on losing Lucas, however, since Harris has gone to the Rebels and Frisby's future with the Reds is currently uncertain (although I believe he is staying) it would be wise to keep Lucas contracted for another year or two. Its probably more a case now of Lucas wanting to leave and chase the big $$$ overseas, before his value drops and considering he most likely won't ever be in wallaby contention.

24hrs out from the Gala Ball, nothing new to report? No big names flying into Brissy airport??

Ben Lucas is heading overseas not yet official but I've heard from good sources that him along with a few others were not resigned to nab both O'Connor and Hunt. The QRU will have egg on their faces if they do not sign both those players after losing a host of talent.


Frank Row (1)
Jeez getting rid of Quirk and Lucas just doesn't 'feel' right. They seam like such great club men. But it's pro sports so not a lot of room for emotional decisions at the top. Risk (injury prone) vs reward is ugly with these guys in particular.

It will be weird still supporting some of these blokes once they're wearing other jerseys - as long as it's not cheering for a match winning try against us or anything.


Trevor Allan (34)
Losing Quirk hurts a bit but if you can kind of see where the management is coming from when you examine his injury history and what he has given the organisation over time, coupled with our specific needs for the next season.

Losing Lucas shows poor foresight. I've been of the opinion the Lucas is one of the most valuable players in the Reds squad for a number of years. He's the Reds 2nd best halfback, 2nd best 10 and is more than capable of providing depth at 15. While not the game breaking magician in any of those positions, he has time and time again stepped up when injury strikes (as it always does) and piloted the team through "down periods". He's even helped engineer some terrific wins for the Reds in the past 3 years (e.g Chiefs at home 2012 etc.) He hardly ever plays a really bad game (in contrast to Frisby) and by all accounts is one of the most popular blokes in the squad.
I get that he is getting older but he's still 26 or something. If he thinks it is time to go and collect some money in the bank then fine but that would be a drastic change from his public comments of a few years ago about wanting to stay until not required and become a 100 cap player for QLD.

If he is being pushed out for JOC (James O'Connor) and/or KH I'd implore the QRU to find some other solution to get those two on board. The injury gods will at some point stretch our depth in the inside backs, and if they lose him they will quickly regret it.


Steve Williams (59)
There's only so much money you can pay squad members who are not first choice run on players. If Lucas can get more money elsewhere than the Reds are prepared to offer then so be it........

I had a feeling that a lot of visas for sportspeople (esp in say the UK) are dependent on that player being an International.

Would Lucas even qualify for a payday overseas?

Edit - found the relevant UK visa


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
I guess that's one of the hard truths of Super Rugby squad sizes and the salary cap.

Just because a guy is a great clubman and steps up and plays well when there are injuries, you can't afford to pay him a whole lot if he doesn't make the side when everyone is healthy.

Lucas has probably struggled a bit from being a jack of all trades, master of none of terms of position.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
I had a feeling that a lot of visas for sportspeople (esp in say the UK) are dependent on that player being an International.

Would Lucas even qualify for a payday overseas?

Edit - found the relevant UK visa

Like in Australia, I think there is a big difference between getting a visa sponsored by an employer (much easier) versus getting a visa in your own right that enables you to work anywhere.

The visa you linked seems to relate to a sportsperson getting a visa on their own and being able to move to that country and look for work.
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