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Southern Inland Rugby 2020


Fred Wood (13)
Quite a week.

Tips for this week :

City V Reddies : City by a lot
Tahs V Tumut : Another close one this week. Tahs will just edge them out again

City v Deni : Tough trip , tougher trip on the way back ! City by 13+
Tahs v Leeton : Leeton to big, too fast . 20+
Tumut v Albury : Albury to get the choccies I think. Close game by 7

Womens :
City v Hay : Big road trip but City too good . 10+
Tahs v Leeton : Tahs very quick side , tahs 13+
Aggies v Albury : I hear aggies are handy as well . 10 point margin

Up the Jumper

Herbert Moran (7)
Wins tomorrow to City and Waratahs - same as last Saturday
GF Predictions
1st Grade : City v Tahs
2nd Grade : Leeton Warriors (formerly Phantoms) v City
Womens : CSU v Wagga Ag

Good Luck to the Juniors at Grenfell and Hay on Sunday with their Round 2 matches

paul bristow

Charlie Fox (21)
  • Watched Lollies v Reddies game today livestream. Great to see Reddies with numbers in the club. Next step is quality with quantity. Good to see Reddies entering a 1st grade team & not taking an easier option.

Up the Jumper

Herbert Moran (7)
Well PB as Meatloaf would say / sing "You took the words right out of my mouth"
Reddies lose 78-0 today against City and Tumut go down 24-39 against Waratahs - Grand Finalists confirmed for 2020 with 5 Weeks to go ????
Now in 2nd Grade Leeton defeat Waratahs 51-12 and Albury defeat Tumut 30-7
So why aren't Leeton & Albury playing 1st Grade ?????
CSU turn up every Saturday and give their best in both 1st & 2nd Grade and unforunately for them have got smashed in most of their 1st Grade matches so far
What is the reason for both Leeton & Albury 1st Grade teams to be allowed to flex their so called muscles in 2nd Grade only - As PB stated above - they both were presented and took the easy option !
Neither the 1st Grade Competition ( 4 Teams only involved, including poor old CSU) or the 2nd Grade Competition (Leeton & Albury 1st Grade Teams participating) in SIRU this year has any legitimacy and they are the sad facts
The Women's Competition has got some integrity but with Ag College having players from both Tumut and Griffith in their team that is a bit of a joke as well - give the Premiership to the CSU Women now because it seems like a foregone conclusion
I wonder how the Hay Cutlets are going ?
Grand Final day on Sep 26 can't come quick enough so that the 2020 season is forgotten ASAP
Great to see some Rugby being played in the Zone this year but boy oh boy what a debacle in many ways
No more comments from my end for the rest of the season - I just want to congratulate the Premiers of each Grade and hope that 2021 is just as successful ??
Lets hope the Juniors Competition thrives until the end of this season with all Clubs just playing for the love of the Game and no sheep stations being played for
Signing off for 2020 and looking foward to hopefully a more Normal Competition in 2021


Desmond Connor (43)
2020 was always going to be a complicated season, regardless of who played where. Everyone has 2020 vision in hindsight <insert dad joke here> but the zone and the Board can only take clubs at their word.

CSU deserve wraps for stepping up. So many people have been keen to bag them at every opportunity but they stepped up in 2020.

paul bristow

Charlie Fox (21)
Is it too difficult for the home club to provide linesmen/women. I mean what other sport at a senior level can’t provide at least that basic level of officiating?


Desmond Connor (43)
Is it too difficult for the home club to provide linesmen/women. I mean what other sport at a senior level can’t provide at least that basic level of officiating?

I agree mate, they're an essential part of the game aren't they.

I went to CW to watch a Blowes Cup game recently, referee provided for every game and that ref backed up to run touch for the next game. Each club also provided an AR to cover the other role.


Fred Wood (13)
So what do we make of this latest State Government annoucement in regards local sport ? The statement itself is a bit wishy washy with no real detail but it essentially seemed to state no travelling. Which is a an issue in SIRU .


Desmond Connor (43)
So what do we make of this latest State Government annoucement in regards local sport ? The statement itself is a bit wishy washy with no real detail but it essentially seemed to state no travelling. Which is a an issue in SIRU .

It's going to put the kibosh on Junior sport I'd say, Seniors maybe not so much...


Fred Wood (13)
My tips across the grades :

City by 25+ against Tumut
Tahs to scrape home against Reddies by 7

City by 20+ v Tumut 2's
Albury to beat Tahs 13+
Deni to win v Reddies by 10

City over WAC by 5
Tahs by 20 v Albury
Reddies by a lot v Hay

Weather may well play a part in these games.


Desmond Connor (43)
But maybe the Board didn't have to take their Word - Just check the player Registrations of both Clubs (Albury & Leeton) and work it out from there - pretty simple really
Can't see any upsets Tomorrow between Reddies & Waratahs & City v Tumut

You've got a point mate, but I've never known the SIRU Board to push those sort of points. I guess the Board could have had a few honest conversations with clubs based on past results combined with current registrations etc.


Fred Wood (13)
I would suggest the CSU v Tahs game being the TV game is purely sharing it around. And to be fair it was hardly the most inspiring day for rugby.

I reckon that was some of the worst weather i have ever seen at connolly . Hail in the second half was thoroughly unpleasant.


Fred Wood (13)
Not that i think anyone reads this blog anymore , but riddle me this peoples !

How can you be registered for two clubs in the same comp ? How can you turn out for one club and then race across town and play for another club in the same comp and its still fair under the 'rules' ? I'm sorry but i reckon Leeton have got plenty to be aggrieved about on that subject.


Johnnie Wallace (23)
Don't know about the actual facts but unlikely for players to be allowed to be registered for 2 different Clubs on the same Day

Who did it affect ?

Apparently Dual Registration is a thing. A couple of girls played for Aggies v Steamers and then an hour later played for Waratahs v Leeton. SIRU advised that it was legitimate.


Fred Wood (13)
Yep its a thing. Does that mean we can send a few to Deni this week ;) ?
I'm sorry but 'dual' registration in the same grade in the same comp is not in the spirit of the game. I think this opens a big can of worms for SIRU - remembering the oldest rule in the book is whats good for the goose is good for the gander !

Anyways , tips for the week:

City over tahs in a tight one. City by 10
Tumut to keep Reddies on the duck egg but not by much . Tumut by 7-10 i reckon.

Leeton v Albury in whats apparently the GF preview by those in the know. Leeton by 20 plus
Tahs v Deni . Deni by 7. Go the Drovers !
Tumut v Reddies . Tumut 13+

Leeton v Albury . Leeton by a fair few !
Tahs v Hay . Love to see the a shock win but Tahs by 20 + . I wonder if they'll be any dual rego players ....
TumAg v Reddies . Reddies too good . 13 +


Charlie Fox (21)
Reckon we just need to look at the Dual Rego as a blip of a super weird season. It’s not ideal but what is normal about this season anyway.
Can’t be allowed when normality resumes.

Only place this works is when players are registered for another club which plays higher grades. The Albury/Deni of the last few years and the Griffith/Hay relationship from a few years back.

paul bristow

Charlie Fox (21)
Go Reddies. When was their last win? Re double registered player. What happens when the 2 teams in question play each other? Perhaps a half for each club?

paul bristow

Charlie Fox (21)
At the City v Tah game were there linesmen to support James & the players? I don’t disagree with Whistle’s assessment of the situation but without adequate officials sometimes things are going to get out of hand. And by linesmen I mean badged dressed linesmen.


Johnnie Wallace (23)
Coming in to the finals I would suggest there are 3 short priced favourites.

1sts City
2nds City
Women CSU

My logic on the 2nds is that having a solid 1st grade season, has freed up fringe players for the dirt trackers. I doubt City will lose another game in either grade