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Reds v Sharks, Rnd 5 2020, Lang Park Sat 29 7:15 EDST


Tim Horan (67)
Was at the game and just a couple of thoughts.
1 Not sure why Thorn is using Tupou for such long spells, he was subbed at about 74 minute mark and looked spent for a little while before that.(maybe he was hoping for a miracle run or something to get a try?)
2 That play in overtime was typical Reds , and not trying to be too critical, but was kind of all for nothing, they kept attacking I know, but really for nothing as even scoring the try,they couldn't get bonus point. I was relieved noone was injured in that time, as that was the risk I though, as was the Sharks getting a turnover try and then they get a bonus!!


Phil Kearns (64)
Staff member
It was a weird sort of game, and I think the scoreline was about right.

As expected, the Sharks were just a bit better than the Reds in most facets. The big three being lineout, scrum and goalkicking.

The Reds needed things to go their way to chalk the win, and they certainly had the rub of the green with the referee. The problem was they lost at least four attacking lineouts in the Sharks 22. So they squandered the advantage they were given. And then they lost key players to injury and it was all over.

Just on the lineout - it was an absolute shambles. Twice they threw to a jumper who was missing a front lifter. Once they should have been penalised because they just stood there and did nothing for three minutes. Not sure who calls it (Rodda?) but they completely lost the plot.

But they hung in there and scored a couple of nice tries. They looked best when McDermott was pinning the defence around the ruck and finding forward runners with short balls. And of course we have the classic Aussie lament of 'why didn't they try a few pick and drives against a crazy rush defence'.

The Sharks look very handy. The ability of Bosch to slot them from anywhere is so impressive, and it really impacted this game.

For the Reds, I liked Mafi's game (and don't really hold him responsible for the lineout). Paisami did a lot of good things without much space. Scott-Young had some nice moments. McDermott is still good.

They are one of the better 1-4 sides I've seen, and will still be a decent 1-5 side when they lose to the Crusaders. The Bulls game shapes as a big one, because the 'stick with us' message wears thin when you are 1-6.

Joe Blow

Peter Sullivan (51)
The Reds lack of experience was cruelly exposed by the Sharks. One has to question Thorn overlooking Rodda for captain and his substitutions in the second half. They were unlucky with injury but they were left with an onfield 15 of rookies when the game was still in the balance. The more senior players among them, like TT and LSL (Lukhan Salakaia-Loto), were not able to lead.
Lots to think about for Thorn.


Tony Shaw (54)
Well that’s the season. Can’t see them turning that around and winning in NZ next week.

Wrights comments about an unqueensland like performance also shit me. The performances have been below par for years now, so quite honestly it was a Queensland like performance. Grasp the situation.


Tim Horan (67)
The Reds lack of experience was cruelly exposed by the Sharks. One has to question Thorn overlooking Rodda for captain and his substitutions in the second half. They were unlucky with injury but they were left with an onfield 15 of rookies when the game was still in the balance. The more senior players among them, like TT and LSL (Lukhan Salakaia-Loto), were not able to lead.
Lots to think about for Thorn.

From recollection Reds brought in a specialist and interviews involved a broader group. If we are going to blame Thorn the tar-and-feather should spread a bit further.

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
The Reds inexperience and immaturity rugby-wise was shown up last night. The Sharks attacked them in their strongest areas, the scrum, lineout, maul and breakdown. A standout to me was the way they simply bullied McDermott at the back of the rucks. Spoiled so much possession for the Reds.

But they are young and full of talent. They will rise above this in time.


Ken Catchpole (46)
From recollection Reds brought in a specialist and interviews involved a broader group. If we are going to blame Thorn the tar-and-feather should spread a bit further.

Is there any aspect of rugby that hasn't been outsourced, subcontracted, given to "specialists", or assigned to an outside body?
We have become too corporatised for our own good.


Tim Horan (67)
Is there any aspect of rugby that hasn't been outsourced, subcontracted, given to "specialists", or assigned to an outside body?
We have become too corporatised for our own good.

No disagreement from me, just a touch harsh pointing the finger solely at Thorn. And btw I'm OK with the Captain we have.


Peter Johnson (47)
Is there any aspect of rugby that hasn't been outsourced, subcontracted, given to "specialists", or assigned to an outside body?
We have become too corporatised for our own good.

Sorry, we will get back to you once our comment review specialist has advised of a suitable response then our stakeholder management team will respond to you via our community engagement advisor. :p

Joe Blow

Peter Sullivan (51)
From recollection Reds brought in a specialist and interviews involved a broader group. If we are going to blame Thorn the tar-and-feather should spread a bit further.

No, I’m not trying to do that. Rodda was the captain in waiting and following in the foot steps of others like Eales and Horwill. It just seems very odd to throw the captaincy to a nipper, as good as he is.
Last night when the game was still in reach Rodda was subbed off as was McDermott. Surely they could have stuck it out for another 10 mins, or in the case of the second row maybe Hockings should have been subbed?
At that point of the game the reds were still within a score but looking at the side on the field you could not see where the direction/leadership would come from to pull out an unlikely win. It was like they just gave it up and gave some subs a run?
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Michael Lynagh (62)
The Reds lack of experience was cruelly exposed by the Sharks. One has to question Thorn overlooking Rodda for captain and his substitutions in the second half. They were unlucky with injury but they were left with an onfield 15 of rookies when the game was still in the balance. The more senior players among them, like TT and LSL (Lukhan Salakaia-Loto), were not able to lead.
Lots to think about for Thorn.
I was shocked that for all the talk of strength of reds forwards play that were completely dominated in all aspects by the sharks. Not quite sure what happening here...but a key strength as become a major concern after that game


Tony Shaw (54)
The Reds inexperience and immaturity rugby-wise was shown up last night. The Sharks attacked them where they in their strongest areas, the scrum, lineout, maul and breakdown. A standout to me was the way they simply bullied McDermott at the back of the rucks. Spoiled so much possession for the Reds.

But they are young and full of talent. They will rise above this in time.

We seem to have all fallen into or for some kind of rugby lullaby that says that having a "young and talented team" is intrinsically A Good Thing that will somehow go into a special astrological circuit of the moon and inexorably come out a top pro team.......one day, just be patient.

No. Pro Rugby Success and Team Excellence Creation Does Not Work Like That. If there is not an excellent-enough coaching and skills development infrastructure around good young players all that will happen over time is that:

- (a) most 'talented players' skills will stay at the upper amateur level and not fast evolve enough​
- (b) crucial team capabilities like maul defence, line out, ruck skills (defence and offence), genuine ensemble attack patterns, forwards' pod work, etc will never evolve fast enough to defeat more matured and better coached and whole-team-skilled-up teams​
- (c) the consequence of the defects and too-slow development in the above areas will magnify into poor composure on the field the moment serious adversity hits and in turn increasing loss-making individual and team error rates 'that can't be easily explained' and​
- (d) the virtuous inner team circles of self-confidence built through winning and sustained patterns of dominance will never occur and the team will stagnate into one where 'terrific moments' and 'we dominated for 20 minutes' will be the only tainted prizes and will never be enough to propel the team into consistent victory patterns.​