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Sydney Colts - 2016

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Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Sydney Colts Season 2015 is all over bar the shouting.

Time to start the Season 2016 wang.

Any movements in the Coaching ranks?

What Clubs are the 2015 Year 12 graduates going to?
A few Private School players have already signalled their intent by moonlighting with Colts during School Holidays, and many CCC, CHS and AICES players in Year 12 have done a full year of Colts in 2015.

Who is going to do a Henry Hutchison and Latu Latunipulu and bypass Colts straight for Grade Rugby in their first year out of School? Theo Strang from Scots could be next as he has already been selected for the Sydney Stars in the 2015 NRC.

2016 will see us farewell most of the Class of 2013 to Grade footy, and a chunk of the Class of 2014 will not see much Colts action either due to early promotion to Grade, or being absent on State and National Under 20 Representative duties.

Will the Gordon Highlanders and Eastern Suburbs resurgence maintain momentum into 2016?
After a couple of competitive years the Manly Marlins had a less than stellar year and there is shaping up to be a real ding dong scrap with Warringah over where the St Augustines Class of 2015 will end up.

After a forgettable start to the season, the Rats came home quite strongly and if they can rebuild by hanging on to quality players from their hinterland, they could be a force again.

What is going to happen with Penrith 1st Grade Colts? They were competitive when relegated to Colts 2nd Grade, as some on here suggested needed to happen, but that still leaves a bye in Colts Ones.

Randwick picked up the gauntlet in 2015, taking the Colts Club Championship for the first time in forever from Sydney University. Will they be able to maintain their targeted recruiting and talent retention campaign, or will some players who may be are stuck behind a roadblock player in their position "jump ship" to another club to get some game time in Colts 1's.

Plans for season 2016 are in motion at most clubs and Pre-Season training will start in mid to late October in many clubs after a short break.

Recruiting of this years crop of Schoolboy Rockstars is well under way and if the snouts are to be believed, most have already committed. After all the Rockstars are looked after, there are still a swag of positions in Colts 2's and 3's that need to be filled by young men who just want to run around a park with their mates.

Under 18 (Colts 4ths) was a measured success in its inaugural year, with 8 teams initially although a few dropped by the wayside fairly quickly. With more time to recruit, hopefully there will be a full complement of Under 18 teams in 2016 that manage to stay together for the full 18 rounds.

Any changes coming to the Player Points System?
Will there be some recognition, or points loading, for selection in State, National or other Union National Under 20 Teams, or NRC Team Selection?
How about an embargo on State, or National (incl other nations) Under 20's players playing Colts 2's or Colts 3's, regardless of the date that they were selected for that team?

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Is this the First Cab off the rank for 2016?



Frank Row (1)
First post on this G&GR. Long time reader though.
I've got a couple of questions.
Easts advertised for a FT Colts Coach a while back, has this been announced? What happened to the coach this year?
I have also heard whispers of a big influx of 2015 U18 country players about to embark on the colts comp next year. Has anyone heard this? Are they all going to 1 club?

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Welcome to G&GR @VekoMan. Good to have you break the duck.

I would be very surprised if Pauliasi Taumoepeau wasn't appointed in the Colts Coach Role. He is a very competent coach with obvious success based on recent results at the Beasties.

I suspect that the position may have been advertised as part of good governance by the Easts Board, rather than dissatisfaction with his performance or a desire to see change.
If they manage to find a better candidate then they will have done well, and I would imagine that Pauli will be snapped up fairly quickly by another club.

Former NSW Country players can be found in most clubs, and The Clipboards are getting pretty good at recruiting from areas previously considered the exclusive domain of rival clubs. That being said, Coasties typically migrate towards Gordon or Norths, and the Illawarra players generally head towards Southern Districts or RandWick for obvious geographic reasons. It also depends where they are studying, living or working and where their mates are playing.

Beware of all the snake oil weasel words associated with "Scholarship". They are not all equal, most are worth very little monetarily, and the devil is frequently in the detail. Same goes for "accommodation assistance" or "job placement". Not that Clubs are being unscrupulous, but sometimes players and parents have unrealistic expectations of precisely what is on the table at recruitment time.


Frank Row (1)
Beware of all the snake oil weasel words associated with "Scholarship". They are not all equal, most are worth very little monetarily, and the devil is frequently in the detail. Same goes for "accommodation assistance" or "job placement". Not that Clubs are being unscrupulous, but sometimes players and parents have unrealistic expectations of precisely what is on the table at recruitment time.

I totally agree with this. Well written.
I have been in short conversations with a couple of colts boys (I've read the rules and I dont think its wise to name them) and they have said that club offers vary from monetary to assistance with jobs and uni placements.

the baz

Alfred Walker (16)
well done to woods on appointing new head colts coach for 2016.
Good squad to work with - coach former norths lower grade coach.


Frank Row (1)
Anyone heard of any major colts signings?
I hear Randwick have Gittoes from Joeys. Will 2016 be the usual Randwick / Uni fight for the top guys?

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)


Event Details

You are invited to attend the Norths Rugby Aspiring Colts Information Evening.

- Hear about our Premier U20s program
- Presentations from Head Coach, Simon Cron & Head Colts Coach, Joel Rivers
- An overview on player care by Norths & Aus 20s Physio, Campbell Hanson
- Chat with Australian 7s, NRC & current Norths colts players

Thursday, September 10th

Arrival 6:00pm
Start 6.15pm

Mollie Dive Stand, North Sydney Oval


Billy Sheehan (19)
Graeme (graham) stokes

Top bloke. Was a good player back In his day and coached randwick colts in the late 90's, which I was lucky enough to be under his tutelage.
He's also not to be fucked with, being a weapons trainer at the police academy and part of the riot squad with NSW police.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-AK (Andrew Kellaway)-xpf1/t31.0-8/11879115_10153639124481584_3545036257360970170_o.jpg
Ahoy Pirates. Wednesday 23 September 2015 7pm - 8pm at Concord Oval


Frank Row (1)
Theres a large Scots contingent heading to Easts. Has anyone else heard this? Theres something happening down there. They seem to have come from nothing to now having top school kids playing there.
I'm hearing good things about Gordon recruitment also. Hopefully Gordon can continue their improvement. Well done Highlanders
Good to see some other clubs getting some of the talent.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Kids aren't stupid. Ambitious ones will look at where last years rock stars are at and go to clubs where they believe they can get a Colts 1 start, rather than "languish" in the 2's for a year behind last years Rock Stars who will be in their second year of Colts. They will also be attracted to Clubs with solid coaching groups. Pauli T at Easts is an extremely good coach (assuming he has retained his job which was recently advertised), and the Beasties have stated an intention to rebuild from the bottom up. http://eastsrugby.com.au/eastern-suburbs-rebuilding-bottom/

Gordon have righted the ship and are well placed to leverage off the 2015 successes as they rebuild their club roster after several very lean years. Plenty of talented school leavers will see an opportunity to grow and develop at Chatswood Oval.

The Corporation tend to naturally attract Country kids who end up at one or other of the Residential Colleges, and they have a habit of promoting kids into Grade earlier than many other clubs. This can help to move Rock Star "roadblocks" on and free up slots in the roster for this years crop of aspirational Rock Stars. Randi-Wix is doing similar but they need to get some more of their talent moving on up into Super Rugby or they will be posting "House Full" signs up soon. The Shoremen have been doing quite well recently with their Colts programme, and will have a lot of their 2015 roster back in 2016.

I am hearing that some exciting things are happening out 2 Blues way, and they may well be the 2016 surprise package.

Rats and Marlins will scrap over the talent coming out of Augies as they have done for years, and there is word on the bush telegraph that Rats may not be the poor cousin in the recruiting stakes next year.

Time will tell. Pre Season will start for some clubs reasonably soon. Initial NSW U20 squad invitations have been issued, and a good number of 2016 Colts eligible players are in NRC or NRC development teams.


Frank Row (1)
Kids aren't stupid. Ambitious ones will look at where last years rock stars are at and go to clubs where they believe they can get a Colts 1 start, rather than "languish" in the 2's for a year behind last years Rock Stars who will be in their second year of Colts. They will also be attracted to Clubs with solid coaching groups. Pauli T at Easts is an extremely good coach (assuming he has retained his job which was recently advertised), and the Beasties have stated an intention to rebuild from the bottom up. http://eastsrugby.com.au/eastern-suburbs-rebuilding-bottom/

Gordon have righted the ship and are well placed to leverage off the 2015 successes as they rebuild their club roster after several very lean years. Plenty of talented school leavers will see an opportunity to grow and develop at Chatswood Oval.

The Corporation tend to naturally attract Country kids who end up at one or other of the Residential Colleges, and they have a habit of promoting kids into Grade earlier than many other clubs. This can help to move Rock Star "roadblocks" on and free up slots in the roster for this years crop of aspirational Rock Stars. Randi-Wix is doing similar but they need to get some more of their talent moving on up into Super Rugby or they will be posting "House Full" signs up soon. The Shoremen have been doing quite well recently with their Colts programme, and will have a lot of their 2015 roster back in 2016.

I am hearing that some exciting things are happening out 2 Blues way, and they may well be the 2016 surprise package.

Rats and Marlins will scrap over the talent coming out of Augies as they have done for years, and there is word on the bush telegraph that Rats may not be the poor cousin in the recruiting stakes next year.

Time will tell. Pre Season will start for some clubs reasonably soon. Initial NSW U20 squad invitations have been issued, and a good number of 2016 Colts eligible players are in NRC or NRC development teams.

what have you heard about the M2B in 2016?

the baz

Alfred Walker (16)
have spoken to many recently and have heard to same thing.
Many just want to play with their school mates, but easts will have some handy players going there. The juggle will be fitting them in with this years crop, who were very handy.
I would be keen to see where the second rower McCauley goes, he is a rare talent.
Wix have a few of the scots boys going to tem as well, but I have not heard of many going to the students (but once kids get into uni, it generally pans out for the corporation)

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-AK (Andrew Kellaway)-xap1/v/t1.0-1/c14.14.172.172/11919_472167772848140_2012127732_n.jpg?oh=d7260d9a141437cfb7cbea001e2f2731&oe=563D89CF&__gda__=1446886586_81e2a2936cb337865d57e24c4fc9bc27

Randwick Colts Induction for new and returning players – Thursday 12 November – Venue TBC.
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