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Southern Inland Rugby 2022

paul bristow

Charlie Fox (21)
I was laughing at some of the things that the guy said but was a bit worried some people might not be as broad minded as you Bubba! Just as a way of gauging the degree of confidence in predictions out there would any gamblers take $2.00 an all up City/City/Reddies/City?


Fred Wood (13)
I did laugh at the "why are all the wagga 5/8's balding" line. Also the description of a Tahs centre as portly got a chuckle !


Stan Wickham (3)
Kick off Times, Referees & Assistant Referees for this Saturday's Grand Finals at the Connolly Rugby Grounds, Wagga

10.55am - 3rd Grade-
Wagga City v Griffith- James Martel- Assist. Referees - V Hellier & J Gogarty

12.25pm- 2nd Grade- Wagga City v Griffith- Warwick Strong- Assist. Referees- J Martel & M McTaggart

2.05pm- Womens'- CSU Reddies v Waratahs- Tim Allen- Assist. Referees- R Eldershaw & H Baker

3.15pm- 1st Grade- Wagga City v Griffith- Mitch Dwyer- Assist. Referees - W Strong & J Gogarty


Fred Wood (13)
And we are here. I'm tipping a Wagga City sweep of the mens grades and Reddies to take out the womens GF.

Weather promises to be good and we could see some ripping games of rugby played. Good luck to all involved tomorrow in all capacities.


Fred Wood (13)
It was a big day saturday. Kudos to Griffith Blacks , they were outstanding opponents and played their hearts out.

The beers at the Kooringal were cold and plentiful . This correspondent was a touch dusty on sunday to say the least. A great day and evening for the club.

paul bristow

Charlie Fox (21)
None of the City v Griffith game scores got ’ugly’ as some people suggested they might. All 3 games were competitive. Mateo went into the 1sts game injured and Bozic basically played no part. Ah well! City were the best team all year and proved that in the GF. Great GF day dominated by 2 strong clubs. Plenty of positives to take out of this season but where to next year?
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Fred Wood (13)
None of the City v Griffith game scores got ’ugly’ as some people suggested they might. All 3 games were competitive. Mateo went into the 1sts game injured and Bozic basically played no part. Ah well! City were the best team all year and proved that in the GF. Great GF day dominated by 2 strong clubs. Plenty of positives to take out of this season but where to next year?
Where to from here ? Good question. I think its bleedingly obvious that the comp needs restructuring. We cant have 2nd grade dictating the comp anymore thats for sure . 3rd grade is in peril with only 4 teams finishing the season. We need the women playing 15's in my opinion.

Leeton , Hay & Deni need to bite the bullet on this issue and either accept that they are playing 3's or set themselves up as 3 clubs playing the same day in the 3 respective grades at one venue . While i understand that may not be palatible to many , its time we looked at this as an option. Clubs like Griffith, Aggies and City which field the 4 grades consistently should get some sort of a reward for that by playing consistent rugby - not week on 2 weeks off. I am not saying the comp should be geared around them - far from it but we should be saying 1's is where the comp needs to be geared from.

paul bristow

Charlie Fox (21)
Mens 7 1st grade teams = 3 games + bye. Each weekend. Ladies (possible) 7 teams = 3 games + bye. Each weekend. Ladies draw to fit into Mens 1st grade draw. Starting point. Then do the rest of the draw. Teams like Leeton, Deni and Hay who will be playing 2nd grade have to fit into the Mens 1st grade draw. Not the other way around. Third grade teams need to play weekly or at least at set regular intervals. Can this be done? Probably not.
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Fred Wood (13)
If you've got 7 first grade teams with a bye each weekend that would fit nicely for Hay ( or whoever is in 2's ) to play the bye teams 2's. Where it gets complicated is clubs like deni and Leeton wanting to only play 2's . As much as i I respect those clubs it cannot be at the detriment and intregity of the 1st Grade competition.

So who should we put our efforts into ? Keeping 1 grade clubs happy at the detriment of the 4 grade clubs ?


Stan Wickham (3)
Bubba & Paul - you both need to go to the AGM later on this year and express your points of view because if the Club Representatives don't speak up its going to be the same old story again next year which would be pretty disappointing.
When you look up the "Rugby Explorer" App for the SIRU 1st Grade Competition Ladder you notice that all of those Teams played only 12 matches out of 18 Rounds-This is Unsatisfactory because although there were 18 Rounds played there were 2 Weekends ( 1 for Easter & 1 for Rep Rugby) when no Club footy was played at all which makes it 12 Matches played over 20 Weekends which is ridiculous.
However when we look at the 2nd Grade Ladder we notice that those Teams played 16 matches out of 18 Rounds which is what the 1st Grade Teams should be playing in my opinion.
Having only been in the Zone for this year I would like to see that 1st Grade, 2nd Grade & Womens have the same amount of Teams and clubs like Hay, Deniliquin & Leeton play 3rd Grade or join up with another Club and be one of their Grades.
This year's Competition had too many 1st Grade Byes in it and that needs to be fixed for 2023

paul bristow

Charlie Fox (21)
I think everyone realises we have to take a different path with the draw next year Folkus. Somehow it has to be done from the top down. We can’t have the bye-athon in
1st grade like we did this year (as your research showed). Of the 1st grade clubs only Aggies, City, Griffith & Waratahs can consistently provide 2nd grade teams. This impacts Reddies, Tumut & Albury capacity to win 1st grade games when players have to back up and play more than 1 game. I think all clubs need to consider a new way of doing things next season.


Charlie Fox (21)
Lachie Day and Tom Blanch selected for the ACT and SNSW Griffins squad travelling to Adelaide for the Australian Rugby Shield beginning Wednesday

Connor Swann and Jacob Neilsen were selected as shadow players and both played big parts in the Griffins win over ACT 19s last Thursday in the one and only trial for the side.

games will be streamed I believe on YouTube channel
Thursday 6pm vs South Australia
Friday 6pm vs Perth Gold
Saturday 3pm vs Victoria

will share link when available