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School sporting scholarships/recruitment


Ron Walden (29)
No agenda scaraby. I just don't like the lies.
I don't either but lets all vow to stick with what we know and let the truth come out.
This has got to be sorted out across the whole GPS. Its not a Scots problem even if some SMH journo seems to be trying to make it so. Where was his follow up piece when High beat Scots on the weekend....gees I really feel sorry for the kids on both teams what a horrible thing to have over you...Hope the High guys can celebrate their win without having any second thoughts and I just don't know what those poor Scots kids would be feeling...its a bloody mess...

Brian Westlake

Arch Winning (36)
You are 100% right. Is is a Bloody Mess. And you Scaraby, have the power to change it if you are involved with the school.
Take a stand. Change the situation for the better please. This is not meant to be sarcastic in any way, shape or form. You asked what the poor lads must be feeling... Ask them

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
I don't either but lets all vow to stick with what we know and let the truth come out.
This has got to be sorted out across the whole GPS. Its not a Scots problem even if some SMH journo seems to be trying to make it so. Where was his follow up piece when High beat Scots on the weekend..gees I really feel sorry for the kids on both teams what a horrible thing to have over you.Hope the High guys can celebrate their win without having any second thoughts and I just don't know what those poor Scots kids would be feeling.its a bloody mess.
Um yeah it is a Scots problem.
They are being excluded from competing against other member Schools.
The journo is not the issue,he merely reported on it.
Moaning that everyone else is doing a little bit of what they are doing a lot of.
Misses the point entirely.

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
The Scots college 1st XI 2011/2011 contained two boys (on bursaries) from the NSW Under 17 team. Messers Kelly and Skelly. The Scots coach also happens to be the NSW under 17 assistant coach.
And just so there's no suggesting that you made this up: I must have made it up too because that's what I heard.
An additional not insignificant fact is that in respect of one of them, at least, he was in the u17 side before he was at TSC.


Ron Walden (29)
Um yeah it is a Scots problem.
They are being excluded from competing against other member Schools.
The journo is not the issue,he merely reported on it.
Moaning that everyone else is doing a little bit of what they are doing a lot of.
Misses the point entirely.
If you don't know what goes on in other schools then just say so but your statement just shows your one eyed ness..."everyone else is doing a little bit and scots is doing alot.!!!".....come on if you want to be open about it fess up first.
...that is such a deliberately goading , biased or naive comment........ your choice...


Ted Fahey (11)

Since Cricket now seems to be part of this thread - would you like to comment on the makeup of the current 1stXI at Scots ?
It's easy to pick off the past bits & pieces - easy cannon fodder.
I would be interested in your thoughts about this 2013 / 2014 team (- and no, I do not have a lad in the team.)

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
seriously think vindictam made up his comment about board, again allegations not proven, the only thing that concerns the board I am sure is that false allegations with no proof have been made by 5 jealous headmasters and a guy from the herald that wanted to build a story(buy not quoting any facts). Scots seem to be up there in everything lately- it must be hard for some people to swallow. But you can't have that many sports where.scholarships have been offered. They would have been premiers in Cricket I notice if they didn't miss a rain delayed game, that didn't affect the other front runners). I have to admit the more that was said about this the more I looked at it etc on aagps- they have had a great year across the board that has been steadily improving over recent years. Suggest its more about better coaches and school spirit than anything else. And know they have to battle rubbish thrown at them for doing a job well done.
The thing about allegations is that they aren't yet proven - that's why they're called allegations. You've made a couple yourself - "jealous headmasters", journalists "building a story without facts".
For a Brisbane resident who claims no affiliation with any Sydney GPS school, you seem to have some quite detailed knowledge, down to rain delays in cricket matches, coaching and school spirit.

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
to answer this and following thread. I only got into this because the argument seemed to be one way against Scots and it headmaster etc. After the things I read I thought some out there comments back the other way gives some balanced food for thought. I don't work for Scots but have been a student in a private school in Brisbane who went there in grade 10 and saw similar rubbish about ganging up on headmasters and schools that start doing well. I suppose we should start spreading rumours about Qlder origin side winning so much, has the coach or team been legal. As an qlder old boy I like fighting for underdogs when I read unproven things written about people who achieve . That's why I shaped after reading all this stuff, and I have seen plenty of things in papers that aren't all correct
The flaw in your argument about jealousy being the motive is that the 5 headmasters have taken no such action against Newington, despite them winning 3 of the past 4 GPS rugby titles.

Have you stopped to think for a moment that the 5 headmasters have actually done some research and have taken action based on facts? You claim to be open minded, but this possibility doesn't appear in any of your posts.

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)

Since Cricket now seems to be part of this thread - would you like to comment on the makeup of the current 1stXI at Scots ?
It's easy to pick off the past bits & pieces - easy cannon fodder.
I would be interested in your thoughts about this 2013 / 2014 team (- and no, I do not have a lad in the team.)

Pretty sure I don't understand this. Why is it easy?
Do you think you should have "a lad" in the team?
I have little interest in cricket and less knowledge - what I was told and what I've reported is all I know.
Edit: sorry - and some odd things going on with the Easts Green Shield team

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David Codey (61)

Since Cricket now seems to be part of this thread - would you like to comment on the makeup of the current 1stXI at Scots ?
It's easy to pick off the past bits & pieces - easy cannon fodder.
I would be interested in your thoughts about this 2013 / 2014 team (- and no, I do not have a lad in the team.)
No idea on cricket at all.
I only have specific knowledge about Rugby & B ball.

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
I understand from "a reliable source, generally", that the Report has indeed been completed. In such circumstances, one would expect the report to be presented to the College Council, (which usually meets once a month so I am told), for their review and assesment. After that the Principal maybe permitted / requested to contact parents with the outcome.
The fact that some on this thread "demand / expect" it to be provided instantaneously shows a distinct lack of appreciation of protocols within most schools.
Whilst Gaggerlanders quite rightly expect information to be provided, it is a little churlish (IMHO) to expect it to be released via these illustrious pages.
Where does enlisting "the parrot" to ask a lot of Dorothy dixers on his radio program, in an attempt to shift public perception, fit in with these formal protocols you insist must be observed?
I would respectfully suggest that the Principal does not need permission to communicate with the parents, to advise that the report found the School blameless of any wrongdoing.

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
For discussion.

Is the money being spent on non-teaching/elite sports coaching staff a form of "scholarship" enticement?

The following are the senior coaches who DO NOT teach full time load of lessons at Scots College but are employed on salaries starting at $55K

Rugby- Marcus Blackburn- https://sports.tsc.nsw.edu.au/officials/blackburn-marcus/

Football-Tony Canning - https://sports.tsc.nsw.edu.au/officials/canning-tony/

Cricket- Ben Sawyer https://sports.tsc.nsw.edu.au/officials/sawyer-ben/

Tennis- Arie Shatar- https://sports.tsc.nsw.edu.au/officials/shatar-arie/

Is there another school in Sydney who would spend this amount of money on elite sports coaches alone?
Should GPS schools use only the teaching staff to coach and not outsource the elite level to hired guns?
And let's not forget

D. Todd - Basketball https://sports.tsc.nsw.edu.au/officials/todd-david/

Y. Higgins - Water Polo https://sports.tsc.nsw.edu.au/officials/higgins-yvette/

Tensing Tsewang - High Performance https://sports.tsc.nsw.edu.au/officials/tsewang-tenzing/

R. Williams - Rowing https://sports.tsc.nsw.edu.au/officials/williams-robert/


Allen Oxlade (6)
The flaw in your argument about jealousy being the motive is that the 5 headmasters have taken no such action against Newington, despite them winning 3 of the past 4 GPS rugby titles.

Have you stopped to think for a moment that the 5 headmasters have actually done some research and have taken action based on facts? You claim to be open minded, but this possibility doesn't appear in any of your posts.
I agree I don't know all facts- saw most things on internet and newspapers, but straight up saw two conflicking stories. If you see my first few entries into this you you would see me talk about why can't kids be in firsts if they join school in 10,11 , , bad luck if you started in year 7 and you didn't make the team etc I gave reasonable opinion as this was my own situation in Brisbane school, my parents could not afford to send me earlier and what I read about what these reporters were saying it stirred me. And the one sided arguments on this sight added fuel to my flame. My parents paid full fees for 3 years I was at this school, I was a prefect, and in firsts but it seemed like people where saying this type of thing is not ok ( thats why I said the best get in the side it doesn't matter what year you start).well as many parents are in this situation , I felt reports and options wrong on late comers to school teams. The more I read the more things stirred me, the more, I tried to show their is an opposite argument to everything written hear. Who knows what truth is I can agree to everything you have said about Scots, since that is what most are saying- but I did start to wonder how one sided should this be since I can see lots of faults in all arguments. And if I work for Scots because I got annoyed by certain comments and decided to take a side, then I can see how these funny stories come about even more so now- but I have made my point and you guys can keep fighting out down there.but any parent or old boy of expensive private schools realise these allegations have been going on for years across all school. Why can't we all pick on the public school systems but unfortunately it doesn't sell as many papers I suppose because it doesn't involve the word elite. That annoys me since my schooling was great for others reasons. Ok guys they are all to blame, everyone should have same amount of gyms, ovals, teachers names, paying students, freebies, and we must all innovate at exactly the same time so that everything is even- just like life. My gut feeling is that nothing much will change- there are two many sides and situations to all agree.

Kenny Powers

Ron Walden (29)
Um yeah it is a Scots problem.
They are being excluded from competing against other member Schools.
The journo is not the issue,he merely reported on it.
Moaning that everyone else is doing a little bit of what they are doing a lot of.
Misses the point entirely.

Scots are not being excluded some but not all schools have elected not to play them.

The fact that some schools have done a lot or a little of what Scots is being accused of is they major hurdle to any resolution.

Hawkes came out in a major paper in an article written in his name and said exactly that and labelled his school and others as being previously guilty of what Scots is being accused of.

This could be viewed as some type of olive branch from TKS, albeit very public, nothing forthcoming from other schools (although not required from all).

Also if this really is about rugby why did they pick a fight on basketball. Some have speculated it is because it is not a traditional headline GPS sport, however you could also speculate maybe some schools are cleanskins in basketball but maybe not so in other areas.

If you are going to have a disagreement put it on the table resolution good or bad will come. Using a stalking horse just prolongs the issue and makes you look less genuine.


Allen Oxlade (6)
Please don't anyone reply to me you are driving me nuts with allegations, and frustrations - I am a sucker for replying back. And don't spread fairy tales that I work for Scots or I will start saying you boys are married to the herald reporter, or you are in love with the gang of 5 . Only trying to balance an unbalanced ship, but I think I fell overboard with some recent comments including this one. Hope all this doesn't weaken the good work private schools do. Don't make up stories if I decide to go quite now - don't force me out of retirement.

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
The fact that some schools have done a lot or a little of what Scots is being accused of is they major hurdle to any resolution.
Good points but I'm not sure about this point.
I think the impediment to resolution, as some have said, is that the Hawkes admission only makes sense, given his stance on b'ball, if you accept that there is a line somewhere and he thinks, as do some of the others, that the line was crossed in b'ball.
The problem for resolution is that Hawkes is on his own: if other schools have induced they're not admitting it and the other schools that have not induced say there's no line because it's zero tolerance for inducements.
So there could be 4 factions:
The rest who have induced and think a few is OK but wont admit to having indulged


Allen Oxlade (6)
Sorry guys but been sucked in again. Does anyone know if the reporter that through fuel on the flame at the herald by clutching at so many straws there is no hay left in the barn, just hate all private schools, by his lack of facts and dodgy angles, or just want to stir up kids that try to get into good schools at least in ,10,11, or 12, because thats all there parents could afford, did he go to Scots or gang of 5 school as a boy when he was younger(that would be a good one to find out), does he not like all private schools because he went to a public one, or did he try to get his own son into Scots(if he has one, but couldn't get in unless he paid full fees etc) that reporter has a lot to answer for dragging stuff like this in the press- but I must admit anyone who plays the class and money wars against private schools only, and bags some good efforts by people or groups etc because its hard to see two sides of stories, so avoid showing both sides equally, with real backed up true facts, and fair judgement, - will get me fired up and out of the cupboard- so I must congratulate the reporter for at. least doing that, but its a pity about all the people he offends, when arguments are not balanced, and the efforts of some of these great kids , doing great things in some of these schools is being tarnished


Herbert Moran (7)
Sorry guys but been sucked in again. Does anyone know if the reporter that through fuel on the flame at the herald by clutching at so many straws there is no hay left in the barn, just hate all private schools, by his lack of facts and dodgy angles, or just want to stir up kids that try to get into good schools at least in ,10,11, or 12, because thats all there parents could afford, did he go to Scots or gang of 5 school as a boy when he was younger(that would be a good one to find out), does he not like all private schools because he went to a public one, or did he try to get his own son into Scots(if he has one, but couldn't get in unless he paid full fees etc) that reporter has a lot to answer for dragging stuff like this in the press- but I must admit anyone who plays the class and money wars against private schools only, and bags some good efforts by people or groups etc because its hard to see two sides of stories, so avoid showing both sides equally, with real backed up true facts, and fair judgement, - will get me fired up and out of the cupboard- so I must congratulate the reporter for at. least doing that, but its a pity about all the people he offends, when arguments are not balanced, and the efforts of some of these great kids , doing great things in some of these schools is being tarnished
Lovely second sentence essay.