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Reds 2016

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Bob Loudon (25)
Signing Eto has shut the door on Vidot. I'm glad the Reds didn't sign Vidot

Also mentions that Tualagi will be out until March with a major knee operation

At least Nabuli has a background in the game so he should understand positioning etc.


Dave Cowper (27)
but why not sign Perese, or Gibbon, or try and grab one of the other stars from the other states like Northam? Nabuli isnt a good signing, just like Vidot wouldnt have been a good signing. we still dont have a Super- ready flyhalf for next season, as good as Greene and McCintyre are going in the NRC i doubt they will cut it next season. im also thinking that signing a centre might be a good idea if Jocs not returning. if Hunt s at Fullback then who partners Kerevi? Fainga'a?


Rocky Elsom (76)
Staff member
but why not sign Perese, or Gibbon, or try and grab one of the other stars from the other states like Northam? Nabuli isnt a good signing, just like Vidot wouldnt have been a good signing.

Apparently we have signed Perese as mentioned previously. Also apparently we are close to signing Gibbon too. Perese will have a long term injury to contend with regardless. Given their little elite level experience, Nabuli is not a bad signing. Rugby experience. Elite football experience.

we still dont have a Super- ready flyhalf for next season, as good as Greene and McCintyre are going in the NRC i doubt they will cut it next season.

just because you doubt they will cut it, doesn't mean they won't cut it. JMac is mid way through his 2nd full NRC playing outside Frisby and inside Kerevi and Hunt. Green is half way through is first NRC, and is a stand out. It's about as good a Super Rugby prep as you could have, other than signing a 'Super Rugby Ready flyhalf", and let's be honest. There's just not many of them around. I would much prefer to go with these two than signing a Michelak or Peter Grant type for a year. But apparently the Reds are looking for an OS option still, so let's see.

im also thinking that signing a centre might be a good idea if Jocs not returning.

Is JOC (James O'Connor) not returning? He's listed as part of the squad?

[quote="Peter Toohey, post: 787240, member: 21218" if Hunt s at Fullback then who partners Kerevi? Fainga'a?[/quote]

That's if Hunt is fullback. Why not centre? Just because he played one decent game at fullback in the NRC against the North Harbour Rays doesn't give him a lock on the fullback spot. As for centre options? Well aside Samu we have Hunt, Magnay, Fainga'a and Paia'aua at the moment. CFS at a pinch too. If anything I think we need a fullback given JJT's injury, unless JOC (James O'Connor) is committed to playing there, which I am not against.

But regardless, I think we have about 3 more spots open in the main squad if needed, so no need for real panic stations yet. NRC spots and post-RWC options still to be considered I reckon.


Bob Loudon (25)
but why not sign Perese, or Gibbon, or try and grab one of the other stars from the other states like Northam? Nabuli isnt a good signing, just like Vidot wouldnt have been a good signing. we still dont have a Super- ready flyhalf for next season, as good as Greene and McCintyre are going in the NRC i doubt they will cut it next season. im also thinking that signing a centre might be a good idea if Jocs not returning. if Hunt s at Fullback then who partners Kerevi? Fainga'a?

I believe that Perese is signed - he is part of the Wider Training Squad/Elite Development, and now unfortunately out injured for some time.


Tim Horan (67)
Greene and McIntyre will have similar experience to Debreczini when he started at the Rebels. If either can emulate this we would be fine. In fact didn't Deb go straight to S15 from Shute Shield? Half a season injured then brought to better attention in the NRC.

Personally however Id prefer an international for the season.

We will definitely need a backup, so if this is to be internal, not an OS purchase, BOTH need to be firing.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
but why not sign Perese, or Gibbon, or try and grab one of the other stars from the other states like Northam? Nabuli isnt a good signing, just like Vidot wouldnt have been a good signing. we still dont have a Super- ready flyhalf for next season, as good as Greene and McCintyre are going in the NRC i doubt they will cut it next season. im also thinking that signing a centre might be a good idea if Jocs not returning. if Hunt s at Fullback then who partners Kerevi? Fainga'a?

You can assume that the discussions with Nabuli have been going on for a while.

As mentioned, Perese is signed to the WTS/EPS.

They're obviously working towards something with Gibbon.

I think it comes down to how many spots you've got to fill and what your options are at the time. Leaving too many spots, particularly for full contracts until the NRC starts is a big gamble. If not enough talented players emerge or other franchises are also competing for the same players then you could run into trouble.


Dave Cowper (27)
why not re-sign Lachie Turner? he has been good for us, and said he is keen to remain at the reds but the ball was in our court. im not particularly fond of signing any league players, but i can see the value in your Folaus and Hunts and Burgess' when the attract more attention to the sport and are obviously world class athletes. At least with Duncan he was one of the better players in the u 20s. Nabuli hasnt been great at all for St George and i dont see that changing for us. i obviously hope im wrong and he kills it as the leading try-scorer on the reds path for an undefeated season lead by rookie flyhalf Jake Mcintyre and rise of Backrow superstars Korczyk or Elsom V2, and Wreckingball Lolo Fakaosilea. but i just dont see it happening.


Rocky Elsom (76)
Staff member
Nabuli was good enough for St George to be in their team for their final match correct?

He's not a leaguie either. Played rugby, signed to league, coming back to rugby. I don't think the league experience will taint him at all.

Turner is an adequate finisher with limited speed. Great clubman but probably doesn't offer much more than that anymore, unfortunately.

Graham said they were looking for a line breaker/bender and signed Nabuli accordingly.


Tim Horan (67)
Reg, just did some digging as I simply don't know league.

Nabuli has been playing league for 3 or 4 years and all of his professional football life. 13 games only this season and at least some of the St George fans are suggesting he wasn't up to NRL standard. He seems respected but not a loss in the eyes of the fans. At 27 he now gets his first shot at professional rugby.

I really wish him well, but it doesn't sound quite as cut and dry as it did at first.

This is the sort of player that could really use someone like Lachie being around. Not such an issue if JOC (James O'Connor) really is staying, but we otherwise lean on Hunt for leadership, which is good, but he's still a little green in rugby.

Edit: at 6'5" and over 100kg he's a big unit. He's been scoring tries too so hopefully has some speed. He was playing senior rugby before NRL. All he needs is decent guidance and coaching in the transition.


Peter Johnson (47)
I believe that Perese is signed - he is part of the Wider Training Squad/Elite Development, and now unfortunately out injured for some time.

Perese was one of Gilmore's stars @ Churchie - he will be at the Reds wts and Qld un20 for a year or two more.


Allen Oxlade (6)
He's not a leaguie either. Played rugby, signed to league, coming back to rugby. I don't think the league experience will taint him at all.

What is the Fiji local comp. standard like? That's where the Dragons signed him from...


Greg Davis (50)
If Nabuli was basically let go by the Dragons who didn't put up much of a fight, then I can't imagine he'll be commanding too much in the salary department. That's something to consider when determining whether he'll be a valuable pick up.

It doesn't really have an impact on those young kids coming through. They're going to be better served being in a professional environment for a year and not having to worry about delivering in Super Rugby. It'll give them time to develop properly.

Don't forget, there was a lot of hype around JJT two seasons ago because of the promise shown in club land, but we saw that the transition for him would take awhile. So, while Nabuli may not be signed for setting the world on fire, he's going to be physically and mentally ready for the super campaign. Whether he's good enough is another debate. The fact that the Tahs signed Guilford while we got Nabuli is a bit more concerning in my eyes.


Dave Cowper (27)
Turner is an adequate finisher with limited speed. Great clubman but probably doesn't offer much more than that anymore, unfortunately.

Has he really lost that much gas? He ran 100 m in 11s in what seems like only a year or 2 (ok maybe more) ago?


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
Has he really lost that much gas? He ran 100 m in 11s in what seems like only a year or 2 (ok maybe more) ago?

It was four years ago I believe. He also broke his leg, tore his hamstring off the bone and had another serious leg injury since that.

I don't think he's exactly slow now but he's certainly not what you'd describe as a fast winger.

It's the injuries rather than the passage of time that have really slowed him down in my opinion.

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
Turner is an adequate finisher with limited speed. Great clubman but probably doesn't offer much more than that anymore, unfortunately.

Graham said they were looking for a line breaker/bender and signed Nabuli accordingly.
I think he offers a reliable,consistent safe option.
Which isn't a bad idea,when you have a lot of inexperience in the squad.
I reckon you need a couple of wise heads in the squad to bring along the young guys,when there are huge question marks over the competency of your head coach.

Sword of Justice

Trevor Allan (34)
Nabuli was good enough for St George to be in their team for their final match correct?

He's not a leaguie either. Played rugby, signed to league, coming back to rugby. I don't think the league experience will taint him at all.

Turner is an adequate finisher with limited speed. Great clubman but probably doesn't offer much more than that anymore, unfortunately.

Graham said they were looking for a line breaker/bender and signed Nabuli accordingly.

We will need at least one kicker of high standard in the back three. His defence and his positional play has been excellent so far (always seems to be in the right place for the pass/offload, cleans up other players mess). IMO he's been more than just a clubman, without him I believe we would have looked like even more of a joke than we did already if this is possible.

My hope is that Graham comes in with a balanced back three. JOC (James O'Connor) is probably serviceable as a kicker at fullback or wing but his form hasn't been spectacular and he's injury prone as well so I think keeping Turner around would be a prudent move.


David Codey (61)
JOC (James O'Connor) like all players struggled going back to back seasons.. Like Cummins as well and it cost him a world cup spot..he should be much better this year.

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