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Sydney Colts - 2015

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kiwi playing in Oz

Allen Oxlade (6)
The result at Penrith is a disgrace. Teams are gross mismatches because the points system is useless . Men against boys does not work. The randwick colts 1 forwards are man size , the majority of teams are schoolboy size. Dodgy islander birth dates suspected.

I find your comment really offensive claiming 'dodgy islander birth dates'. If you had a brain you might consider that the physical of an 'islander' is very different to those of other ethnicities. Racism is not tolerated in this country though we all know it exists!


Stan Wickham (3)
It is not fascist to call an islander an islander when that is what they call themselves. I have no trouble with islanders they are outstanding persons and rugby player. I have a problem with mismatched competitions or doubtful birthdays.


Ward Prentice (10)
Salary cap for colts? Who pays their colts? I'm sure a few get scholarships and some minor benefits but I believe the majority of players play for a club because it's either their local club or they have confidence in the coaches and want to play with their mates. Sure there is recruitment of players outside of the club area but if there is no substance behind that (and I'm not talking about money) then a club would not be successful. Penrith are at a disadvantage just by their location and socio economic situation but there are some great people involved there at junior and senior level. I don't know what the answer is to help them sustain strong player numbers but it shouldn't be to penalise other clubs for doing a good job. I do believe the player point system needs to be tightened up in regards to exemptions offered for a player to play 5 min in a lower grade etc. but I'm far from being up to speed with the latest rules.


Stan Wickham (3)
So it is a mere coincidence that the rich clubs have the strongest teams and paid coaches and managers. ???

the baz

Alfred Walker (16)
I can attest that coaches and managers do NOT get paid, in fact, it cost money to coach, in time, travel, having to attend coaching courses, at times purchasing equipment, helping players with fees.


Alfred Walker (16)
I'd like to know how many clubs are "rich".
The Rich Clubs are those with a Culture of excellence. Excellence defined as the best you can do at the time with the resources you have.
In these Rich Clubs you have wonderful volunteers who gladly invest their time and energy.
The Rich club Coaches understand that winning Rugby games is more fun than losing them, but that sometimes you will lose and that requires character.
These coaches understand how to Nurture the talent and character of their players.
The players in Rich Clubs love playing the greatest contact sport on the planet. They support one another in aiming for excellence. They compete fiercely, but in such a way that their opposition is never diminished in person.
Some of these Rich Clubs will have far less cash on hand than some of the poorer clubs.
End of Sermon;)


Ron Walden (29)
The Randwick Colts 1 Forwards were published as:
1. Cambell Shearer
2. Nick Koutsoukais
3. Jackson Parkes
4. Patrick Kava
5. Beau Petterson
6. Dan Hughes
7. Jum Woodhill
8. Hame Tali

I wonder how many of the Randwick colts are local Juniors - 10 in the NSW U20s accordong to their site. There are a few familiar names there.
(grenade lobbed)


Alfred Walker (16)
I wonder how many of the Randwick colts are local Juniors - 10 in the NSW U20s accordong to their site. There are a few familiar names there.
(grenade lobbed)
Gibbo - as one great Australian said, "Please Explain" What Grenade did you just lob?


Fred Wood (13)
7 of those 10 players are Gordon juniors.

I wouldn't look at the U20's boys, that will just about break your heart!!!!! I know of at least 7 who are also Gordon Juniors not playing for the Highlanders!


Ron Walden (29)
I wouldn't look at the U20's boys, that will just about break your heart!!!!! I know of at least 7 who are also Gordon Juniors not playing for the Highlanders!

Thats what I meant....Randiwck are claiming 10 NSW U-20s players. 7 of those guys went through the Gordon Jrs program

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
The old chestnut of Clubs claiming "ownership" of players forever due to an earlier accident of geography when kids were tweenagers.

Many District clubs invest very little in their junior rep programmes, although Gordon has done well with a select few players until Under 16's in the past. Often these kids have been marshalled by accident or deliberate strategy into one Superclub team that has destroyed all opposition before it in the A grade SJRU competition and in doing so some other clubs have folded when they have lost their rock stars.

Some junior village clubs in other districts have followed a similar pattern with similar results in their district.

Many of these superclubs have relied upon Private School boys backing up on Sunday for club, which generally works up until U15's. The manipulation of eligibility criteria for NSW JRU State Championships and SJRU Grand Finals is usually good for U15's and U16's but not any higher.

Come under 17's the former champion District rep team that has been very competitive since Under 11's can't win a game at State Championships because the District only has B and C division level players left, many of whom have had zero coaching beyond Village Club over the period U11-U16 because of all the development effort being directed to the Private School Rockstars.

The good news story is that there are some local juniors that some districts have "developed", but how much of this development has occurred when those folk have been in the Private School System, or while they have been at Schoolboy Association Rep sides, or JGS/NGS for that matter?

The bad news story for many districts claiming ownership of former juniors is that they have done nothing for their Junior Village Club programmes apart from allowing them to play in a Jumper that is similar to the District Shute Shield Team jumper.

Kids develop strong friendships with their mates at school and often follow them to a "foreign" club so they can continue playing footy with a kid they have played with since the Under 13 A's at School x.

Kids and parents and, for the lucky few Megastars, player managers are not stupid and they work out pretty quickly which club offers them the best chance to progress their careers based on an analysis of the Club and what it offers them rugby wise.

While bagging the Wicks for poaching former Gordon players, be aware that it is not all one way traffic and Wicks have "lost" one of their former juniors who was an Aust Schoolboy last year. Having attended Joeys, this players last game for Wicks village club or the District Rep side was probably as an U13 player. The recent recruits to Wicks in his position are former Easts and Gordon Juniors (also former Oz Schoolboys) are seen as obstacles to his progression and he has registered with another club that has a few of his Joeys mates, and no former Schoolboy rockstars ahead of him.

Aspiratinal Rockstar players soon get jack of playing 2nd Grade footy and will frequently move to places where they can get a gig in the First Grade. Ask Son of Pulverisor.

If they are to get loyalty from their former Juniors once they are churned out of the Private School and Junior Gold Squad development machine as 18 1/2 year old young men, Shute Shield clubs need to engage more constructively with all their Junior Village Clubs (not just the successful ones with the Rockstar players) than appears to be the general case across the board with the normal relationship more akin to "Lip Service" than "developmental". Like respect, loyalty is earned and can not be demanded.

In saying so, Gordon appear to have done reasonably well from the Class of 2014. The recent restructuring, reinvigoration and rejuvenation at the club must have helped to attract/re-attract these young men to their colours.

Brett Kenna

Frank Row (1)
That might be true but it was Randwicks programs that got them where they are today!
Lets take Andrew Kellaway for example. Gordon junior who played with Hunters Hill. As a year 6 primary school student at Boronia Road with his brother, both played for the NSW PSSA teams nad Andrew was awarded at the end of that competition the Golden Boot Award. I would suggest the talent was well and truely their prior to going to Randwick, as for most probably all the other U20 NSW - Randwick players. Most of the credit should go to the years of basic rugby skills learnt from a young age and a lot of natural talent, rather than what Randwick may have done in the last 2-4 years when they were picked up towards the end of their high school years.
Both Sam Connor and his older brother Tom were both Hawkesbury juniors!!!
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