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Reds 2019


Rocky Elsom (76)
Staff member
So, at this stage right now, who would like a shot at explaining why Thorn is a better HC than Stiles.

Needs to be thought out in the light of his ruthlessness in starting the role. Then to the results.

I expect to ask a similar question c/f Graham at season end.

Stiles as HC -15 games 4 wins 11 loses @ about 26% (not including the co-coaching folly when he had 3 from 13 with McGahan).

THorn as HC - 11 from 29 @ about 38%.

Those stats alone point to a fairly significant difference bettween the two.

Stiles won 4 games in his only season.

Thorn won 6 games last year and 5 so far this year. Both better than Stiles' performance.

Stiles had Cooper, Hendrick Tui, George Smith, Steven Moore, Karmichael Hunt, James Slipper.

Thorn has done better without them.

Stiles' for and against was about 20-31 in 2017
Thorn's last year was 24-31 so attack improved (no Cooper remember)
This year its about 24-26

The 389 points we scored last year was more than any year since the 2011 Premiership year.
We've scored 306 points this year so far. More than the 2017 team scored in a season.

I am mates with Nick and think he was harshly done by but I think those figues are a pretty damn good starting point to suggest Thorn is a better HC than Stiles


Tim Horan (67)
Stiles as HC -15 games 4 wins 11 loses @ about 26% (not including the co-coaching folly when he had 3 from 13 with McGahan).

THorn as HC - 11 from 29 @ about 38%.

Those stats alone point to a fairly significant difference bettween the two.

Stiles won 4 games in his only season.

Thorn won 6 games last year and 5 so far this year. Both better than Stiles' performance.

Stiles had Cooper, Hendrick Tui, George Smith, Steven Moore, Karmichael Hunt, James Slipper.

Thorn has done better without them.

Stiles' for and against was about 20-31 in 2017
Thorn's last year was 24-31 so attack improved (no Cooper remember)
This year its about 24-26

The 389 points we scored last year was more than any year since the 2011 Premiership year.
We've scored 306 points this year so far. More than the 2017 team scored in a season.

I am mates with Nick and think he was harshly done by but I think those figues are a pretty damn good starting point to suggest Thorn is a better HC than Stiles

Thanks Reg. What I was looking for. I'm not minded to agree with your tone, but as usual you place detail that needs consideration. Thanks.


Greg Davis (50)
Thorn is a better coach, but is he the coach we need/want or is there a better alternative that we should consider or look at?

It's tough to say that Thorn is simply a better coach than Stiles. Thorn has been afforded in my opinion, the best overal set of backroom of coaches out all Australian Super HC's. I think the 'improvement' in defence and attack is mostly attributable to the two new Assistant Coaches. There's also other factors at play that have helped this like increase fitness due to Thorns emphasis on this area.

I still see Stiles and Thorn as similar level coaches, but one wasn't given any support from below while the other was given a huge helping hand.


Bob Loudon (25)
This is like asking if you want me or my older brother opening the bowling for Australia... one of us is no doubt better than the other, but that doesn't necessarily mean one of should have that role.

The biggest problems for the Reds since Ewen has been the selection of HC. Those decisions literally hit the bottom line. They begin a downward spiral which is very hard to pull out from - poor coaching leads to poor performances, poor team morale, players not wanting to stay, fans not going to games, less money to buy top performers, the place become less attractive to outside talent... and down we go...

i dont know what kind of coach Thorn MIGHT become. but what i know is that QLD and Aus rugby hasn't got a limitless amount of time to get its two major rugby states firing again.


Rocky Elsom (76)
Staff member
It's tough to say that Thorn is simply a better coach than Stiles. Thorn has been afforded in my opinion, the best overal set of backroom of coaches out all Australian Super HC's. I think the 'improvement' in defence and attack is mostly attributable to the two new Assistant Coaches. There's also other factors at play that have helped this like increase fitness due to Thorns emphasis on this area.

I still see Stiles and Thorn as similar level coaches, but one wasn't given any support from below while the other was given a huge helping hand.

Who did Thorn have as assistant coaches last year?

The Nomad

Bob Davidson (42)
Carozza rode shotgun for him during the Qld Country NRC days , McGahan was fresh up from losing the HC position at the Rebels to Wessels.

Finsbury Girl

Trevor Allan (34)
That's when we start talking comparisons with Graham.

PS for the Reds - it is the end of the season, is it not?

We could go 8 and 8 so absolutely we need to wait until the end of the comp.

We've had 3 tight losses that we probably should have won, a more experienced team would have done so.

The massive difference for me is that I can see the change in attitude, these blokes are actually playing for each other and the jersey, we didn't see this in the really really poor years. They don't drop their heads and they try to play the full 80 mins. I don't care if we lose if we are trying our guts out.

As I keep saying we are at about 80%, this team has the potential to go all the way and there are a number of blokes who are good enough for 50+ test caps. The hard thing will be be keeping hold of all of our talent.

Can Brad take us to the next level? I believe it is a matter of when not if, I think the QRU have done the right thing to back him so he can go about his work without having to look over his shoulder every week.

Of course there is a limit and I don't want another protected species situation like Cheika who is well past his use by date, but we are a long way from that.

Jeff Thompson69

Stan Wickham (3)
Hearing Will Skelton is wanting to play in World cup. Only way possible is to sign with an Australian club in 2020. Should the reds throw the cash at him


Tony Shaw (54)
No I think our longbacks are probably one of our strengths at the moment. I'm assuming he'd command reasonable money though. I'd rather it spent on retaining Kerevi and securing the services of a really good 10 if we can find one.

Finsbury Girl

Trevor Allan (34)
Skelton always missing in big games, he has zero ticker, why the hell would we want him? He's a sky blue discard.

He is not in the same league as HH, Rodda and Blythe and these blokes are only starting their careers & will get better.