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Subbies 2023!


Stan Wickham (3)
If only we had some Friday night (or Saturday) finals to sink our teeth into!! Nothing beats playing under lights.
Think you’re mistaken on this one. Nothing beats Boronia Park, it is a fortress that must be cherished by every forum member

In all seriousness, completely agree!
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Sydney Middleton (9)
It has already been mentioned recently that a stint in Div 2 may be beneficial to the clubs struggling in Div 1. In recent times St Pat’s and Hunters Hill both returned better clubs after a few years in Div 2. As Heavy D suggested, neither of those clubs had it all their own way even when they were at the top of the Div 2 Club Championship (St Pat’s never won the Div 2 CC but were runner up a few years). I distinctly remember both UNSW and Newport getting the better of HH and St Pat’s over the years. I can also recall Barker Old Boys getting a Barraclough win at Hudson not that long ago. It’d be naive to say there isn’t a quality gap between div 1 and div 2 but its not as big as some may think.

Depth and strength in numbers is a huge factor in Subbies success. On my count, there hasn’t been a single 4th grade forfeit in Div 1 this year (happy to be corrected on this), which is a credit to all 9 clubs. With two clubs set to be dropped in 2024, the Richardson Cup should return which is great news BUT can we find 8 clubs in Div 2 that field 4th grade week in week out? Or is 3 grades the answer which leaves at least half your draw with an extra grade every other week and the joy of arranging Halligan cup matches?

There is no straightforward answer and there will inevitably be disappointed clubs.

The Wombat

Chris McKivat (8)
Div 1 has been really strong this year. First grade is a high standard with the teams at the bottom capable of upsets against the ladder leaders. And club numbers have been strong across the grades with all teams fielding 4th grade and many teams standing up regular 5th grades (Or more.) The only negative has been colts forfeits for Mosman and Waverley. Mosman should bounce back next year and Waverley have a path to standing up a regular colts by deepening ties to the school (which has been inconsistent over the last few years.)

It‘d be a shame for any team to go down because some div 2 teams have forfeited 3rd grade! Petersham probably make the most sense to go down. whilst they’ve had good numbers for a number of years their lower grade quality has been poor. They could benefit from getting some wins.


Herbert Moran (7)
Whilst the wallabies may have lost 4 on the trot today, out at Concord the Old Soldiers were able to go 4/4. Tough battles across the board with UNSW putting up a hell of a fight in 1s, 2s and 3s whilst the colties took home a 1 point win against the Breakers. Looking forward to hearing the other finals results across Div 2 in what is building up to be 1 hell of a finals series.


Allen Oxlade (6)
Whilst the wallabies may have lost 4 on the trot today, out at Concord the Old Soldiers were able to go 4/4. Tough battles across the board with UNSW putting up a hell of a fight in 1s, 2s and 3s whilst the colties took home a 1 point win against the Breakers. Looking forward to hearing the other finals results across Div 2 in what is building up to be 1 hell of a finals series.

It was a great day of rugby. 1s did well after a few cards. Colts went behind for the first time this year but once they found their feet, managed to pull it together.


Arch Winning (36)
Wow Concord Oval has changed a bit since I was last their 20+ years ago for the Breakers Kentwell victory. What a great facility and perfect pitch for subbies finals action.

A real contrast of rugby philosophy on display in the Newport vs Lindfield colts encounter. It ended in a nailbiting defeat for Newport who will rue what could of been with 4+ bombed tries early in the 2nd half. It was a high quality game contrasting Lindfields 10 man style, playing to their powerful tight 5, rumbling from set piece, against the Breakers run it from anywhere, crash or crash thru style. Newports focus now needs to be on a resurgent UNSW who although were dispatched 48-5 in rd 1 proved far more willing in a R12 21-20 arm wrestle. Newport get past that game and they can go in very confident that they are a massive Premiership chance. But the ole one game at a time apples here big time.

In Barraclough Newport scored 27 unanswered points to come back from a 24-7 deficit in a niggle filled game with the big bopper filled Epping outfit. A red card for a double yellow was always going to be difficult to defend against with Newports backs looking to spread the ball at every opportunity. They now meet UNSW for a place in the GF however with more injuries in the makeshift front row department a very tough challenge awaits. But finals footy, anything can happen!

P.S God bless Subbies for erasing Sefton from my finals vocabulary.


Herbert Moran (7)
Quinnies with the game of the year against Knox yesterday. The sizeable mean from Waterloo prevailing over the young Knox outfit 18-10. The game was in the balance until a try against the run of play with a few minutes remaining.

I know people criticise Knox, but they run the youngest squad in Div 3 by a considerable margin and compete every week. They are doing a lot of good things right over there.

2s also through and St Lukes was surprisingly a real nice venue to play.


Allen Oxlade (6)
Wow Concord Oval has changed a bit since I was last their 20+ years ago for the Breakers Kentwell victory. What a great facility and perfect pitch for subbies finals action.

A real contrast of rugby philosophy on display in the Newport vs Lindfield colts encounter. It ended in a nailbiting defeat for Newport who will rue what could of been with 4+ bombed tries early in the 2nd half. It was a high quality game contrasting Lindfields 10 man style, playing to their powerful tight 5, rumbling from set piece, against the Breakers run it from anywhere, crash or crash thru style. Newports focus now needs to be on a resurgent UNSW who although were dispatched 48-5 in rd 1 proved far more willing in a R12 21-20 arm wrestle. Newport get past that game and they can go in very confident that they are a massive Premiership chance. But the ole one game at a time apples here big time.

In Barraclough Newport scored 27 unanswered points to come back from a 24-7 deficit in a niggle filled game with the big bopper filled Epping outfit. A red card for a double yellow was always going to be difficult to defend against with Newports backs looking to spread the ball at every opportunity. They now meet UNSW for a place in the GF however with more injuries in the makeshift front row department a very tough challenge awaits. But finals footy, anything can happen!

P.S God bless Subbies for erasing Sefton from my finals vocabulary.

Congratulations on your effort yesterday.

Colts I felt you were better team for two thirds of the game but I did think we came home stronger with the even and had more in the tank at the end. It still could of gone either way and if you didnt bomb that easy chance you win.


Jimmy Flynn (14)
Cracking day in Div 1 this week.
Colleagues look like they will miss the finals unless they get a bit of luck this weekend (Mosman to win without a bonus point and Waverley to only get 1 bonus point- Or Drummoyne to lose at home to Forest). Bit of a statement there from Blueys coming into the last round
All other results going as planned.

Huge weekend this week up against a few strong Prelim finals in Div 2 and 3. Any other reviews of the games?
Lindfield seemed to do it easy in 1st and 2nd grade


Nathan Sharpe (72)
Cracking day in Div 1 this week.

"Delicately poised" is how I'd put it.

Kentwell - Hunters and Blueys are in. Any one of Colleagues, Drummoyne, Waverley, or Mosman could fill the other 2 spots.
Burke - Colleagues Minor Premiers. HH and Drummoyne locked in. Waves or St Pats get the remaining spot
Whiddon - Waves, Drummoyne, Colleagues in. Mosman or Forest round it out.
Judd - Mosman, Colleagues, Waverley in. Drummoyne, Blueys, Forest striving for the last spot.
Barbour - St Pats by the length of the straight. Forest locked in. Colleagues (3rd on 38) are safe based on Drummoyne (4th on 35) are playing Hunters Hill (5th on 34).

Of the 9 clubs, 8 will be represented in Finals Week 1. That's a good sign from my point of view.

Petersham the odd one out - 18 wins across 55 games but no grade standing much above the others.

At this point Colleagues have won the Club Championship?


Herbert Moran (7)
That game was intense I watched it
I watched it as well, I’m all for backing the refs but the one for this game needs to go back to school. Completely lost control of the game and was blowing penalties and showing cards out of thin air against the Renegades from the start. Luckily for the Renegades it didn’t cost them a finals spot in the end.


Nathan Sharpe (72)
In terms of the game, there were decisions that we have to own. We played the ref's game, and not ours, and got what we probably deserved on the scoreboard.

Saints played hard, accurate footy and deserved the win.


Nathan Sharpe (72)
Refereeing is a tough gig, and we don't have eyes all over the field, nor do we have TV and endless replays to back us up when we're out in the middle with the whistle. I've managed to referee one game this year due to club commitments, and while it was 5th Grade, I did my best to ensure I got things right; it's all you can really do.

As the club's qualified ref, I am on the sideline with a flag most weeks for our games. Generally speaking I understand why decisions are made or not, and am prepared to give the referee the benefit of the doubt because their perspective is different to mine.

Having seen some of the decisions both live and on review, I must admit I'm still a little puzzled by some of them.

Definitely not the red card though. We do not sanction any of those actions.
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Bob McCowan (2)
Refereeing is a tough gig, and we don't have eyes all over the field, nor do we have TV and endless replays to back us up when we're out in the middle with the whistle. I've managed to referee one game this year due to club commitments, and while it was 5th Grade, I did my best to ensure I got things right; it's all you can really do.

As the club's qualified ref, I am on the sideline with a flag most weeks for our games. Generally speaking I understand why decisions are made or not, and am prepared to give the referee the benefit of the doubt because their perspective is different to mine.

Having seen some of the decisions both live and on review, I must admit I'm still a little puzzled by some of them.

Definitely not the red card though. We do not sanction any of those actions.
Well done mate I commend you and all the effort you put in in trying to get 5 off the field