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Shute Shield 2020


Ken Catchpole (46)
anyone know if the coaching ranks for first grade have changed at all clubs?
I know MG has left rats but not sure of the merry go round with others.

Brian Melrose stepped down at Manly at the end of last season.
Has been replaced by club stalwart Matt McGoldrick. He knows what it takes to win.


Frank Nicholson (4)
The Uni team that played the Crusader Knights on Saturday and lost.

Looks a pretty strong team, lot of regular first graders,

Any other team lists out there?


seven wearing six

Allen Oxlade (6)
So what's doing with SS with CV19, now it's (SS) owned by RAu?
Maybe all contracted players return to Club sides?
Where's a player gonna play if no-one is allowed to play?
Competitors just have to compete...


Jim Lenehan (48)
Sydney University first grade rugby player tests positive for coronavirus

A first-grade rugby player at Sydney University who competed in the Australian Club Championship at the weekend has tested positive for coronavirus.
"Everyone determined to be a close contact of the case will be contacted by NSW Health and will need to self-quarantine for 14 days (until midnight 28th March).


Phil Kearns (64)

As put up in the Rugby AU / RA thread, looks like Shute Shield may get underway in July.

I'm torn on Penrith getting back in, and would be interested to know how the Force would get involved in the club and if it would actually work! I've gone through too many seasons with it not working to be terribly optimistic.

Every genuine rugby tragic in Sydney would be absolutely delighted to see the Riff back in the SS. Bear in mind, you are so far west that you are almost in Perth!!!

If Twiggy wants it to happen, my betting would be on it working out. We need some game-changers around right now.


Phil Kearns (64)
I'm not. They can stay where they are thank you very much.

Mixed feelings about the old Wildfires. I was living in Newey for their final two seasons. It was a pretty sad ending for them, there was virtually no local support for them, from what I could see. Only one substantial sponsor.

John S

Chilla Wilson (44)
Wow. Wonder how they snagged Muggleton?

Hope they treat him better than the previous coaches


Steve Williams (59)
Newcastle also in, making up a modified 13-club, 13-round competition running from July through until the end of October.

Big names pitch in for Emus Shute Shield return

May 17, 2020​
… Muggleton said the quality of the district's juniors stocks meant the club was confident their Colts team would come together without too much fuss, but the impact of the Emus' relegation two years ago had seen many grade players depart for other clubs.​
"We need two full grades of seniors plus another 15 on top of that, so 45 all up. It's not going to be easy but I put something on Facebook [on Saturday] and I've had over 60 replies from people wanting to help out," Muggleton said.​
… There is still great uncertainty over whether the competition's July 18 start date will come to fruition. Community sport is still under significant restrictions in NSW …​